Monday 13 November 2017

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/11/17; Bolt trying to spotlight himself again; Newspoll and Murdoch's reverberations; The bully Flip; Walter Mitty Commentary;


Bolt would love to believe he has that much power however he has none without News Corp. That lesson was learned the hard way by Bill O'Reilly in the USA after he got the sack. Bolt isn't even their rating leader at Sky News as O'Reilly was at Fox. When he's named,  named by others that is such as  Tony Walker it's done only in as much as Bolt is just another one of the chorus of organ grinder's monkeys that makes up the real voice behind the scenes at News Corp, Murdoch's Media the muzak. News Corp not Bolt fuels the Abbott Conservatives the tail that wags the dog of the Liberal Party.
Andrew Bolt is just another tool at News Corp who never wanted to be a journalist in the first place too hard all that verifying and validating facts. He was there at a time when things were changing. An obituary writer that was happy polishing the facets of dead peoples personalities rather than ever having to give real substance to his subjects lives. He was and still is a literary make-up artist and hasn't moved on. He's one of the witches in Macbeth one of a Greek Chorus who without a by-line or the gift of a show given him by Rupert would be a backroom nobody.
 Unlike Bill O'Reilly his role model Bolt doesn't command ratings (25,000 if he's lucky nationally) on Sky. He's well behind the pace of others, and he's a page filler in Murdoch's print media, not a drawcard or headliner. He's also just a stooge for Steve Price as Steve Price is on The Project never really "the show" as we saw when he tried to grab the show off Miranda.
In all of these positions Bolt imagines he's center stage and hates it when anybody casts a shadow. When that does happen it's more often in-house bitch'n by Bolt a hissy fit as he had with Devine. Andrew Bolt is a media Walter Mitty trying to claim center stage yet again for the News Corp chorus. He lives under Murdoch's belief that if you say it often enough and loud enough you can even raise the dead.

The Liberal Party staffers were allowed to grow fat under the auspices of John Howard. They crowed when Labor lost the election because it's backroom back then ensured the ALP fell apart.  News Corp with control over 66% of Australian print media ensured it was amplified until the lying Tony Abbott the drover's dog got power. A Punchdrunk in-fighter he thought his lying was safe with the hands of  Murdoch and the IPA behind him. However, we soon learned what we knew all along he wasn't fit for the job. He wasn't the smartest of politicians to be the team leader Rupert made him out to be. He even fast became an international joke and brought the country down in the eyes of the world.
 While Turnbull was elected leader of the parliamentary branch of the party but inherited the f'wits of the Organization that culture hadn't changed and they have ensured that just changing the leadership wasn't enough.
It only takes one crew member to sink any ship and one with a heart filled with revenge like Abbott to wield the axe is enough. Tony Abbott has guaranteed the sinking of the SS Liberal Party along with the incompetence of the organization's fossilized backroom.
Bolt's flipping peddling backward like a Trumpster. The bully is flipping and now crying, victim
1) By taking the intent out of the actions he's trying to compare. The situations that Sam and Christine faced aren't equivalent.
2) Sam Dastyari faced the personal attack of himself for being an Australian immigrant, an Iranian, all because of his identity and heritage. He was set on by a minority of bullying moronic white nationalists who Bolt denounced superficially. However, Bolt was really an apologist for these goons disliking their poor style but not their intent or politics which he fundamentally supports.
3) Christine wasn't attacked because she was Christine but because she was an active member of the Liberal Party.
4) The Party that is regarded as criminal in every way because of misery and suffering being dealt handed down to 600 desperate people On Manus, used as little more than a political tool by the ultra-conservatives of the party they represented.
5) Dastyari was a victim of racism Christine one of protest is not.
  There is no equivalence Andrew Bolt. Christine Forsters foot along with her brothers is firmly planted on the throats of asylum seekers at Manus and people were protesting on their behalf to get it off.
Bolt only seems to have one bullet in his gun and it's a rubber one. Has anybody noticed that over the past week Bolt hasn't mentioned the Labor politicians that have been "let down by Labors backroom? "Shorten is plainly hiding Labor Frauds" is the that the best News Corp can come up with too frightened to name and shame because the just might be proved wrong. Why is Bolt doing this undocumented slagging of Shorten? It's simply to say "If Turnbull’s dying leadership wasn’t now the big media story, Shorten’s conniving and conspiring surely would be."Bolt
Bolt couldn't give a rats about Shorten other than to make sure he can say Turnbull is worse and we need to listen to Chris Kenny who said bring Abbott back. Yes the Chris Kenny who wrote and describes Nauru Detention as a holiday resort for the Murdoch Shameless Chorus that turned Australia from the land of the "fair go " to the land of the 'Don't Go' in the eyes of the world all for the sake of politics at face value but corporate power of the backroom.


Bolt is attacking Allen & Unwin a privately owned publisher for cowardice for taking and paying attention to the legal advice given by its lawyers. The same sort of legal advice being paid for to keep News Corp protected from the once convicted liar Andrew Bolt and serial defamer. Yet we don't ever hear Bolt personally attacking News Corp for holding him back why?
 When Bolt does find himself in trouble and any retractions that are necessary we don't hear about the stifling of free speech by News Corp is common practice. As Bolt always says from his glass house private corporations are entitled to choose what they wish to do after all Murdoch media certainly does just that. As for individual 'free speech' in Australia and lying well that's another matter  Bolt was never just convicted as an individual of lying. Our defamation laws protect individuals from a constant barrage of lies from the  Bolts of media and he should know because he's been found guilty of just that. Had he not been a media tool he'd have had all the freedom he wants. News Corp published it. Their lawyers failed them.
Here is an opportunity for Bolt to Publish Clive Hamilton's anti- China views. He won't so this remains nothing but noise. After all, they both seem to agree but all Bolt's done is made wild generalizations about a situation the details of which we know nothing. Generalisations that it seems don't need any supporting proof which seems odd.

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The Liberals should split but it's not in Abbott's interest to do so because should a split occur with whom would he form a coalition of "trust", let alone of competence?  There is nothing more certain the Liberal Party is split and has been since Abbot has tried to steal the bat and ball after he lost the team vote of captain.

The piggy that caused it
 Image result for Images of a lost senator Australia
 "Another damn opportunist of the kind that have so discredited politics." Yes just like the Conservatives in the Liberal Party that kept threatening to leave and knowing the careers would be over if they did.  How many times has Bolt threatened a split on their behalf being nothing more than a boom box it the end just noise.
 The Liberal promise  $122 million dollars spent on a continued attempt to throw Democracy overboard. We were told it was a waste of money and Bolt and his mates are about to prove it. The "Let's See" in the banner above comes as a threat. Let's see if this "yes" vote can stand the heat and see the light of day. This has nothing to do with the vote taken the democratic followthrough that should now automatically take place. We have fallen back into step with the Abbott challenge of saying Nope to everything. What was once regarded as Colonial Rule if it ever came from the bottom up reject it or steal it? The people Australians have nothing to do with the outcome and demands of those believing they are born to rule. Citizens are merely sheeple MP releases rival bill same-sex marriage that rollbacks discrimination laws
Well Tony Abbott certainly had neither the smarts nor the popularity when his party dumped him. Just how many times did he promise he'd heard the message and would change? How many times did we hear Bolt promise he would change? How was it that Bolt could make those sorts of promises for Abbott. Those ware way more than just opinions. In the the end even Bolt shut up and turned to Shorten as his target as he was sick of being an Abbott apologist.
Here he is no doubt starting not to just spruik  the Abbott message again but along with the associated BS he's changed learned from the past about what leadership means. He's the "only one"

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