Thursday, 30 October 2014

Andrew Bolt's blog 30/10/14 Lies about Climate again using the Peter Foster of Climatology a plagiarist as his source and snipes at John Faine stays mum about Napthine not wanting Abbott


In praise of Malcolm Turnbull

Billions have been spent on war, policing and security an unprecedented change in the history of this nation. Changes that are reminiscent of South American dictatorships. Nobody in this country was or has been killed in a terrorist act apart from a 17 year old kid whose death is yet to be defined. Welfare is to be equally policed at what cost? To date none of these changes have been progressive and given the blowout they have caused the deficit one could well argue that they are regressive so much so we are going backwards. Even Rupert Murdoch is beginning to realise there is an increasing gap growing between the rich and poor. I guess it's time for another dinner with Tony.


School for jihadism

We now have laws in place  to lock these children up. We have ASIO who can watch them life long. If they have relationships with other kids in Lakemba we could build a Gazan wall around Lalemba. 

I remember being half Jewish and Catholic attending religious instruction with a Jew hanging on a cross on a wall. As a child from a second marriage the priests taught us that divorce was not recognised and any children born of a relationship not recognised by the church would never go to heaven. 

In Easter plays I was one of the evil Jews yelling for the death of Christ or sometimes worse a Roman soldier. We learnt about the evils of the other side.

How come the police didn't raid the joint? Oh they did they arrested and charged priests for paedophilia some 50 years later.  I stopped being a Catholic as I became educated

Nationals MP demands inquiry into temperature fudging

Dr Roy Spencer has been one of James Taylor and Fox News's experts on climate and whilst Taylor a lawyer is regarded as the Peter Foster of climatology Spencer's research has been pulled to shreds by his peers for his lack of scientific integrity. Bolt turns to these charlatans only because he works for Fox and they run an agenda.

The Evolution Crisis, Spencer wrote,

 "I finally became convinced that the theory of creation actually had a much better scientific basis than the theory of evolution, for the creation model was actually better able to explain the physical and biological complexity in the world. [...] Science has startled us with its many discoveries and advances, but it has hit a brick wall in its attempt to rid itself of the need for a creator and designer."[42]

Roy Spencer has published

a paper in a statistics journal, which was ultimately withdrawn because of “evidence of plagiarism and complaints about the peer-review process.”

  Spencer committed one of the most egregious blunders in the history of remote sensing —committing multiple errors in analysing the satellite data and creating one of the enduring denier myths, that the satellite data didn’t show the global warming that the surface temperature data did.
These two have always been central to Bolt's sourcing


Victorian Liberals falling

Well at least Faine doesn't write the nonsense you put in your Blogs. He may well have mentioned that Abbott wants to campaign but Napthine doesn't want him. The Premier has called out clearly "show me the money Tony"Don't see you quoting Faine too dangerous is it. You might just be caught out as someone who lies about the ABC as well as climate.


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