Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,29/3/16; Bolt's believes we need to retun to the days of 'poor houses'. Poverty is a crime; Playground bullies; The smugness of imperialistic thinking; Boris and Disraeli are my doppelgangers; Who needs insurance?; Problem Bolt can't explain is religious extremes exist in all religions; Has Bolt ever been funny if so when? Oh when a butt of jokes!!; Bolt froths at the mouth abour Reith but stays silent on Michael Kroger who he needs;

A petition asking Bibi to give a medal to the soldier who executed a Palestinian in Hebron has ~42,000 signatures. 


2)Belgians march united for refugees and against right wing thugs

3) Reith Kroger Hewson and Vanstone tell Tony Abbott to pull his head in. 

4)Not in Europe: 5 deadly terror attacks which failed to grab world's attention like Brussels & Paris  more Muslims than Christians targeted why? When we hear of Hindu, Buddhist,Christian and other terrorists why is the focus only on Islamists and not the politics and history  countries in which terror occurs?


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