Saturday 11 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/6/16; Why isn't it the Conservative Party then?; Paranoia doesn't mean they are not out out to get you; Bolt and anti- science;


Brexit vote soars

Even Bolt has no idea of the consequences of Brexit nor does he know why. "One huge consequence of mass illegal immigration - and also the legal kind - in Europe. And one big retreat from the Leftist project:"Bolt    Brexit: Why Immigrants Aren't Taking Britons' Jobs

EU referendum: British public wrong about nearly everything, survey shows




Turnbull tells Hartcher to be patient


Peter of Bellvue Hill notes most of Bolt's arguments one wonders just how much of Bolt's book is noted by Bolt's Troll. If one was to do a blog count on the influence of  Peter BH on all of Bolt's work one would have to suggest Peter the troll was  Superman  and Bolt was Clark Kent the bumbling and struggling reporter.

Anyway Turnbull is right with the change of leadership came a lot of and  still remains Abbott's conservative baggage which he can't shrug off until after the election. Australians have changed since Abbott has gone an the fear mongering can be seen for what it is the left over extremist conservative tactics of the Liberal Party. Abbott has stepped back trying to look like Mr Nice Guy leaving the hard yards with the IPA, the minority right in the Party and the extreme right Murdoch media. So yes if Turnbull wins you can expect a change in the Liberal party an even more viscous campaign to undermine the leader. You see Abbott's not going away. However unless issues like same sex marriage, more humane treatment of asylum seekers clean energy banks and white collar corporate crime aren't addressed Turnbull's image will be really a reflection of Abbott's. That is not left but Liberal why after all is it called  the Liberal Party. It's not called the Conservative Party. If it is why haven't they changed the name to reflect just who they really are?





Oops. Academics admit the thugs are actually on the Left, not Right

Yes I guess this supports the theory that just because your Paranoid does not mean  they are not there and out to get you. Hitler Franco and Stalin were all just misunderstood nice guys as are UPF and Reclaim Australia




Another university shuts down a sceptic


What a moron Bolt is Science is a sceptic discipline dependent on a strict peer reviewed process. Apparently  a Professor Ridd " was found guilty of “failing to act in a collegial way and in the academic spirit of the institution”. I'm sure the full story remains untold. Let me say this Andrew Bolt also quoted the head of the GBR Marine Authority in ridiculing Tim Flannery as well using the same sort of argument. Only to find Dr Russell Reichelt denying he'd said anything of the sort. Bolt conveniently got his message out without acknowledging he was wrong with his facts and lied. 

So Bolt repeats this argument of reef recovery by pointing to a survey of 11 of 12 reefs in the south GBR when the GBR is in fact made up of 2,900 reefs. So the 11 reefs have little or no significant relevance to the bleaching in the North over 2000 km away.  Again Bolt doesn't really give a complete story. His argument is akin to saying  dead people are in a state of recovery because the hair and nails continue to grow. Or melanomas aren't anything to worry about because so small and isolated.

Here he is again saying scientific predictions can be made short term and be exact science has no right to tell us what we should be doing in our back yards. I think Bolt needs to read more on the consequences global warming has had for increased rainfall and flooding and not just the consequences of increase droughts. How is it that Bolt isn't criticizing the Insurance industry for paying attention to these ludicrous  scientific predictions. Why is Bolt turning back the clock turning to arguments that are 10 years old trying prove points that have been staring us in the face today. Last year he was still trying to convince us the planet was cooling when we have had 6 years of record breaking heat.  Basically he's thrown the baby out with the bath water declaring science to be an inadequate explainer of the world in which we live. He's yet to come up with a better source of knowledge and has lumped it together with religion.


Dictator Andrews destroys himself and Shorten in trying to give the CFA to the unions

The CFA is dad's army which needs professionalizing and  should not just be reliant on sentimental popularity. They  have a history of starting fires both by arson and unintended accidents when burning back. Does Bolt believe nostalgic sentiment really outweighs professional improvement? Why is there so much opposition to rational progress that's sorely needed. Rationality vs Sentiment is the battle and political opportunity is just putting us at risk. "The outcome was as plain as the first flames of a fire. The CFA would come under the control of the firefighters union, ending decades of proud and independent service by Victoria and Australia’s most respected volunteer organization" What we have is a Bolt distortion that the CFA  should not be under the control of professional firefighters, that all that's required  is decades of proud service rather than professionalizing it. No disrespect has been shown by Dan Andrews  other than the pure political advantage that the  conservatives see in doing nothing and opposing progress.

" Union firefighters knocked on doors and handed out how-to-vote cards at polling booths for Labor while wearing their uniforms, their fire trucks parked in full view…"  Is this the logical  conservative political complaint? Why then does Matt Corman MP defend Hastie's to  campaign in ADF uniform? Do people fail to see the  two faced political contradiction when raving about firemen in uniforms?

"The safety of Victorians, their homes and towns is at stake. This bushfire is all about personal politics. Shame on Mr Andrews"

 So Bolt  believes  Victorians are in the capable hands of unpaid volunteers who will stop their houses burning and  insurance premiums rising.  Given the past 6 years of ever increasing temperatures let's leave it to amateurs to protect us hey and let the insurance costs escalate. Yes Bolt's throwing in the CFMEU, organized crime, etc and admitting that rationality isn't needed by adding nothing  but his political fantasy and agenda. Let's face it he believes the AMA is a left wing union and that doctors have been kidnapped. Maybe he believes we need  a volunteer health service akin to the CFA and not just left wing doctors. What does Bolt volunteer for other than making sure smoke get's in our eyes? 

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