Tuesday 14 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog, 14/6/16; History as indeology; When you have to go back to 2013 you have McCrann; Apology for Abbott, I apologize; Hate -speech is fun speech for Andrew Bolt; The great smokescreen; They tell us MPs are over paid; The Revenge of the Del Cons is not just in the gloating; Gert Wilders army I guess if Christ returned he'd need one too; Bolt's Dr Strangelove moment;


Turnbull: whites “invaded” this land. This “always will be Aboriginal land”


Bolt is the most confused debater and embarrassment to Australia.

James Cook didn't "find Australia it wasn't lost and was there before him. DNA science has shown Indigenous Australians have a genetic connection that dates back 40,000 years. A connection not all Australians have. Even conservatives wouldn't agree with Bolt's "I'm also a First Australian "fantasy. Tony Abbott for one would would think him a crack pot.

First peoples don't deny Australia the way Bolt denies them denigrating their culture much the same as the colonists did. Accepting history for what it was from the perspective of the indigenous people doesn't racially divide the country it in fact makes a whole a reality more inclusive it unites rather than separates. Truth Liberates the Germans are practicing it in their schools on a daily basis today and are proud of it.  The Dutch hid their past and are only recently accepting their Nazi connections.The Germans are saying sorry every day in order to not have history repeat itself and insuring a very different Germany in the future. 

Bolt can't abide by this because that does mean change. Changes he can't accept such as company boards made up of 50% workers. It also means  saying sorry and that does mean liberating indigenous people daily for however long it takes erasing what  it took  227 to miscreate.

  It's why Bolt denies history so vociferously because it suggests change and time which also means cost. The only history he abides by is a history that promotes the status quo and any social engineering being that which maintains it. Fundamentally that entails a move to fascism or the coming together of conservative government and corporate power. Democracy no longer can insure that stability.

"And so the racial division of this country proceeds, encouraged by the party many would have expected to resist." Bolt

Racial division, ethnic division, gender division, etc all get in the way of Bolt's single minded society with one ruling party. Hey isn't that what ISIS want's with it's Caliphate and that Nth Korea has and Mussolini wanted?





Shorten goes back to Labor’s disastrous past


When  after three years McCrann can't do anything but turn back the clock to 2013 and earlier when he needs to avoid doing what Andrew Bolt has proved below that Abbott lied in 2013 and again during 2015 telling us the crisis was over  and therefore not due to a hostile Senate then all you can conclude he was the world's worst negotiator. He almost broke John Gorton's record of the least Bills passed. McCrann says Labor had a disastrous past yet Gillard negotiated almost 100 more Bills through a hostile Senate than Abbott. Isn't the passing of Bills what government business is all about. Nope Nope Nope whose the famous PM whose voice still echoes through our ears.



Where’s their apology to Abbott?


Abbott told us the crisis was over they'd done the job

"Under Labor the budget was completely out of control. Under us, it's manageable". Then, in case we missed it: "we have got the budget situation from out of control, to manageable".

ERGO " it is asking us to believe several contradictory things at once. First, that the Coalition inherited a budget emergency. Second that its job of responding to that emergency has been relentlessly sabotaged by the opposition and other senate riff-raff. Third, that in spite of this relentless blocking, the budgetary repair job has somehow been done. Turns out the opposition weren't blocking terribly much. Or that the stuff they were blocking was unnecessary to fix the budget, anyway, in which case they weren't as irresponsible as we were being asked to believe."

SO Abbott was lying according to Andrew Bolt and there was an emergency. But didn't we also hear Hockey tell the NZers there wasn't a crisis. Why should we thank Bolt's liar. Thank you Bolt for pointing out Abbott was a liar before the election and 18 months into him being PM. 




What else would Labor destroy to please its union mates?


Bolt is obviously suggesting vilification can be handled by our current defamation laws where $$$ demand you think twice before suing. Bolt has lost two such actions one to the tune of $250,000. He didn't pay a thing when opening his mouth News Corp lawyers the fine and all costs weren't borne by him. How many cases have been settled privately we will never know. However thank god for Section 18C which takes these actions out of the private arena. It really makes people think twice before just saying anything when they are public broadcasters. Is there a country anywhere where legislation protects hate speech?




Yiannopolous: the Left chooses Islam over gays


How much work did this blog take Andrew 1 minute. The blogs below were done in a deck chair as well. What we have here is a major straight problem

"The UNHRC reported last year 594 hate related killings of LGBTs in 25 countries not just the 7 Bolt's referring to. 1612 Transgender killings in 61 countries not just the 7 Bolt's referring to. More than one every 2 days."

When 97% of the major experts  involved in explaining Omar Mateen motivation have  come to agree he was a lone wolf with a mental illness Andrew Bolt picks up where he left off with Man Haron Monis denying and ignoring the experts altogether when they also said mental illness was the primary trigger. Bolt has a choice of explanations but what explanation will provide him with the most political mileage and that choice for him is always simple. Islamophobia is always the one to run with even if the facts don't fit. Forget the FBI , forget his ex-wife, forget his father, forget the notion of American homophobia,  forget the UNHRC statistics but go for Islam. Not radical Islam anymore but your every day run of the mill Islam and make out it's the only seriously homophobic  culture in the world and not just a "straight" problem,why? To divide Australians in a way that just doesn't divide out 3% of us but it's intended to divide that 97% of us into making a choice. It is there to deflect and distract us from the real division in this country  the economic division and  our class differences. Islam is just the side show Bolt wants us drawn to  away from the main game our class differences. The primary difference that effect our daily lives and who as a consequence we should vote for. Donald Trump has done the same. If we paid attention to what effects us the most we'd have a Labor government.




Oakeshott finds politics rewarding

There's no complaint from Bramston or Bolt that politicians are overpaid. Remember Hockey and his wife's ACT house $237 a night with 2 other polly mates living there. Where they giving him another $474 a night making it $711 per night or were they splitting it. No matter how the break up went the perks  are awfully good. Bramston seems to be whinging about Oakshot whinging and Bolt is posting the whinging on his whinging blog. Happy lot aren't they. However I smell envy because how often does Parliament sit? Poor Andrew he tells us he works 70 hours a week. Sounds more like a politician to me.



Now it’s O’Dwyer’s turn

The Del-Con gloat. Remember the IPA strategy vote as John Stone told you exact revenge the time will come to "bring back Tony"  Will the ever re-brand themselves and pretend to be Liberal?



Who minds our gates? And why does the Left hate Wilders but tolerate what he warns of?


I guess there's a significant difference between a religious spokes person and a politician with a record. However if I recall Gert Wilders did come to Australia and Bolt's Dutch prophet was let in and allowed to speak. Strange Bolt always claims our immigration tests need to be stricter in vetting applications not less.  Gilders presance in the US inflamed people so much deaths occurred and it cost millions in surveillance. That is a significant reason alone to question the wisdom of letting him in, death. Nevertheless Bolt portrays him as some Christ like  figure  a Messiah . "It is amazing. When Dutch political leader Geert Wilders, who warns of the threat of Islam, wanted to come speak in Australia he faced huge obstacles. His visa was delayed, politicians condemned and refused to meet him, he was denied permission to speak on government property, venues refused to host him and Muslim and Jewish groups vilified him, as did journalists and academics, while Left-wing protesters assaulted Australians wanting to hear him.." rather than a who was here to vilify a group of Australians and not just a religion but all those Australians who follow it. Bolt fails to mention that both Ismamic and Christian preachers both freely advocate beliefs in the death of gays. Bolt however seems to make it exclusive to Islamic fundamentalists only. Ignorance is what ignorance is when preaching.Two gunmen shot dead at anti-Islam art show in Texas

Paid Provocateurs Bolt wanted the government to support 



Moral coward: Birmingham’s rage at Islam’s preachers of hate is transferred to those who oppose them

 Image result for images of Dr Strangelove 

Donald Trump’s Exploitation of Orlando – The New Yorker

 John Oliver on Orlando shooting

Andrew Bolt lives isolated from the rest of the world in a mental bubble of his own making. We call that mental illness. He's out there slaying  dragons  the rest of us can't see. A shot of  anti- psychotic medication may or may not bring him round. An American homophobic G4S employee who wanted to be a cop who had major anger management issues was allowed to legally buy an assault weapon and a hand gun and go injure and kill 103 people in and enclosed space which he "thought" might be gay  and we have Bolt declaring that not "straight terrorism" but Islam. Bolt knows nothing about the man other than what his ex wife and father have said but that's irrelevant because it doesn't fit his Quixotic narrative. Like Bolt Donald Trump presidential candidate who if president will have his finger on the red button takes the opportunity to put his slant on the event saying it's supported everything he's ever said about Islam as well. The two are simply fictional characters out of Dr Strangelove.  The reality .Straight terrorism . "The UNHRC reported last year 594 hate related killings of LGBTs in 25 countries not just the 7 Bolt's referring to. 1612 Transgender killings in 61 countries not just the 7 Bolt's referring to. More than one every 2 days."Bolt even seems he's running out of puff and has no confidence in his own rant when all he can say after reality bites is " Oh, an it’s all a problem to solved by stopping the importation of guns, not the importation of people with a certain ideology:" Even Americans have come to realize their gun laws coupled with the world of hate-speech that surrounds them the hate-speech exemplified by the likes of Donald Trump, that's supported by Fox News, just might be the trigger for American mayhem and Bolt wants us to legislate and have it here.

I might point out Bolt raises every act committed by Muslims worldwide paricularly in the EU as examples for  locking refugees out of Western Christian territories like the EU. Every fart a Muslim makes is recorded by Bolt. But when good old white Russians and English men riot in the streets of France he says nothing.

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