Friday, 14 November 2014

Andrew Bolt Bog,14/11/14 Jews, Lomborg another primary source with no reputation, and a lot of nonsense, 74% Dutch Turks are pro Democracy and against IS Caliphate. Bolt says the opposite



Media Watch rounds up the ideological stragglers

Top polluters have agreed to reduce the pollution. Perhaps Channel 10 will follow their line and dump the poorly rated Bolt report for commercial reasons. When aunty makes a mess there is always someone there to tell her she left a mess and always somebody there to dig in and help clean it up. For News Corp the mess and stench remain who cleans up? Bolt can freely denigrate a VC hero but does anybody ever say sorry not in our life time.

Why does it offend Bob Carr only when Jews do it?

Bolt is the only one who seems to obsessed with Jews,Jews Jews. Everyone else talks about the State of Israel governed by Likud and 16% of the vote. Bolt equates Judaism exclusively with with a political entity in which 50% of Jews don't live and 16% are Arab. Yesterday he railed against Jordan where 1millon Palestinian refugees have found safety and called Jordan a hypocritical state. He didn't call Jordan an Islamic state did he. He doesn't call Indonesia Malaysia Islamic states but Israel is definitively a Jewish state discarding the non Jewish Israelis they don't exist. Israel today is a state and deserves all the recognition of that and all the criticism leaving aside the racism that Bolt says he so abhors but constantly shines the light on.

Obama gives China a great climate deal: a weaker US at no cost to Beijing

Needless to say Bjorn Lomborg is an internationally recognized distorter of the of the global warming argument. Like James Taylor and Roy Spencer he is a Bolt primary source. 97% of the worlds top climatologists beg to differ.

AntiScience:  Queensland University warmists teach students to close minds to doubt 

The application of scientific method is the application of doubt and peer review. Scientists names can be left off research papers and yet the application of doubt and peer review assesses the validity of the ideas in the paper.

 Bolt seems to be suggesting that  when there is a 97% consensus about the science of global warming. That a social science course examining the politics of argument should give equal time to the arguments like " God determines man made  climate change". Any course  that doesn't give equal weight to this proposition has to be leftist. Further any course not revealing the distortions of Taylor,Spencer Lomborg et al as myth must have leftist.  Even though a 97% consensus exists about the scientific research done and reviewed. Whose the nutter?


Victorian Liberals finally find direction - downwards

Hint leave Bolt leave for sunny totalitarian climes.

Team Lambie: membership of one

Truth or Dare as Bolt see's it. The view point of a childish brain.


No ponchos for paleface

Nonsense Bolt obviously regards as important.


Saving the world isn’t cheap when it involves Tim Flannery

When the 2 largest of the largest and most powerful countries in the world declare global warming as the most significant issue of the day Bolt is pushing shit up hill with a pointed stick using 'alarmist' as a word to describe Flannery. Backward thinking is a word more descriptive of Andrew Bolt.


Jihad in clogs 

Bolt is a liar. Follow the thread and it shows 74% of Dutch Turks are against the IS Caliphate and see Democracy as essential for the region. 90% were against the ASSAD regime. In other words the majority are against any form of totalitarian state. Bolt's Blog is skewed to his racist point of view. Read the thread.


It also showed 74% of Dutch Turks and 61% of Dutch Moroccans oppose the declaration of an Islamic caliphate in the region and a clear majority (62%) consider democracy essential for progress. Just 8% thought a caliphate was better for the Arabic world than a democracy.

Read more at Young Dutch Turks’ radical views worry MPs, call for more research


It also showed 74% of Dutch Turks and 61% of Dutch Moroccans oppose the declaration of an Islamic caliphate in the region and a clear majority (62%) consider democracy essential for progress. Just 8% thought a caliphate was better for the Arabic world than a democracy.

Read more at Young Dutch Turks’ radical views worry MPs, call for more research
It also showed 74% of Dutch Turks and 61% of Dutch Moroccans oppose the declaration of an Islamic caliphate in the region and a clear majority (62%) consider democracy essential for progress. Just 8% thought a caliphate was better for the Arabic world than a democracy.

Read more at Young Dutch Turks’ radical views worry MPs, call for more research
It also showed 74% of Dutch Turks and 61% of Dutch Moroccans oppose the declaration of an Islamic caliphate in the region and a clear majority (62%) consider democracy essential for progress. Just 8% thought a caliphate was better for the Arabic world than a democracy.

Read more at Young Dutch Turks’ radical views worry MPs, call for more research



Hypocrite alert

Bolt the 1%er. and he says he's not religious?



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