Monday 13 February 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/2/17; Playing Guy Fawkes and using Voodoo for Tony; Fossil Fuel caused Climate Change Bolt wants more; Cory Worthington today would be an albino African to Bolt; Bolt is two faced;

On my shows tonight:

 On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm:

 And more: former Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews on the latest Sudanese riot

  ninth anniversary of Kevin Rudd's apology to the "stolen generation".

Bolt Report and the production of Fake news before your eyes.

1 Kevin Andrew omitting the police report that the "Sudanese Riot" was a social media event that resulted in a multicultural invasion by youths other than Sudanese.

2  Banks have been shown that their financial advisors under instruction and commission incentives gave clients advise not in their best interest but in the interest of the Banks. That resulted in loss or"Stolen Money". There is no official record of that term "stolen money" ever being used. Nevertheless the charge was brought by the victims and the banks admitted the accusation that a conflict of interest was settled. 

 Andrew Bolt refuses on any account to admit that removal of indigenous children was done on the basis of  a conflict of interest but only on "good welfare advice" why? Because that's what's on the "official record".  That "record" means nothing to Bolt  only when it supports the argument he want's to press. Currently the "official record on the African kids issued by police is a lie and he's loud about it.   It doesn't match his position on the recent Bank fraud, either or how global banks caused the GFC his position is silence. So lets face it Bolt's attitude to the "official record" simply see saws and is not drawn from the broad and wide facts but from narrow and political interest. It's unquestioned in terms of Indigenous history, silent on the banks and in total denial when it comes to African and Muslim refugees. We are witnessing the creation of fake news for the purpose of a political agenda

3 It's "Tonight with Miranda Devine" show while Steve Price is away but Andrew Bolt refuses to acknowledge that in any which way. So just how fake and misogynist is this man. If Miranda was a male would Bolt besuch an A-hole and be ignoring the "official" title of the show?


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Turnbull's "sycophant" tirade just helps Hanson


HOW blind. Check the Liberal MPs and journalists high-fiving Malcolm Turnbull for abusing Bill Shorten as a “parasite” and “social-climber”. They just don’t get that the Prime Minister’s carry-on  is part of the old politics that no longer works now that Pauline Hanson offers voters an alternative to the both of them. 
  Bolt's column is "old news"  it's"fake news" it's "irrelevant news" it's "no news". Take from his blog of a week ago it's " just opinion" without evidence  by the bucket loads. Why because Bolt's simply playing for his team his gang in the school yard. When that team hasn't any principles but disruption all it can do is slag off and play the man. Bolt no longer dares say the name of the man the leader of his team in some weird fear that by naming him it will do him harm.  So no all he can do is stick needles into the head boy the MT photo he carries and cry out abuse as if practicing some kind of black magic. It's quite pathetic really because Andrew Bolt is 59 and he calls this "productive work" worth the significant salary he's being paid. He calls it public information information. Others simply call it trash.
The "old politics" is open and fundamentally ideological dilineatin the difference between those who believe in the 'we and not just the 'me'.  Bolt admires the "opaque" the secretive  politics behind close doors and against his own side which takes up all his time and effort at present. The rest of the country the school can burn for the moment. How stupid is Bolt to say at a time in the past " voters had basically only two choices — the Liberals or Labor/Greens " That there is only a  coalition of the left not of the right. What does LNP and government mean who are the Nationals in his fantasy? Paul Kelly was right when he said they are sweating over the small stuff policy when they are in fact ideologically the same and can't distinguish the forest for the trees fooling themselves that"they have other choices: Hanson, or Cory Bernardi, or the Liberal Democrats, or Family First, or the Shooters and Fishers." pray tell what will I have achieved in that vote other than throw it away.
 What Bolt has been trying to do is bring Caesar back his personal hero but Caesar is still very much on the nose. He is about to launch a book one he didn't even write but he will call it his own and not the collection of others like the IPA and Bolt will promote it as the wisdom of his hero . Why is all this shit even happening now? Because half way through the term of this government will be too late if a move isn't made now because Caesar will never have the chance again. Desperate times calls for desperate measures and now is the moment for Australia's biggest ever political wrecker Tony the Phony Abbott to have another go at winning.

Coal and gas save NSW. But Labor demands more wind

Labor wants to force the country to switch to 50 per cent green power - almost all of it unreliable wind and solar - by 2030, or just 13 years from now.  How mad is that? NSW, baked by a heat wave, relied on coal and gas for 93 per cent of its electricity to escape blackouts, with more fossil-fuel power pumped in from interstate.
Bolt uses the disastrous effects the consequences of man made Climate Change  to justify maintaining  the very cause. Coal and Gas have been scientifically identified as the main cause of Climate Change and NSW is currently witnessing it's effects  record breaking crisis is happening in NSW and what is Bolt's  long term solution and increase the very cause of the disaster. He wants an increase of CO2 into the atmosphere why because the damage has been done and it can't be fixed,
 His only argument when reduced is  science is just another religion and excercise in blind faith despite the fact we have witnessed the successes it's provided the world  for the past 100 years. Bolt can't even acknowledge the changes made due to science in every aspect and field of human life. Changes not made in  oil and coal the fossil fuel industries in all those same 100 years other than more of the same keep digging it and using it for dirty energy. Bolt's not blind. He's witness the changes science has done to communications his own industry his home his life. Yet he denies these gains in Global Climate Science as mere quackery just as some denied the and disbelieved in the internet and instant global communication all those years ago. Yes Bolt is Trump and yes he grasps for straws but can't quite  join Trump and  say Climate Change is a Chinese hoax a socialist conspiracy. He might as well because it's just another aspect of the fake news he's peddling. NSW is burning Bolt why because Dirty Energy has pushed us to a tipping point..
Andrew Bolt is  a single minded Inquisitor from the past. Parties and events are gate crashed and rampaged on a regular basis throughout Melbourne the soccer the tennis see violence and flares set off but they don't get Bolt's attention 'Complete ambush': Kew gathering gatecrashed by 30 teens ... - The Age
Just do a Google  search and see the ones that haven't made front page news over the years and you will arrive at a more than a fair conclusion that while Bolt's "news" is not entirely fake it serves a purpose  his implied and racist conclusions which aren't warranted in  total context of the social history of this city neither now nor for the past 2  decades. Remember when Cory Worthington was fashionable news even he wasn't the exception kids from Andrew Bolt's childrens  elite schools were regularly involved in events of this kind crashing parties and creating havoc. Only today Social Media has made them bigger. 
Andrew Bolt has a single minded focus on only those occasions where Africans are involved because he has a racist conclusion he wants delivered and seem  proved. His bigotry is not new he's like the Jew haters of old sitting in the private clubs of Melbourne. the homophobics and sexists.  Bolt hones  in on these  events that News Corp puts on the front page  to justify his fake conclusions  that  only the Africans, Muslims and immigrant refugees  are the miscreants. 
Do an internet search of the past two decades and Bolt's bias is obvious. The police which he accuses of doing nothing have for the past decade done the same as they have always done treated kids as kids equally wherever possible.  However in this case it's not good enough for Andrew Bolt. His little black list is not only racial but it's meant to prove that evil exists among us.
 It's just the tip of Bolt's iceberg of bigotry a minor aspect of his larger anti-Multiculturalist  bias. He focuses on Africans because their color stands out he ignores the multicultural aspect of these events because he believes  will attract the most attention and sympathy for his anti- multicultural cause and because of MSM media attention helps. If the riot at a Malvern party or an Airbnb don't getas much attention all the better. The truth is Bolt really wants an Australian Inquisition and as a fervent Assimilationist he'd be only too happy for that Inquisition to begin at our border and spread to see 'accusation boxes" at the doors of our Town Halls as they were once common for centuries in Spain.. Boxes for neighbors to accuse each other of un- Australian non Christian activities.  A McCarthy era  of communist whispers here in Australia pointing out those who are un-assimilated and not just  immigrants but their sympathizers as well. In fact he'd prefer that Australia was a  white Christian state and  less secular   The truth however is Andrew Bolt is the most un-Australian among us all.


SNL screaming at Trump is sounding shrill

The Left can't keep up this knee-jerk hate and mindlessly reflexive screams of horror at whatever Donald Trump does.  Now even the New York Times admits that the frantic attacks on Trump by Saturday Night Live that so amaze journalists here are actually starting to bore.

The biggest fear that Bolt has is being reduced to a farce by a comic. Reduced to reality one that isn't taken seriously anymore. In many ways it's the most effective way of dealing with him and showing him up for what in fact he really is an ultra right wing putz a not so serious supremacist ranting and raving while gulping for oxygen. Humor isn't demanding bombs be dropped on innocents no one laughs at god in a hospital but Bolt is blaze when we bomb them that's not funny but Bolt sure as hell is. There is nothing funny in  the weak struggling to survive but it's sure as hell funny watching Bolt try to convince us it's their fault.  Or suggesting the drug takers of Australia are the unemployed kids of Australia the bludgers they might get up to more visible crime but they sure as hell don't spend and use the $ 500,000,000 worth of drugs the police found this month. Bolt's deplorables aren't  the knee-jerk haters the mindless screamers they are too busy surviving. It's us laughing at what it is he's trying to say. Humor is uplifting and the most powerful force when MSM media is fake and without a cutting edge just a blunt force. Humor is what Bolt fears the most just being reduced to laughter. Because then the attention really is no longer on him and the bullshit but the funny guy whose trying to deliver some truth. Remember Charlie Chaplins Speech on Facists that was a funny man without a voice and for a moment we all listened.

I wonder why Bolt never mentions the ratings? He doesn't mention them on the Bolt Report either. Never compares them to the Project or other comedic shows. Bolt really might just get the ratings if he laughed at himself as we do laugh at him.

SNL screaming at Trump is sounding shrill

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Liberals believe in free speech a little more

Liberal MPs have boosted their free speech defence from near-mute to mild, knowing  the Racial Discrimination Act is now used to stifle debate: "A key parliamentary committee is canvassing detailed changes to the law that makes it an offence to 'insult' or 'offend' someone on the basis of race, replacing the two controversial words with 'harass'."

 This is the self interest part of the Bolt show. he's the man who demand rules be applied to civilized debating when holding a discussion with Miranda Devine . But throws that away when he argues that free speech doesn't need any rules attached in a civilized society. Why because he was found guilty of breaking civilized rules. Has Bolt ever pointed to a society or group that doesn't have rules? Does he complain when politicians are protected in parliament by rule of law. Does he actually drift away from reality altogether in his arguments for free speech. He uses what he calls the lack of it falseley when he says " I'm prevented fro saying what I'd like to say" which in fact is generally bullshit. This post is his self interest moment only. The myth of the neutrality of speech is simply the promotion of stagnation.

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Wrong. Wind farms were indeed to blame

Fairfax's Mark Kenny ignores the experts to accuse the Turnbull Government of ignoring the experts by blaming wind farms for South Australia's massive blackout last year. He claims the real cause was that "key parts of its electricity distribution network were wrecked during a severe weather event". But the AEMO just last week blamed wind farms.
Why is Bolt ignoring what's occurring in NSW at the moment because he just might have raise the dirty word Climate Change and it's causes dirty energy of which he is adamant we need more more than clean energy. Pollution is good ,safe  cheap and our children will love us for it because they will be poorer. Well they can't be more on the slippery slope than they are now. They can't get jobs are under employed and while they are being ripped off by the multinationals they are sharing space. Sharing housing to reduce costs. Bolt's not worried because inheritance the key to wealth and health in Australia is his children's safe guard. The biggest fear is  that Bolt's class will run out of ways to make the poor pay for the essential facilities he shares. Any notion of wealth redistribution is a problem and renewable energy is just such a problem to who and how the national energy produced. Privatisation doesn't mean ownership in his terms it means in the hands of the few and not the public. AEMO refused supply Bolt's not talking about that is he? He's not talking about extreme weather events either as is occurring in NSW because that conversation requires talking about the science of Climate Change and it's causes. which is just too broad for Bolt because that brings us back to dirty energy and why it's a problem. Bolt's argument that  a hundred year old system of providing energy is still the best and any progression in transition to another cleaner system no longer holds water either philosophically, technologically or economically. It's simply based currently on the individual  and privately owned interests of a very few people in the scheme of things.

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Liberals crack under One Nation pressure

The first big crack in the Liberals' resistance to One Nation: the WA branch agrees to preference One Nation in the Upper House. Even more dramatic: it will put One Nation above the Nationals, who throughout Australia will fear the beginning of their end.

 " Hanson simply cannot afford to have such a government run by loons, conspiracy theorists and the disgruntled. She needs top talent urgently." Bolt.  Bolt rarely criticizes One Nation what brings him to it now. He insists those in the electorate she attracts are both fed up with the major parties are intelligent and want a more conservative cause. However these bright Australians are never the less attracted to the "disgruntled  loons who speak for One Nation" It suggests Bolt has an affinity to these bogans while disparaging them.  It really suggests he has been two faced all along. Is it because he wants the Liberals fractured from within and  the leadership changed? Of course it is. Does he show just how well Abbott is positioned to regain the leadership? Of course he doesn't. That would indicate his time is fast running out.

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