Friday 13 July 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/7/18; Bolt's explanation of why and how reasoning particularly scientific doesn't work; Liar's Poker;

"Just because a proposition leads to some unfavorable result does not mean that it is false. Similarly, just because a proposition has good consequences does not all of a sudden make it true."
 Bolt claims reason alone doesn't work when people have a tin ear. It seems he's talking about himself here. He for one doesn't apply reason here instead, in some way, throwing it to Dr Bjorn Lomborg seems enough. However, Lomborg has vanished and Bolt doesn't say where he is or the lucky patrons that have picked him up

One thing for sure is facts and logic don't count for Andrew Bolt. Bolt has admitted that collecting facts verifying them and interpreting and analysing the data from them is not his cup of tea. It's why he became an obituary writer and then moved on to being an opinion columnist.
Bolt more often than not, however, collects facts that suit his predetermined conclusions. Yes, it's the work of a lazy cop who wants to set someone up. He goes any place anytime and simplistically bundles together unconnected data to make a point that his alleged victim is guilty. His use of statistics is much the same if it exaggerates his point he'll use if it doesn't he'll dump them. The good example his attempt at trying to convince us his Bolt Report ratings are fantastic really high "off a small base" which could mean 100% if his family watches his show and is his undefined small base. He does the same in reverse when he says black African immigrants have the highest rate of crime in Melbourne, of course, they do when it's off a small base.
Bolt loves ridicule, deflection, distortion, anything to avoid criticism and even turns to meaningless moot points that leave reality unexplained avoided untouched and unchanged. His best moot and ridiculous point was when he claimed:"I'm more Indigenous than any Aborigine or Torres Strait Islander that's younger than me". That's the quality of Bolt's reasoning better to avoid reality merely try to redefine the language of debate and he expected everyone to believe and understand him. Science is just a Religion to Bolt and no better than any other opinion which is another escapist idiocy of Bolt's.
 "Reason won't work Bolt claims in his editorial " Well it seems to me quite the opposite is true. Scientific reasoning has brought us a very long way over the past two centuries accelerating our understanding of the world around us faster as time has passed. The truth is, however, Andrew Bolt hasn't moved with it.
"Professor Lomborg" and his "World Famous Copenhagen Consensus Center" Where is it? Denmark denies any association with it. It was once sponsored by the Koch Bros and used him for promoting their anti-warming interests but after a year he was dropped. Lomborg isn't a scientist. His professorship was an honorary title only and all Australian Universities in the worlds top 100 came to realise it. He wasn't qualified to be a tutor. He was going to be Abbott's tool with a $4 mill bribe to any tertiary institution buy Lomborg respectability not for the studying of global climate but for the denial of the science of global climate warming only. But Lomborg and Abbott were busted because he was neither a teaching academic nor a real researcher in that field.
Where is Bolt's world-famous professor and his CCC today I bet you Bolt doesn't say and as yet haven't listened to his full editorial? Like the Ramsay WCIV Center Bolt says it's "study" of WCIV but when examined it's not and neither was Lomborg's CCC. a study of Global Climate. Stupidly Abbott spilled the beans in Quadrant when he said they were truth centres that really needed a University to market their predetermined narratives as the truth. PR centres disguised as centres of academic integrity. 
Busted Bolt's rhetoric flips and all the top universities around the world are declared blind and ignorant for not recognizing Lomborg's and the Ramsay Center's genius. They don't deserve their wisdom.
 Yes Andrew Bolt uses every trick in the book except scientific data, peer-reviewed research and the applied reasoning of 97% of global climate scientists who are in agreement that the rate of global warming is accelerating as has never been witnessed before and largely due to the increased greenhouse gasses produced by man and our use of fossil fuels. All Bolt offers in reply is rhetoric the waving of hands, performed laughter, Lomborg and calling science's deductive and inductive logic a religion.
 Now if that's Bolt logic and reasoning thank Australian Universities for their wisdom and their history of real progressive thought in our understanding of the physical world in which we live and the assistance to decisions we need to make in order to save more than just 12 boys lives. No such reasoning is applied when politicians incarcerating children as do Conservatives for simply trying to escape the mayhem in their countries of origin. 
 Finally for the whereabouts of Bolt's "World Famous Lomborg and his CCC"
"Denmark withdrew its funding, and the Center faced imminent closure.[11] Lomborg left the country and reconstituted the Center as a US non-profit organization, based in Lowell, Massachusetts.[12][13] In fact, the address is a post box, and at this time, the actual location of its operations remains unverified."
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  No Trump, Germany doesn't Get 70% of its Energy From Putin; it gets 41% from Renewables

 Trump just made the claim that Germany gets 70% of its energy from Russia (via imports of natural gas). It is being pointed out that this assertion, like most things that come out of Trump’s mouth, is completely untrue.

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