Thursday 12 January 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,12/1/17; The Vortex and Andrew Bolt's role in it needs clarification; Breitbart is leading the pack;

It’s Time to Wade Into the Swamp of Right-Wing Media to Understand All the Twisted ‘Truths’ – Truthdig
Why the ABC is a necessity.

 Australians are as yet unlike Americans who "have come to accept as a baseline for what they call reality" the bent world sold to them by conservative media like Breitbart, Fox News and others.
 We haven't as yet been convinced  of the distorted world that Andrew Bolt ,Steve Price, Ray Haddley the IPA and Sky News the purveyors live in? What’s the method to their legacy? Can we say anything to clarify what they’re on about? For as the man said, “there’s something going on.” We are living in a world that for some years has been imported from America and this is a warning worth reading.
"The Vortex, which stands for: VOices of RT-wing EXtremism. “Vortex” conveys linkage and “Voices” conveys multiplicity. The Vortex has both, but it is not a cabal of fixed membership. It is a cloud — and like clouds, has no fixed boundary. There’s never a moment when you can be certain, flying through it, whether you’re inside or outside. But the fact that it cannot be demarcated precisely — or walled in, you might say — does not mean that clouds do not exist."




 Breitbart goes big

The leaders in USA's & Trump's favored unverified journalism have gone from once Alt-Right feather duster to White House news rooster in the space of a month. Andrew Bolt etal intend to hitch a ride on this comet of delusion. It's plain it's clear and it's simple we need the ABC to ask the questions that Abbott refused to answer. Trump is playing from the facist handbook confuse and neutralize.

10 Ways the CIA ‘Russian Hacking’ Story is Left-Wing ‘Fake News’

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