Bolt's Bog 25/10/14, Bolt's Abbott's Fluffer keeps him standing, Every act of violence is terrorist. Voluteers to West Africa are Terrorist,
Is this a breach of Section 18C As the official police report makes no reference to Islam
Official statement
But the official said that Mr. Thompson appeared to be more of what he
called “a throwback to the old black radical groups in the 1970s” rather
than a traditional jihadist, though the investigation has uncovered
writings or statements expressing “hatred of America, the need for
revolution and the need to punish America.”
Bolt gleans from this:
He visited websites that focused on terror groups such as Al-Qaeda, the IS organization and the Shebab Islamists in Somalia.
Something in Islam seems to attract men of violence.
Bolt has been found to be such a liar in the past why should believe him now.
The world has asked Australia to do more to help. The world is a leftist organization it's also been Whitlamised, It's good to see that 19 medical voluteers have gone. I guess Bolt wants their passports cancelled because they too could be terrorists coming home to spread the disease.
We still remain amongst the top 4 economies which makes a farce of the word crippled in any context. As for safe an secure there has been more fear spread by the mass media than any time since the early 60's. If anyone is beating the confidence out of this country it's the News Corp stable and Abbott 54:47 is the result Thank you Andrew Bolt
Bolt supports the legitimacy of pedophiles talking planning fantasising in private. If holding public positions and found out they should be left alone. No 'public interest' in the case of Spurr is there who was a specialist reviewer of our National Curriculum. Terrorists are fine as long as it's private they if they don't get caught doing anything alls well with the world. But heaven help you if your a closet leftie.
The man shreds reasonable thought for 30 pieces of silver.
Summary of the Murdoch stable. Too much of this media that treats the public as fools will rebound on what it's trying to achieve. We have so much of Whitlam still with us except for the gap between the rich and the poor. But then as far as Bolt is concerned it's the poor's fault.
Again Bolt making a mountain out of a mole hill everybody is paying google because Google changed it's algorithm. ABC has an advertising budget and the google payment is a miniscule part of that compared with what the other channels are doing. However the ABC has a leading presance on Google because it has far far more support from the Australian public than any of the free to air channels and far far more than channel 10. Bolt is just trying to pull the wool.
Very obscure ????...... Until you see Bolt is riding on the back of Tim Blair's puerile attempt at a Spurr
What a load of nonsense from Bolt the EU is asking for a real % as is Abbott saying he wants a 'real' 20% cut in the RET. Bolt accepts one but not the other. The rest of his comment is just fluff and he is Abbott's fluffer. One should check what a fluffer was in the porn industry before viagra. I repeat Bolt is Abbot's fluffer.
There is a question of nudge, nudge, wink, wink say no more if ever there was one.
No the CIA didn't get to 10 million voters one at the same time but Rupert Murdoch did. When John Howard checked all the documents on the Khemlani affair and found absolutely nothing untoward it was held back and the Herald Sun only printed BS as there was nothing illegal in the government trying to raise funds. This was however swept under the carpet. Further the Fraser government didn't reverse any of the Bills passed by the Whitlam Government. Strange for a situation that was meant to be on an economic knife edge. It reminds us of the present
Why one wonders did so many journalists go out on strike at the time for editorial interferance. People don't just walk out on jobs to become truckies unless principles were being trashed. However that has also been documented.
What is known:
1 The Packer empire had put their media interests at the service of the US and Rupert Murdoch recieved a briefing from Kerr before taking an active editorial line against Whitlam.
2 Nixon ordered the NSC to do something more than to produce policy options to hold current,and create new US defense installations in Australia and
3 Whitehouse staff considered that the NSC did have a jurisdiction in Australia in 1975 and US security services were active in promoting the dismissal of the Whitlam government
4 Archive correspondence clearly shows that the NSC the body for excercising control over the CIA was active with regard Australia in 1975 and showed a lot of argy bargy about how to celebrate the victory
" they wanted the Fraser Government to enjoy the obvious affection that would have been lavished on it by the US."

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