Saturday 31 December 2016

Andrew Bplt's Blog, 31/12/16 ; Andrew Bolt and the ABC there is a major difference. You will still trust the ABC in 2017;

 IA #2 top story of 2016: The ABC plunges to a new low

Alan Austin's story on the ABC employing rightwing commentator and ABC critic Andrew Bolt was his second in the top ten.

"The ABC has a statutory duty to ensure that the gathering and presentation of news and information is accurate according to the recognised standards of objective journalism. Credibility depends heavily on factual accuracy."
It is a clear violation of this to employ someone with a record of fabrication and inaccuracy.

 It has everything to do with Bolt being a fabricator. Nothing he says or writes can be believed as long as several outstanding issues remain unaddressed. If the ABC decides to employ him, it is tacitly agreeing with News Corp and the Institute for Public Affairs that telling the truth is not important. Deceiving people is acceptable. Promises are there for the breaking. Fabrications are okay.

  The Journalism of Terror Regarding Cuba - Havana

Enemies of the Cuban Revolution, who have no other name other than “counter-revolutionaries”, don’t seem to stop their attack, which is what the Empire orders them to do.
"Every time a measure is taken in Cuba, however insignificant it is, they decorate it with lies or twist it, so that those who are not well-informed, form a negative picture of the revolutionary government." and this is what Andrew Bolt does for a living in the most broadest terms in Australia. He" sets  out to confuse, manipulate and cheat, and it doesn’t only hope to win over consciences, but to also discredit, defame and confuse, behind the farce of being naive and neutral. It aims to turn the collective or individual mindset along a desired line.” and puts facts aside.

"Pope Francisco has just called this kind of journalism based on rumors “terrorism”. What would journalism based on lies with the deliberate aim to discredit be called? There’s no name for this."
Yes there is False News and Andrwe Bolt will continue the practice in 2017.

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