Bolt's Bog 22/10/14 Andrew Bolt Ultra Racist, Australian coal kills Indian poor, A Canadian soldier dies, Abbott is sending our boys to where they have been told their not wanted

There is no doubt that there are a minority of extremists influenced by ISIL propaganda no denying. However trying to corral them is not going to alter their ideology or motivation. It will however anger some as is the case here. Those soldiers would still be with us if he was allowed to get on a plane and go rather than just restricted. Bolt really does search the world for individual cases to pull generalisations out of his racist hat.
If he had arrived mad in the ISIL camp determined not to be restricted without training he'd be more of a hindrance than an advantage to ISIL. They may have done away with him. If not he'd have to be trained. Why are we spending so much time training troops for such a long time? If training is not a requisite and only commitment is needed somebody is pulling the wool over our eyes. We are told the Iraqi army is committed but needs training.
Tony Abbott has been warned our allies in Iraq Shiite Militia, Sunni tribes and some of the Iraqi army DON'T WANT US THERE. Isn't that real ideological danger and total irresponsibility
Doesn't Bolt listen to the Department of Meteorology his BS must be maintained despite the fact that last night weather on channel 9 declared September had the the highest mean average temperature on record. Further the mean temperature has been on the increase for quite some years. Bolt is just stuck in a denial rut.
Just to respond to his ignorant cry about coal the saviour of the Indian poor he should pay attention to Adani's corporate interest.
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