Thursday 9 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 9/6/16; You can't make this up


Column - The real Malcolm at last



How two faced is Andrew Bolt?

1 He criticized the first debate held by Sky as a n empty and inadequate format

2 He attcked the skills of David Speers as moderator.

3 Given Turnbull declared he wanted a debate to be held for greater ratings than what Sky delivers Bolt decides to attack as if he's some sort of coward. If Paul Murray the star performer can only achieve a rating of 36,000 at his best and Bolt was rating at 25,000 why would anybody play to to that sort of audience? 

4 Note Bolt doesn't explain any of that he's spat the dummy the man simply can't attract anyone to the Bolt Report can't produce an interesting program that delivers any fresh incite into the political world we live. The Bolt Report is a Lazy Susan of repetitive personalities from News Corp and politics any current day persons seem to find it's a show not worth appearing on. Poor media is simply poor and uninteresting media that seems to serve no purpose and has a viral impact on audiences. 

5 As for PLUs when do your ever see Bolt in public? He won't walk the streets of Coburg or Dandenong is paranoid about his privacy and he comfortably dares say "
"Then there’s Turnbull’s obvious discomfort in meeting people who are not PLU — People Like Us." Take the challenge Bolt and express your opinions on the streets of anywhere Vic or Coburg markets will do. Guess well see you there when hell freezes over

6 Bolt's a Conservative who thoroughly supports the the extreme of the Republican Party. You can't make this up!!


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