Saturday 25 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,25/6/16; Bolt's flipped and joined the Working class of the UK; Bolt's strange book ad; Bolt cries charge Back to the Future. The Golum is waiting;


The Stolen Generation of the UK were actually Kidnapped




 The British people have risen up

When Andrew Bolt gave up Principle danced and pretended he was  Labor

" Following this repudiation of the internationalist elites, watch the Left run even harder against giving the public a say on same-sex marriage, too."

Britain hasn't found victory in Democracy they have divided themselves. Will there be a military invasion of Scotland & Northern Ireland? They already know what that's like. Has Democracy actually destroyed the UK? Bolt's invasion of immigrants is a mythNicola Sturgeon announces plans for second Scottish independence referendum after UK votes for Brexit


So let it be said Andrew Bolt is against Corporate Globalization, the Internationalist Elite like Rupert Murdoch and believes it's a necessity that we have just seen our trading gateway to the EU closed. So in fact Bolt is against TTP's and what they stand for  and he's declaring that here. I don't think Andrew Bolt really knows what it is he's saying. "Following this repudiation of the internationalist elites, watch the Left run even harder against giving the public a say on same-sex marriage, too."  It would appear his homophobia has taken over his brain and blinded him to the consequences of everything else that has occurred and what it economically means for us.  Why is Bolt sounding like a leftie he's flipped Brexit could have destroyed UK…& it might be for the best 

  However no matter the contradictions it seems he's tied to his boss's apron strings. 

"I once asked Rupert Murdoch why he was so opposed to the European Union. 'That’s easy,' he replied. 'When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice.'"

Bolt, the IPA and The Spectator are all eager to go "Back to the Future" with Abbott recalled.  Eager to applaud Brexit and  the economic wipe out facing Britains  new found Independance. 

Yes Boltonians are eager to be the pariah of the Pacific and turn our backs on the Muslim hordes to our North  and squarely face the motherland the UK once again in the West.  The trouble is by turning our backs on the Pacific all we can do is go South like the UK. There is the warning the UKs rich just lost $700 bill. How are they going to claw that back off the UK people? All for some lie of British pride and unity will throw the country into recession. The UK  has never been more divided than they are today. Nth Ireland and Scotland will need to be invaded now won't they Bolt. UK defence will be totally depleted should Scotland rush to Independence againBrexit: UK’s richest lose more than $7b as markets tumble  



"But if the fifth-largest economy in the world, and successful NATO and UN Security Council member, which has successfully exported its language, parliamentary democracy, legal system, literature, and even civil society all over the world over many hundreds of years can't make it on its own, then who can?" IPA

There seems something very ego driven in this and it reminds us of Rome, Greece, even the British Empire with little regard for  history and it's changing patterns.Brexit: Bugger Britain – it’s the world that counts



What Bolt doesn't say Scotland voted 62% to stay in the EU as did Nth Ireland to stay. Somehow Bolt the blowhard makes Brexit 52:48% sound like a huge margin which it isn't. However it does indicate a significant difference in beliefs. Nevertheless Bolt is celebrating like Rumpelstiltskin  the possible break up of the United Kingdom should Scotland push for another referendum on Independence and Nth Ireland to do the same.  As for Bolt saying it's a vote against multiculturalism that is  his is  blinkered and thoughtless intellect speaking.

 The UK was the most multicultural nation in Europe before the EU during the EU and will remain so after the EU. The majority of immigrants to the UK are and were  always  from outside the EU and will continue to be. Nett EU immigration has only been 186,000 or 0.3% however now it will increase over the new transition period. The UK still remains a Commonwealth country and it's majority of immigrants will remain from outside the EU. "It has voted against multiculturalism and the lie that all cultures are equal and equally deserving of respect."Bolt nonsense!! 

Bolt has merely transposed his apartheid bigotry on to a nation the UK that surrendered it's  Hitleresque ideas and beliefs  of being a superior culture at the end of it's colonial era. Implicit in Bolt's statement  is his belief that not everyone is born equal and that's obviously the way he was brought up. As for his exaggeration that the UK is a uniform culture he ignores the fact the history of the United Kingdom hasn't always been that united it's and a diverse range of cultures and languages to boot. Which is the superior Mr Bolt?

As for "mass immigration " that has never been  a problem for  the island nation. Bolt is such a bullshit artist and Shengen was no longer in effect in the EU anyway as for  Bolt's statement"It has voted for the right to insist on who comes into their country and the circumstances in which they come." the UK has always maintained that right and still does now. I guess Bolt must have a grievance against all those Christians  invading the country Italians, French,Spanish Poles that came not just for work but to start businesses in Britain which helped the Country boom. He must hate the notion of the Greek professionals relocating to the UK doctors, engineers, dentists etc, etc. He was dancing to a different beat when Greece threatened to leave the EU.  Despite all of this the foreign born pop in the UK both EU and non EU residents that for Bolt constitutes as a flood or uncontrolled invasion is 7.5% . In Australia it's 25% Bolt is simply a scaremonger above anything else. 







Readers respond to the shop too scared to show my book

Going shopping for Bolt's Book and Launch



Bolt's response has been two fold  the first is to go into book stores  discreetly with a "brown paper bag" and be discreet.  However the discreet shopper would need 2 brown paper bags or a burka to buy the book. 

The second we see today is Bolt's online crowd of protestors as usual a  very "moderated group of fans ready to cry victim for him.  What Bolt really needs is  a pavement signing day  at stores and a sandwich board. However that wouldn't work either because he'd feel the need to cover his face because he's just not gregarious enough.

 Don't worry Andrew there is enough IPA members out there to pay that heavily discounted price your offering exclusively to them but not to the riff raff. Prices range  changes from $30 -$20 dollars  which doesn't seem fair. Is Bolt screwing  the IPA as well. We'll soon be seeing it as the free give away with the steak knives.

But Galaxy says Turnbull will cruise home

Looking under carpets and dusty corners for reasons to blame Turnbull. The fact being imagine the nightmare if Tony Abbott was leader and Sophie Mirabella was was with him on the caravan of right. As preferred leader of anything Abbott does not rate but never mind that the Golum will be trying to come back immediately after this election no matter who wins. He's being doing that since he was 21. He's only ever been an effective leader in opposition.


Turnbull must get off Labor’s issues


Terry Barnes, in the latest Spectator Australia magazine, points out that Malcolm Turnbull has been talking about Laor’s pet issues for the past week - and that has been a big mistake:

" Terry Barnes, in the latest Spectator Australia magazine, points out that Malcolm Turnbull has been talking about Laor’s pet issues for the past week - and that has been a big mistake:" It seems the people at the Spectator were all pissed celebrating Brexit even Bolt didn't bother to correct it. Labor's is the word

Bolt the IPA and The Spectator are all eager to go "Back to the Future" with Abbott recalled.  Eager to do a Brexit and join the economic wipe out facing Britains  new found Independance. 

Yes Boltonians are eager to be the pariah of the Pacific and turn our backs on the Muslim hordes to our North  and squarely face the motherland the UK once again in the West.  The trouble is by turning our backs on the Pacific all we can do is go South. Here is the warning the UKs rich just lost $700 bill. How are they going to claw that back off the UK people why? All for some lie of British pride and unity. the UK has never been more divided than they are today. Nth Ireland and Scotland will need to be invaded now hey Bolt

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