Wednesday 28 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,28/12/16; Even the Herald Sun Shows Andrew Bolt to be a self interested liar;

Victorians are most anxious about crime

Victorians are more anxious about crime than any other state why?
 Victorians are most anxious about crime

Bolt shows himself to be a buffoon

According to this morning's Herald Sun 36.000 crimes have been committed by juveniles between the ages of 10 and 17 years of age. If this figure was easily obtained by News Ltd it could be readily be obtained by Andrew Bolt as well. His black list of Africans juveniles amounts to less than 0.1% a statistically insignificant figure. However The Age has reported the levels of public anxiety in Victoria have increased in 2016. Andrew Bolt has spent an enormous amount of effort and time attributing these crimes to the African community and in particular the Sudanese. Media wise he alone has contributed to the feeling that we need to be more guarded by constantly telling us of the danger we face from black African kids. Needless to say most of his commentaries have been directed towards Victorians more so than the rest of the country.He's called the police lax, the state government conspiratorial and the MSM remiss in as much that they don't report the the race or ethnicity of the those suspected of crimes. However Bolt has no hesitation himself in putting the blame fairly and squarely in the hands of our Federal Immigration Policies. Bolt  has constructed a list of events over 2016 that proves as far as he's concerned that African youth are the least integrated group in the community and has named them as the core of the multiracial Apex gang . Some 20 plus of 36,000 events are proffered as Bolt's proof. If an African kid ethnicity unknown Bolt's on to it so much so all one has to be is black and he's Sudanese.
The crime figures show that not only is Andrew Bolt a fantasist when using statistics but he cherry picks events to support his Anti- African Anti- Sudanese narrative rather than drawing his conclusions from all the data at hand. Even when News Ltd reports that juvenile crime is on the decrease Bolt suggests the reverse.  Neither of today's reports in either the Age or the Herald Sun suggest that Africans  are the primary juvenile offenders. Andrew Bolt is simply shown to be doing what Andrew Bolt does best being a racist.
He been caught, charged and been convicted  for being lazy and loose with his facts making him guilty of  vilification of another community group at that time it was Indigenous Australians.  In 2016 he's focused and targeted the Africans and in particular the Sudanese community. He's done the same with the Lebanese Muslims as well. However this media hounding of  particular immigrant groups in print,radio,TV and his blog has helped to raise the anxiety level of the Victorian public to an unnecessary level. He more so than any other media figuret has helped antagonize the Victorian public against Muslims and Africans many of whom are Christians. Andrew Bolt is in the business of making things seem to be when in fact they are not. Kids are promised easy $$$ and drugs by good old Aussie Fagins who Bolt leaves out of his fairy tale.
 Andrew Bolt is not in the business of reporting verified facts like reputable journalists he is in the business of creating a distorted version of his  reality in which he says we live, why?  To divide an otherwise reasonably managed democratic State and country. It's very simple his perspective and single minded opinions are driven by nothing more than the need for political influence. He serves and assists a conservative group whose agenda is not fact related in any way. Data is cherry picked to create a dishonest narrative embedded with sense of urgency and anxiety. Tony Abbott adopted it in opposition continued it in government and is still applying the same today. Fragmentation and division is their path. Even Bolt's own paper shows him to be little more than a bigoted, racist and bullshitter who has no journalistic integrity no commitment to the community in which he lives but only to a team, a minority of individuals whose interest is in power for powers sake in the service of protecting and advancing their wealth in the guise of a Meritocracy.

 Who let in the Sudanese? Amanda Vanstone

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