Wednesday 11 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/7/18; Bolt is an idiot X2 claiming the ABC is unwanted and Sky and Murdoch are victims; Bolt's like a bat without sonar; Latham can do what Bolt can't; The Netherlands are Bolt's deadbeats I don't think so; A Paywall to Abbott;;

Definition of an Idiot Definition of Andrew Bolt


How dare activists and journalists of the Left turn one Senator's insult of another, Sarah Hanson-Young, into an ideological weapon to drive Sky News off your screens. Exposing the untruths, agendas and hypocrites in my editorial on The Bolt Report.

 Bolt the Victim
  I think Bolt drinks too much maybe takes acid as well. Go to any emergency Mental Health wards and you will see lots of Bolts deluded thinking everyone can read their thoughts and is spying on them. You see Bolt regards himself as a crusader when he's a pathetic unromantic version of an Australian Don Quixote. Bolts an all-around winner there little money pumped into dementia or mental health so he's free to be on our screens preaching paranoid crap to an audience that's a figment of his imagination that he regards as huge off a small base. The small base is just another two words for a small minority.
Here is Bolt's victim fantasy the fact that Outsider's apology was voluntary and not forced by News Corp's own Legal Dept to apologise with a very delayed response after allowing Leyonhjelm the platform to justify his defaming of Hanson-Young. Bolt's defence "I personally know Rowan and he's a nice guy" or something little more than that like "he wasn't smiling". The joke we know is that Sky is modelled on Fox News and runs on the same basis.
Sky gave no such apology until the next day so why and why did they say they were in error when Bolt claims they weren't? Nothing slips by them as they are there to capture sensation.
In the meantime Bolt wants to get in on the act after taking advice and having his production crew produce something neither off the cuff nor a conclusion based on what happened. Bolt has waited to steal some thunder has used the forced apology declaring it a volunteered one when it wasn't how? Bolt's editorial has sidestepped the specifics of what happened in order to suggest there is an attempt to close Sky down by a combined attack by all other media. It's Bolt's usual stance that he and his station's opinion are victims and that everybody is out to get Sky. I doubt anybody can be convinced that Murdoch media is a victim.
No their not, Hanson Young has threatened legal action and Sky specifically interfered and attempted to prevent that. Dean and Cameron only apologised under legal advice but Bolt has turned his editorial into a generality, not for their benefit but his and one based on spurious evidence to support his conclusion.
Bolt was the podcaster that mocked the Sudanese Community's Beauty Pageant on the IPA's sponsored podcast with his son in absolutely racist terms that would glorify the KKK's worst chorus. Here expects his cut and paste job on the ABC to be evidence for his pre-wanted conclusion that Sky News is an innocent and balanced media. Has anyone taken notice of just how late Bolt's editorials are late and well after the events he talks about?  Largely because they take time to produce and Bolt has to rehearse his well-practised outrage that has taken 2-3 years of experience but nevertheless seems more puppetry than the ABC or any other broadcaster does.

Coming from Andrew Bolt we know him as a 

sanctimonious person, pietist, whited sepulchre, plaster saint, humbug, pretender, deceiver, dissembler, impostor; More
informalphoney, Holy Willie;
informalcreeping Jesus;
rarePharisee, Tartuffe, Pecksniff, canter

"he condemned her as superficial and a hypocrite"
= a hypocritical person

Image result for Images of equity

Whites the Victims
" When the metric is race, not talent, it's a recipe for dumbing down. And when a white student misses out purely because of the colour of their skin, it's racism."Bolt
Bolt claims not to be a racist yet frets at the loss of the privilege of the "more talented white race". In fact, the university makes it quite clear what it wishes is to improve equity and put it in line with the racial distribution of peoples in the state. Bolt makes it clear he doesn't and is in fear of it. Talent Mr Bolt is developed and not innate or inherited and equity of opportunity ensures what Bolt wants not the reverse, the development of talent. Bolt seems to be running an argument against himself. But then he'd probably fail any enrolment qualification on the basis that talent has passed him by long ago no matter his colour all his achievements were acquired through marriage. Opinion is neither a talent nor a skill and Bolt seems unaware of his true social class or position.


" These are lines from a speech? That mixed salad of syllables? That torrent of polysyllabic abstractions, meant to advertise the smarts of the writer, not to make the hearer wiser?"Bolt
You can rest assured these lines aren't original Bolt. They have been misappropriated and used by Bolt repeatedly over the years because he often prefers moot point and debates to facts. He's the man who insists he's an Indigenous Australian. As for setting a predetermined position on issues and collecting evidence to support it, Bolt is par excellence an example of a bent cop on every topic he elects to opinionate on.
Imagine seeing Bolt change positions like Latham he can't. He's totally locked into his job his networks and his social obligations built over time. It's why he keeps a dual citizenship and dreams of anonymity in the Netherlands. He's not a real Australian.
There is no historic consideration as to why the NATO agreement came about and why Russia and The US found itself facing off in a post-war divided Germany. Germany was disallowed an army as was Japan. The US began the Cold War post WW2 and NATO was formed as an alliance to maintain American interests in Europe and not simply defend Europe as Trump makes out. History is always in a state of denial ignored or changed according to neoconservative whims. Why is Trump making such a show of it when the NATO countries have been listening?
“While these countries have been increasing their contributions since I took office, they must do much more,” he wrote on Twitter.
There was an estimated 4.87 per cent increase in total defence spending by Canada and European allies in 2017, marking the third straight year that defence spending by those countries increased, according to NATO. That was after several years of declines in spending by those countries.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Politico EU’s Confidential podcast this month that he expects eight nations will cross the 2 per cent threshold in 2018, which he said was up from three countries in 2014.
Domestic Politics is the sole reason. Imagine if Bolt gave NATO away? Why not give Sth Korea away and the 153 other sovereign states in which it has a military presence. Trump overlooks the fact that he's increased the USA military budget yet again to fight wars it has no hope of winning and expects the rest of the world to pay. Yes, he hasn't yet begun to put pressure on Australia to militarise more. Buy American is as much behind this as anything the Industrial Military Complex needs to be fed. Why is it so many of those Trump is engaging in war are using made in America?

Don't be conned it's a PAYWALL
 "As the Finkel review identified, there has been a failure to facilitate an orderly transition from carbon-intensive generation technologies to cleaner ones."
The failure to facilitate an orderly change was the guaranteed destruction of the ETS and Abbott's wrecking ball of an orderly transition. The establishment therein of policies that failed to address change altogether let alone orderly and allowing coal burners to become obsolete and close down. Forcing the non-closure of current obsolete generators hardly seems like progress or building new ones in the light of even more becoming expensive millstones to keep going. Abbott did this to the NBN retaining obsolete copper networks and now we haven't a high-speed network remain 51rst or worse in the world and are setting up offices in NZ and other places simply for better communication.
What we have is another clear case of Abbott politics creating the problem in the first place rolling Turnbull in doing so resulting in a mess of potpourri policies that failed and now crying out for more stop-gap political measures rather than any comprehensive move forward.
 Remeber how pedantic Bolt got when it was revealed somebody had worked for the IPA. Well, he was paid. Victoria Feilding was not paid by the ALP but revealed herself as an activist and an enthusiastic member of the ALP. A volunteer in any capacity is not listed as an employee of the Bolt Report either remember Peter from Bellvue Hill Bolt always referred to him as an enthusiastic fan. Yet somedays he put in more work to Bolt's blog than Bolt himself. There's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black going on here and it's not from the ABC who clearly stated Feilding was an 'enthusiastic' member and activist. Bolt simply called Peter BH a fan We need to talk about Mitchell
the panelist Bolt avoids mentioning.
 Bolt the Victim
Bolt's got to make you laugh but never much because he definitely has no capability when it comes to satire. He spent an inordinate time in his youth using women to be socially mobile and then dumped them. He found a pot of gold in Sally Morrel and moved up the ladder to tell us he arrived in Australia and had after some 30 years began to appreciate what it might mean to be an Aussie. However, he can't wait to get out of here. Yes some men are like Bolt and some men are rapists and child molesters and yes there is a diversity but what they have in common and in varying ways a general attitude to women that seems to deny their equity. That culture was witnessed and headlined specifically at Fox News an American subsidiary of News Corp. As the saying goes apples never fall far from the tree so there is no reason Bolt hasn't been infected by the culture that gave rise to Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Shine et al all heroes in Bolt's eye and the universe. As for Bolt "racking " his brain the answer is quite simple to get a new one from a woman and go to a reorganizational cultural boot camp. After all, he expected Aborigines to do it migrants to do it Muslims to do it. So let's start with Bolt.

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