Wednesday 1 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 1/3/17 Oxymoron in the hands of Andrew Bolt is "conservative compassion"; Legitimizing Hate; Stats say Bolt has only 10% support so he responds with threat:

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 Right-Wing Media Criminalize Immigrants In Coverage. By Promoting Andrew Bolt News Corp provides legitamacy to skewed portrayals which lend dangerous effect to our politics

 2009 to 2016  a research report in the US found evidence Murdoch Media & other right-wing outlets routinely criminalized immigrants in their coverage. Welcome to Andrew Bolt in Australia. despite the fact 51% of Australians will be caught in his cross hairs simply because we are a multicultural country and were related to or were immigrants.
While issues surrounding immigration detention are increasingly visible in all the media, coverage in right-wing media outlets like, The Washington Times, and is more likely than reports in other mainstream media to focus on immigrant criminality. The same can be said of all Andrew Bolt's shows in Australia. Given Bolt has been elevated to a convicted Vilifier under Section 18C of the RDA an promoted by News Corp it shows that corporate media organizations are assisting to sanitize someone who at any other time in the history of our media would be regarded as an ultra racist and hate advocate. Bolt's record includes advocating for a "European -Australian majority and a clear one at that in the Asian Pacific Region. Bolt doesn't shy away from pushing white nationalist litreture and promoting groups like Reclaim Australia, the Q Society and the UPF. In the guise of Assimilation Bolt pushes century old anthropological theories as if current he endorses the idea of IQ differences, cultural superiority in masked but nevertheless ultra racist ways. Furthermore  he's helping on his shows to legitimize all manner of right wing bigotry on his shows by providing its leaders with platforms to spew anti-immigrant narratives based on shoddy research. Andrew Bolt helped treble the acceptability of anti -Muslim bigotry from 9% to 30% in a period of 8 years simply for political gain by falsely framing the Australian narrative. The issue however is that Andrew Bolt is not unique he's a clone based on a global Murdoch News Corp business model selling political influence at the expense of news and threatening democracy. reports on immigration detentions at a higher rate than other “new media” outlets do in the US.Is it any surprise that Breibart is a favored reference source for Bolt?While it’s positive that immigration stories are now more visible in the press, the routine criminalization of immigrants in right-wing media narratives has long been a problem and has dangerous consequences. As a paper from Harvard University’s Kennedy School demonstrated, conservative media portrayals of immigrants have had a profound impact on  politics, leaving no room for "compassionate conservatism" and creating a space in which anti-immigrant sentiment can be exploited for political gain.  "Conservative Compassion" has been reduced to an oxymoron by Andrew Bolt.

  GDP: Australian economy rebounds 1.1 per cent, beating expectations

GDP: Australian economy rebounds 1.1 per cent, beating expectation. This is the last thing Bolt wanted us to hear last night. Abbott trashed the economy and now Australian workers are made to pay. GDP up, Company Profits up, Workers Wages down,

Australia has avoided a second consecutive quarter of negative economic growth, rising by 1.1 per cent in the December quarter and beating market expectations.
Overall, the economy grew by 2.4 per cent in the 12 months to December, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

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So must we vote One Nation, then?

A Senate committee into free speech has failed to defend it, with members hopelessly split on whether to even change the Racial Discrimination Act. So Malcolm Turnbull faces a challenge: does he now tell those demanding free speech to give up on the Liberals? To vote for One Nation, Cory Bernardi or David Leyonhjelm instead?

Some people pay attention to the research and surveys done  on public opinion Bolt's not one. 75% of Australians find vilification laws a necessity. Only 10% believe to be unnecessary. The disconnect isn't between the Senate committee into free speech and the public but the extremists like Bolt who feel they have the right to say whatever it is they want without the fear of the consequences. Bolt began to defend Milo Yiannopoulos for just a moment when h fast realized that even Conservatives disagreed with what he would have liked to have said. Bolt went silent on the issue. Turnbull doesn't have a problem at all because he's well aware of the numbers involved and they are not in Bolt's favor as much as he would like us to believe they are. What we can expect to see is News Corp providing a platform along with the likes of Andrew Bolt to manufacture the belief that free speech is favored by lared numbers. After all Murdoch's manipulation doesn't have to convince the electorate it simply has  to put the wind up some MPs.
Let's face it this beat up about race hate laws has nothing at all to do with jobs trade or our economy it does however have a lot to do with our identity as a nation. Yet isn't it Bolt that claims the age of identity politics is over?
"Good on Senator James Paterson for being the only member on that Senate Committee to push hard for changes to a law so oppressive that it's led to the banned of two of my articles, the harassing of cartoonist Bill Leak and the suing of three Queensland students for $250,000 for pointing out that having Aboriginal-only computer rooms was segregation:"
This what Bolt's crying about the right to lie vilify and demean without consequence. There has never been a nation in history or now that has that right and Bolt can't point to one that has other than Cloud Cuckoo Land. Bolt isn't rational in anyway on this and it's obvious by the fact that all he has to offer is THREAT and News Corp has provided him with the platform. Seeming legitimate is far from being legitimate and he's calling us to vote for Leyonjhelm Hanson or Bernardi. Bolt could even throw Abbott under the bus for this demand to be ISIS, a Pedophile, or a barbarian without the law intervening no matter the consequences of what's being said. No care no responsibility.Inquiry fails to reach agreement on push to change Racial Discrimination Act | NITV
 Is Bolt's Demand for the right to hate speech more or less likely to assist in the following occurring?
Beaconsfield Anglican church welcomes Muslim community, offers land for mosque - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
I'm prepared to say no and confidently so. How on earth in a atmosphere of broad and uncertain opinion does Bolt predict this would be the most likely outcome particularly if he was involved.



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So the conclusion is ...?

  Yes Bolt doesn't just show his frustration but his intelligence when he says "It's the public that has failed and needs replacing." Bolt.  He thinks he's not just ironic but smart. The Liberal Party are suffering because of the likes of Tony Abbott who Bolt claims was not only the best fighter but the best leader. How often did we read Bolt's blogs and columns that said Tony was sorry he's heard and he's promised to change. He's as honest as the day is long. We heard it on the Bolt Report last night declaring the poverty of Morrison's CV before the budget announcement today. Given Abbott / Hockey brought us here Turnbull/Morrison don't look too bad and Paul Kelly reflects that. Who on earth considers Tony Abbott a great economic manager?

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Oh ye a Paywall to suck you in this isn't Free Speech
Trump's finest hour

Trump's finest hour

Donald Trump today turned president with his  address to a joint sitting of Congress.  His finest moment was not in singling out the widow of navy SEAL Ryan Owens - presidents now do that kind of thing - but in breaking off script at the end of the huge applause to engage with her so warmly. 
 The parents of that Navy SEAL Ryan Owens refused to be used by Trump and are demanding an inquiry into Trump's most incompetant moment in the Yeman.Media Fall For Trump’s Shameless Act Regarding Failed Yemen Raid


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You pay, 113 diplomats fly home to Julie

The Turnbull Government is nearly $500 billion in debt, yet still finds money, in this teleconferencing age, for this: "Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop will take the unprecedented step of recalling more than 100 of Australia’s senior diplomats in a bid to shape the Turnbull government’s foreign policy." Cost: $1.2 million.  
 Less than a week ago Andrew Bolt in a fit of economic genius told us the debt was $500 mill not bill it's taken him a few days to catch up yesterday he couldn't spell Abbott correctly.  In this day of hacking and eavesdropping Bolt suggests teleconferencing is the way to consolidate the country's foreign policy agendas. Has he rung ASIO and our National Security services and offered them this advice? "I was not much impressed by the Foreign Minister's excuse:" says Bolt. I doubt anyone in the intelligence services would be impressed with Andrew Bolt. Homer Simpson is far more astute.
"No new money" required? But what of the money actually being spent? That could have been returned to taxpayers, right? Or used to pay off the debt." Bolt  So Bolt's generosity never really brings up todays budget results does it how everybody in the country is making money except the 5 mill Aussie workers he's offering them $1.2 mill. That's Bolt not a peep about the 3.5 bill reduction in the deficit.

Well now we know how Bolt treats the youth of Australia he laughs at them and not with them. He mocks them I guess it is a reflection on how he treats his kids. It is amazing though when Murdoch took Tony Abbott to the Alfalfa Club as his guest for a photo shoot for the Daily Telegraph pretending Tony was invited to a formal dinner and got busted for the bullshit. Andrew said nothing nothing at all and Bolt is saying "And the ad doesn't even tell the truth:" What a hypocrite. Wasn't it Bolt that told us all when he was young he was a minder to a belly dancer well he's no liar is he?


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Gillian Triggs: can we trust her with a witch hunt?

Gillian Triggs told another falsehood to a Senate hearing this week, proving we’re in big danger from laws to shut us up. She gave a false excuse for her commission holding a ludicrous investigation into Australian cartoonist Bill Leak. And we should trust her with this power to ruin people?

This is a PAYWALL it's certainly NOT a speech that's FREE. That's the first contradiction Bolt makes. Gillian Triggs didn't choose to investigate Bill Leak. She was requested investigated a complaint that was made to see if it had breached the law. The advice given to the parties involved  no more than as a mediator. The parties are then left to chose how they want to proceed. If there is a 'witch hunt' and one looks at the history of that 'hunt' it's been by Andrew Bolt and not by Triggs. History shows witches were in most cases the innocent parties to disgruntled persons. The courts dealt with Andrew Bolt and he's been disgruntled ever since trying to gather the citizens of Salem to burn the witch. "Can we trust her" "We are in danger"  she has a "shameful record" "according to me she's a convicted liar" demands Bolt. However Leak wasn't accused by Gillian Triggs whose  the distorter here? It's not Triggs
" Beware the laws against free speech." Bolt
The hypocrisy of the man is self evident. He supports Israel, Holland, the US by his silence. He never indicates a single nation of culture within history that's an example of what he's talking about. He holds up an abstract idea of White Western Christian Nationalist Culture as the ideal but even this vague notion makes little specific sense and in any attempt to imagine such a place in reality there has never been "free speech" disassociated from it's consequences. Bolt might have the voice but not the numbers.
Gillian Triggs: can we trust her with a witch hunt?

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