Friday 10 March 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,10/3/17; Lower than a snakes Belly Andrew Bolt uses Bill Leak to promote himself; This is lazy Friday blogging for Bolt. The stupidity is the decision making process Bolt; Bolt hating nikki again and again; The Gold Medalist of disaster Economics is Tony Abbott and Bolt wants him to have another go; Snitches vs the Bruvvers;;



I'm devastated: brilliant cartoonist Bill Leak died today of a heart attack.  What a huge, huge loss, and not only for his wife Goong. But I am also angry. Leak was hounded and stressed to the end by stupidly vindictive legal action over his cartooning. He spoke passionately about this witch hunt  on my show just two days ago.

 It's disgusting how Andrew Bolt pushes Bill Leak aside to promote himself and his show. Implying that the HRC was the cause of his death. The minute I heard Leak had passed I'd predicted Bolt would take the low life's line of using Leak to promote himself and he has in  a double Barnum & Bailey posting of "Watch my show" I'm Andrew Bolt " I am also so angry, Leak was hounded and stressed to the very end by stupidly vindictive legal action through the Human Rights Commission over his cartooning. Just two days ago I asked him about this on my show."Bolt 
Bolt's even calling it a special on for Leak not inviting family or friends to talk about the man but only political allies of Bolt's not Leak's. This isn't intended  to be a wake for Bill but a scoop for The Bolt Report ratings nothing more are in mind. Yes Bolt is lower than a snakes belly because Bill Leak the man was a lot more than  his encounter with the HRC.


The Climate Institute, formed in 2005, once had the money and clout to push fake warming scares and dodgy science with the help of Cate Blanchett and Michael Caton. Now it's forced to close because of a lack of cash 

 In 2005 The Climate Institute was a Publicly funded instrumentality working in the Public Interest. Scientific research being conducted in the Public Good. Tony Abbott defunded it in 2014 along with the CSIRO. His was the biggest defunding of science in the history of Australian science. The forced privatization of science is far from a reflection that privatized science works for and in the interest of the public. It doesn't and Big Pharma is proof of that. Bolt has for years argued that the uncertainty of science is sufficient proof that the facts of global warming are false because 100% not proven. This uncertainty principle is meant to prove the arguments need to continue. The fact is science moves forward we no longer entertain arguments that the world is flat. The Green house effect has been know and accepted for the past half century CO2  is warming the planet and the largest contributor to that warming has been the burning of fossil fuels. The fact that The Climate Institute reflects Public Interest and has difficulty finding Private funding is by no means proof of the lack of Public Interest which is what Bolt is suggesting. Why are Australia's largest fossil fuel companies in favor of an ETS? Why does Andrew Bolt never even raise this reality and why is the Coalitition so opposed to any such scheme. Hasn't Australia's political interests  confused private and public good and destroyed Australia's energy market. After all we are the best resourced country in the world for clean energy and the worst managed.  


 Bolt seems to ignorant of the fact that the Royal Commission is investigating a system internalized pattern of behavior that go to make up the Juvenile justice system. Daniel Voller isn't that system but is only apart of it. He's no doubt a complex individual. However Andrew Bolt's focus and concentatration on Voller and even his privacy indicates more about Bolt than it does Voller.
 Bolt is the guy who believes it's the girl's fault for being raped not the "rape culture"she is a victim of. The way she's was dressed the fact she was drunk and even her diary proves she's a slut and there is no such thing as a "rape culture". Amber Harrison is not the victim she's the predator.
  In the same way Bolt believes juveniles deserve what's coming to them and there is nothing wrong with the juvenile justice system. Other than that power flows from the bottom up.
 Bolt  claims the guards are the real victims of the juvenile system. Voller is the manipulator and they are the scapegoats. Pell is the victim of financial predators because it's taken so long for these accusations to come out.Worner at Ch7  a victim as well. What's not strange is Bolt  reverses  the lines of power making the powerful the victims. It's what he does when he claims reverse racism, and reverse sexism to exist in that he's consistent.
 Institutionalized behavior patterns exist and the present  can't just be explained by the individuals involved. It's what Bolt denies when all he does is focus on Dylan Voller. Yet he doesn't when he blames "Aboriginal Culture" for the internalized behavior indigenous individuals. Then he flips again denying the influence of white culture in their dysfunction.  His hypocrisy and flip flopping  has no end.




The BBC called Tanveer Hussain a Muslim when there were (fake) claims he was a victim of Donald Trump. But the BBC reidentified as an Indian when he was accused of sex offences.

  There is no connection between Trump's Muslim ban and an accusation of child mollestation made in India. Trump raised the fact of a person's "faith" in his identity. No one raised it in India and somehow Andrew Bolt insists they should. The same however is not insisted if non Muslims are involved. There is no logic offered as to why it should be the case other than a personal bigoted preference. Should "practising" be added among other specifying adjectives that clarify things before the media reported the real facts? Should non Muslim be the descriptive when others are involved?

  Image result for Images  one way decision making


Here's a perfect example of how the Left's mania for "equality" means making everyone equally poor - or stupid: the University of California, Berkeley, is deleting free, online videos of 20,000 videos of lectures available to all because the deaf could not use them.  

So Bolt's bottom line "stuff the handicapped" don't even bother looking for a solution. What Bolt fails  to consider is a decision was made without  consultation. Which is typical of the economical rationalism at it's worst it doesn't address the problem or even attempt to solve it. It simply assumes that the handicapped aren't reasonable and won't bother discussing any outcome. Top down spit the dummy we'll show you is typical right wing problem solving.



Nikai Savva has been Malcolm Turnbull's fiercest media supporter but even she is now near giving up: "There are many changes Turnbull has to make to his government’s style, substance and personnel. He has to make them without delay..." But what's your deadline, Niki?
Savva, Kelly are  Bolt's greatest hates it seems. However does he need to keep repeating himself on a daily basis when criticizing them for being Turnbull supporters? Basically  it's Friday  and Bolt's lazy so it's easier repeating himself and say exactly the same thing he said yesterday. Bolt claims he's a worker and puts in more than 70 hours a week. He loves work he could watch it all day






How stupid. How disloyal. Turnbull backers tell the ABC the Treasurer is not  good enough, just as he's working on the Budget they desperately need to sell: "Malcolm Turnbull and other key strategists believe the Treasurer's efforts are no longer enough and that the Prime Minister himself needs to take the lead."
  So Bolt admits he's lying. All week Turnbull was dead in the water it was over red rover he was road kill."Why advertise a lack of confidence in the man they need to sell the Budget that is their last hope to survive?" Bolt. Today it's yet another story another Turnbull and another life we can only assume. What is amusing is Abbott's economic track record was a disaster from which we are just recovering from. Apparently Andrew Bolt ignored the positive elements of the last economic report just as he has the reasons why Australia's Energy crisis was a basket case created by his hero Tony Abbott. Australia's energy policy is a world-class failure and Abbott wears the gold medal of blame 
 Unlike Matthew Bolt's reader the Bruvver isn't a secret activist lagging to the media laughing. Why isn't Matthew up front center? Why is he just hiding behind a camera? Is he wearing an Australian flag and covering his face as well? Show your face Matthew and protest like a Bruvver you pissy little snitch.

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