Monday 25 May 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 25/5/20; Migration and the skill set Abbott scared away; $60 Bill and Stuart Robert;

Cartoon: the Abbott insurgency

Migration "reset" looms in budget: acting immigration minister Alan Tudge.



Migration 'reset' looms in budget as government eyes super-skilled talent

The country's former top public servant Martin Parkinson has urged the government to "go for broke" on skilled migration.
Covid-19 seems to have forced the government's hand to admit their lacklustre 7-year policies drove our brightest and best away and haven't encouraged or supported a new future. They now have to admit their previous focus to turn our universities into an export business and homegrown debt facilitators built on fake promises of a future has left a hole. Rather than encouraging real skilled education, they ensured our homegrown talent was driven offshore because any government support of research excellence like the CSIRO was loudly and politically cut. Their current declaration of "opportunity" to attract super-skilled people is an admission that magnifies the hole they created in the first place. Instead of focusing on areas needed to "progress" the past 7 years have left us short of being a "clever" country because so many areas were blocked. We now need to buy the skills of those trained elsewhere because which in the past 7 years we have seen the LNP discourage and deplete.

Tony Abbott's withdrawal of funding of science and research not only resulted in a brain drain from Australia but announced to the world "we weren't interested" in any stretch of serious imagination and at the same time it discouraged our own youth from entering areas of scientific and technological research where there was no support or promise of future work. Abbott publicly focused on importing idiots like Dr Bjorn Lomberg to support his political agendas rather than promoting any real groundbreaking investigation. They turned to bribing universities not with excellence but Lomborg's CCC the Copenhagen Climate Council and the Ramsey Foundation while  Royal Parade in Victoria, once a world-renown government-supported research precinct, was let deteriorate. Now that's come back to bite the LNP in the arse.
What they call an opportunity is a disaster they caused and want to fix in the short term by attempting to buy back what they drove away and wrecked in the first place. How dull are these MPs? Bright minded people won't rush here just because of Covid-19. They didn't come in the first place because they saw a government dismantling the government supports that were there a decade ago and knew they'd be coming to a land of false promises where they weren't appreciated.

via $60 Billion JobKeeper Savings To Be Used To Pay For Stuart Robert’s Internet Bill | The Shovel

 Energy Minister Angus Taylor: “We’re not going to use the safeguard to create a carbon tax.”

Carbon cuts to remain voluntary as minister rules out permit scheme

Energy Minister Angus Taylor has insisted cuts must remain voluntary to avoid any shift in the “safety net” to turn it into a carbon tax.
It's why moner is being spent on "cleaner coal" "washed coal" wasting precious water!!

Fake News


Chris Kenny on the ABC's new climate disaster show: "Australia’s emissions for the year to September 2019 have declined 15.4 per cent since... 2007... It betrays much about the ABC agenda that none of this was ­examined... Four Corners and the ABC insinuate a big lie: that Australian inaction... had an impact on our ­climate." 
Short term thinker and unessential worker and human Andrew Bolt has risen from his 3-day weekend and asks what all the effen fuss is about. It seems the $60 bill blunder hasn't reached him or Chris Kenny yet. Chris Kenny is the "reporter" that told us Nauru was honeymoon island a paradise for refugees.
So what's a pandemic? What's a tornado?  What's a once in a decade storm? What're CO2 emissions anyway and what's Climate Change anyway Bolt asks skies are blue over his house and he's not affected by any invisible wars on some distant planet. Meanwhile, if the houses around the corner were burning you know Andrew Bolt's not the man to lend a bucket of water to anyone knocking on his door. They'd receive a "bullshit piss off" from the speaker at his front gate even while flames were licking his back fence.
Science, in general, is fakery and just another opinion and the ABC is their voice. Everything is just opinion as far as Andrew Bolt is concerned and all opinion is of equal weight. It's the selling that makes the difference as there is no such thing as probability and truth. How do you argue with ignorance you can't it's a waste of time. You simply don't support it. You judge it declare whether it's essential productive. and whose paying to support it. In whose interests it's in and then just walk away because sure as hell people with money aren't buying it these days.
The ABC has style and focuses on the news and what science has been saying these past 70 years. It''s energies aren't spent watching non-productive losers grubbing around for a cheap buck like Murdoch's Herald Sun and Sky News are. Foxtel just cut its prices in the hope of attracting subscriptions because Sky News Chris Kenny and Andrew Bolt aren't attractions. The ABC meanwhile is providing a national service telling Australia what is happening in terms of national and global emergencies to our world our planet and beyond Andrew Bolt's tulip garden. 


COLUMN Feminism once demanded women receive equal treatment. Now it demands women receive special protection. Take Clementine Ford, “Australia’s most prominent contemporary feminist”. On Saturday she complained, “coronavirus isn’t killing men fast enough”. But she's been outraged by the "verbal assaults" of Alan Jones against Jacinda Ardern.  
24m ago 
Equal treatment in Bolt's fantasy world is, bad manners, abuse,  guns and domestic violence except when women do it to men or don't submit. When Bolt got was coming to him from his ex he ran for the hills blaming his wife for his own misogynistic bad behaviour and lies. But then that's how Andrew Bolt rolls. Miranda Devine is no longer a friend as she dared step on Andrews toes treating him as an equal. He complained that he had to take his family on holiday to a Muslim country as if he were being abused and not given the respect he deserved. After all, he is the breadwinner and they were just the baggage thinking above their station.


Does China remind you of any other dictatorship since, say, 1939?  It hates democracy and free speech.  It’s rapidly built up its military. It’s jailed a despised ethnic group (Uyghurs). It’s ultranationalist and wants to reconquer territory (Taiwan, South China Sea) that it claims belongs to the fatherland. It even has its Poland — Hong Kong.
33m ago 
I think Bolt hasn't a convincing argument given we are in Iraq, Afghanistan had a go at Vietnam, Helped Indonesia kill a million people and have imprisoned and killed refugees asking for asylum on Manus, Nauru, Xmas Island. The thing is we aren't even doing it for ourselves but America that has a military presence in over 150 of the world's nations and whose business is war and the selling of arms and not the defence. They have been mercenaries for commercial interests for more than 60 years and we have been their apprentices in the hope of one-day profit sharing.


They never checked whether foulmouthed Clementine Ford might not qualify for a grant excluding artists "that seek to... offend parts of the community"?:  "A council grants program that awarded Clementine Ford thousands of dollar is under review after the controversial writer said coronavirus wasn’t 'killing men fast enough'.”  
3h ago

Andrew Bolt can say he admired the conviction of the Barcelona bombers. He can say he wished young Christians showed the same convictions and weren't so gutless. He says these things as a sponsored representative of an organisation News Corp that has been handed cash subsidies to the tune of $30 mill +++and other forms of Corporate welfare and doesn't regard himself as foul-mouthed or an inciter of violence. Yet his organisation Sky News was shut down during the NZ shootings as they wished to profit from the event. Bolt defended them and himself at the time.
This tolerant libertarian "free speech" advocate incited and helped run a far more talented intelligent woman out of the country than he is Yassmin Abdel Magied even after she apologised for any offence. Andrew Bolt was and is an exemplar for "domestic violence"


James Cook  University is going to the Federal Court tomorrow to appeal against a court ruling that it unlawfully sacked Dr Peter Ridd after he questioned the global warming hysteria. IPA Director of Policy Gideon Rozner  has done extensive interviews for a podcast on this astonishing attempt to shut Ridd down. Listen to The Heretic here. 
38m ago 
 Pell made use of our justice system to its full extent. Apparently, James Cook Uni doesn't have the same rights according to the IPA and Andrew Bolt. It's amazing how connected the IPA, Andrew Bolt and his Murdochian's have a mental MODEL of what Australia ought to be but never seems to fit. 

Bolt doesn't point us to debate but a monologue produced, funded and used by a known political body used for garnering subscriptions which also has funded and published Andrew Bolt declaring him an expert on Climate Change. Currently, they are employing and training his son for their media purposes as also an expert like his father?
Amazing Ridd claims all peer-reviewed science, internationally, is a scandal globally and historically labelling the past 250 years as some sort of fraud.  If the opposite is experienced and proven fact then why are we to believe he Ridd isn't the scandal? Where are the verifiers of Ridd's work and in fact why hasn't Ridd published his work and allowed it to be tested? Their answer is thousands of scientists agree but are "In the closet"... now that's convincing, isn't it? Why didn't Ridd tackle his objection in any acceptable scientific way so he too could be peer-reviewed? Ridd simply broke all respectable and accepted international scientific protocols and was used.
The IPA which published Climate Science the Facts (2017) declared Andrew Bolt as a world foremost expert on the topic Bolt was at the time promoting Spencers work that the planet was "Cooling" and not "Warming" the publication was deemed "crowd-funded" and the funders conveniently unknown. It brought things to a head as Andrew Bolt wasn't an expert while at the time was telling us the world was cooling against all evidence at the time apart from Roy Spencer. 
The publication was not in any way science but a selected range of articles against science and condemning the very nature of inquiry and discipline. It was a reductionist effort to simply declare it opinion or in Trump terms today any effort at the truth simply "Fake News".
 Ridd has been used, joined politics and abandoned science for what seems another career altogether. He's abandoned any effort to produce a paper of his research. Nothing has been published or peer-reviewed but rather only sensationalised by media and the backing of the IPA. Another "crowd-funded" publication is due in 2020 we are told a publication that has little regard for science that's certain.

  No photo description available.


More evidence that the Morrison Government's modelling wildly exaggerated the coronavirus threat, panicking it into extreme bans and spending: "Friday’s $60bn job keeper revision takes the cake... The government estimated around 6 million employees would access the [JobKeeper] $1,500 fortnight payment... The true number... is closer to 3.5 million."
3h ago
No mention that their "modelling" was too great from the outset by Andrew Bolt it proves camp followers like Bolt have never been real front runners. Abbott predicted overspending on scientific research such as "the environment" "Great Barrier Reef" and cut back across the board driving our best and brightest out of the country. They turned Australia's CSIRO into an also-ran and drove Royal Parade Victoria's medical researchers looking for jobs. Now after 7 years the brain drain they created has been named an opportunity to advertise "where the fuck are you" to an environment they slashed of funds. That was LNP  and in particular, Tony Abbott modelling for you that Andrew Bolt the anti-scientist trusted!

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