Wednesday 30 March 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 30/3/16; Bolt after 40 years has learnt substanceless waffle to distract; Who is the least trusted media in Australia?; Bolt is not an agnostic he's a solipsist; Bolt only knows 1 Newton Law react oppositely; Bolt proves without knowledge where it is you came from and where you are you won't get to where you want; Bolt shut's up about the pro unity march in Brussels and carries on with his anti- refugee discourse from half way around the world; Big Corporations kill small business not Unions;




Turnbull’s tax plan is eight times stupid

Bolt's reasoned analysis is an ad for the Australian nothing else.

" None of this makes sense as a political strategy just months out from an election: "

" What the hell is Turnbull doing? "

"  Is Turnbull determined to throw away the next election? Is this really the work of his brains trust?"

Turnbull is 1) offering smaller government by giving states control. 2) Smaller Government is a spending cut. 2 Principles Bolt was arguing for but now he's against simply because it's Turnbull. 

Bolt's points are what's 8 times stupid. One point of administration the states is cheaper than two Bolt count that on your fingers and move your lips.

1 unexplained statement 

2 crystal ball prediction

3 Oh, the work of government is a distraction that's a smart critique

4 Bolt guessing  about what goes on between Turnbull and Morrison won't be raising taxes

5 No it's nothing like the plan Mr Bolt

6 There is no suggestion if the Conservatives do what Bolt is they are simply lying and without any sophistication.

7 Something about waffling but Bolts English is so bad  it makes little sense.

8 Bolt politics is about winning elections not helping the electorate that comes with the passing of bills. Turnbull made a move that's good for the Commonwealth and as far as your concerned it was a move  in the direction youve been screaming for. But it's not Abbott's so it's bad no matter what. Even if it's just politics.


No matter how many random points Bolt can count down on his fingers they need to be relevant. Not just an irrelevant distraction which these 8 are. They have no substance.

 Giving states control reduces commonwealth responsibilities which can't address specific concerns as well as the states and it will reduce costs if one government needs to administer it instead of two. The states will be left with the choice of raising or lowering taxes not Turnbull. It's what Bolt has been calling for all along however when it's put in front of him by Malcolm he spits like a child why? He only wants what uncle Tony will provide why? Because Uncle Tony is fit he swims and rides bikes. That's what Bolt tried the other day.



Does Mark Scott listen to Faine, Harmer, Jones, Adams, Alberici, Williams, Epstein, Colvin, Green..

One only needs to compare Bolt, 2GB and the ABC and it's evidence as to where bias lies. It's not with the ABC. One only needs to ask the electorate where their trust lies and it's not with Andrew Bolt. If elections were run purely on this argument alone  Conservatives like Bolt would never gain power.  84% of Australians trust  the ABC and that says it all. How is it Bolt works for the least trusted media group in the country? Run your polls on this issue  Andrew Bolt, but then you know you don't need to. By the way does Bolt ask everyone he meets who they vote for before living his life or does he allow his wife to live it for him when running scared out of PTA meetings.

Bolts ABC whinge reflects the losing battle News Corp is having with trying to break Auntie up the continuing sliming of Malcolm Turnbull and the primping of Abbott to try to bring on another spill. What we are witnessing  is the disregard at present for the Australian public in favor of the narrow interests of Rupert Murdoch trying to get Bolt's dog back in the race for the promise of destroying the ABC if success can be achieved even at the behest of the destruction of the Liberal Party in the process. Cory Bernardi's fatuous threat of splitting the Liberal Party is simply a part of that strategy in play at the moment. Australia we are the least of these arse-holes concern.



Racism at the university: white Australian’s aren’t “indigenous”, too

Bolt doesn't believe in learning only training. That the history of Australia is the same as math and therefore invariable " The university is plainly wrong. It is trying to disenfranchise non-Aboriginal Australians of their birth right."Bolt Humans do have rights but not classes of Australians which is the division that Bolt claims is detrimental. He obviously believes in rights  refuses to acknowledge that in our Constitution we have none. There is no Human Rights Bill. Somehow insists however that non- Aboriginal Australian Rights need to be  acknowledged over and above human rights or the human rights of all people in Australia.

"Anyone born here is indigenous to this land, not least because in most cases they have no other place to call home."Bolt On this point Bolt's a liar because it's not what he believes. He's an advocate of citizenship being taken away from those holding dual passports even if born here. He believes those without citizenship do not have the same rights as Australians. 

 Bolt's most insistant on this Position.  However what has made him  a laughing stock is his Solipsism. History didn't begin until he was born. A logic leads him to the conclusion that we only exist because we are in his mind and a figment of his imagination which for some reason he can't but would like to control. People have been put in straight jackets for that. "As I once said: I was born in Australia six years before Pearson. If you consider us as individuals I am more indigenous than Pearson. I “came” here before he did."  Pearson is  only a part of Bolt's imagination.Any wonder he failed university. Yet according to him he's the father of Australian history. Soon there will be no living survivors of WW1 and then it  won't have happened. So why is Bolt complaining he can believe whatever he wants but  he'll just have to put up with the fact that he is not in control of his mind. Heaven help him who has he convinced?Queensland Premier praised for 'invasion' stance in Australian history for Indigenous people - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 

  Outrage As University Teaches History Correctly. | SBS Comedy



1400 “refugees” off Italy in one day

Notice how Bolt didn't mention the mass unity march in Brussels in support of refugees and the rejection of the neo-Nazis that attended. It's called blinkered. Professor Shanahan Bolt's "corrective" below also missed that experience and I guess couldn't comment either.




Big union ruins small truckies

Big Corporations ruin small buiness. Woolworths, Coles, Netflix, Foxtel etc destroy small business not the Unions. A government decision that has unintended consequences for Unions is being used to blame the Unions . Well that seems logical. By the way the decision is not as yet inevitable as Bolt suggests it is. Fear mongering however is Bolt's Conservative tool of trade.



Treating terrorists as victims

Christian terrorists thought they'd turn up in force in Brussels and were driven away by demonstrators for unity. Christians and Muslims marched together. The neo- Nazis fled. I wonder how many were on social welfare? However does Bolt for one moment think the bigotry and propaganda against Jews didn't create a radicalized resistense? Does he think Germans were born Nazis? That Jews all went to the gas chambers meekly that none were radicalized? Does Bolt think for a moment that the French and Germans confronted by this resistense weren't told they were the cause of it. So the Bolt who were and who weren't the victims in WW2. Your origins are from a pro Nazi town the most famous in Holland. The people of that town supported the terrorists of Jews. That both French and Germans both didn't have people who joined the resistense and not the Nazis and were considered terrorists. What sort of lopsided logic is Bolt trying to convince us of. My mother a German Christian hid 2 Jews in an attic for 18months under the threat of death. Yes she was radicalized but then so was her brother a Nazi. They were from the same family yet didn't talk to each other for years. All were victims and yes even those regarded as terrorists.

Who is associate professor Rodger Shanahan and what a moron. What does travelling done for him? I'm well travelled when Siekhs were being butchered in India. In Jaipur I watched Hindu neighbours crying with their Seikh neighbours as the they cut their top knots off and shaved them to hide them from the extreme right wing Hindu terrorists. People certainly questioned their bigotry and rid themselves of it . To say those killed in terrorist attacks never gave consideration to what they believed is simply stupid. Among those killed you will have found both all however are victims. "Travel in some hard parts of the world, economy class by foot may expand your rather closed mind." Shanahan Yes I was in Iran, Aghanistan, India and during some of the worst times. My life of over 30 years was spent living in the third world what Shanahan  only did  as a tourist I met people of all persuasions but none as stupid as Shanahan who suggests that is the only road to learning and wisdom. Walking through a forest counting trees won't provide you with the concept of a forrest.  Using Shanahan  as a "corrective" which fails to make any sense at all in Bolt's blog unless there's some pearls of wisdom hidden elsewhere.  However there's none in this blog.


Turnbull’s latest plan for higher taxes

Daily Bolt tells us of Turnbull's lack of plans for the economy  Today he's fear-mongering and saying he plans to raise taxes by relinquishing responsibilities and giving options to the states. Surely that means  smaller  Commonwealth government and thus cutting spending by the Commonwealth something Bolt always advocates . "Is this bloke just making things up as he goes along?" Bolt 

 That's Bolt for you always reacting and behind the game never ahead of it and always in the opposite direction no matter what the principle is. He sounds like a wrecker like someone else we know. The core of Bolt's conservative thinking is supposed to be smaller government but because of his antipathy for Turnbull he's arguing for maintaining bigger government which inevitably means more spending.


What Bolt won't tell you today and admit he was wrong

1) The Egyptian plane was not hijacked by an Islamic Terrorist as he suggested  yesterday

2) The most notable person charged for violence at Donald Trump's rallies was Cory Lewandowski Trump's campaign manager

3) Israel makes $$$ blockading Gaza and Israel dangerous new anti-democracy law

4) How upper class culture excuses rape

5) How the corner stones of British History were all migrant

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