Thursday, 6 November 2014

Andrew Bolt's Blog 6/11/14 Tear down Abbott's memorial to Whitlam how? Tear down Cate, Support News Corp cockroaches, Slap Scott, Lobbyists other than business are crims, Support white collar crime the paymasters of dodgy union officials


Truth incomplete: Cate Blanchett claims she’s a beneficiary of Whitlam’s “free” education

Such a pedantic bastard Bolt doesn't know how to listen to a eulogy. Whitlam turned the direction of Australia around. Sure it wasn't single handed and yes he happened to be at the cross roads of history, the right place at the right time and that's what was being expressed. 

You Bolt are just an uninvited barbarian at the gate a mercenary $$$$


Another terror attack in Israel

It's what life is like in a prison violent. Pity the prison guards can't offer the Eichman solution to solve the problem. However if they did you would herald it.

We are fortunate to have had sensible gun laws in this country. Port Arthur ensured an improvement other wise the white bogan crims in this country would have shot more women, more innocents than we can imagine. The mass killers in jail are all good ole local boys just do a body count. They all had an ideology at the time.


Forget a carbon tax from Obama

Bolt is just talking a bit of political nonsense here and not exactly joining any dots.



Who cares if true? Fairfax slimes Shari Markson with ABC help

Cockroaches aren't a good look at any celebration. Bolt is extremely careful about who he chats to on his Retort. Only News Corp roaches. He'd hate to be publicly embarrassed as he has been in the past by his off the cuff comments.


Cate Blanchett washes her hair of warming scare

Remember when Bolt said he was belly dancer's minder back in??? Remember when Bolt said indigenous today weren't the First People, Remember he deserves the C bomb Ebola is easier to cure than your man Bolt. It's truly a disease and I have the Bolt's and Abbott wont send any body to help.




Communication is not allowed in today's world. Yes the memorial was telecast and yes even Abbott attended after all he threw the party and it was wonderful. So Bolt is slagging off Tony Abbott for giving the ABC the gig. It's why he's having a love affair with the arrogant opportunist Morrison at the moment.


Dutch intelligence service warns: jihadism a rising threat to Dutch “democratic legal order

 "Any Western society with a large Muslim minority has imported not just a security challenge but an ideology opposed to every freedom and faith that gives it its identity." Bolt

What is a large minority? Exclude women children and the elderly it will amount to less than 1% Do the radicalised have support  of their it doesn't appear so.? As mums and dads don't want their kids dead. Where do these growing number of ISIS supporters meet Mr Bolt it's not in pubs? In bookshops maybe because it's not at the mosques either. 100's attend backyard barbeque's hardly a secret movement hey Bolt. We have just paid ASIO $650 million and your suggesting they haven't a handle on any of this yet you say you watched Q&A This movement of 100's jihad activists  a gathering storm in Australia meeting in a 2 bedroom house in Dandenong is a myth.
Bolt is creating an idea an idea of fear it's physical reality hidden nowhere  to be seen except maybe amongst 4-8 young guys cruising in  cars wondering what to do with themselves and talking big. Big crime, big big playing truth or dare. The reality they are young guys boosting their ego's on criminal activity  nutter Aussies. If they had girl friends they wouldn't be boosting each other. Their ideological knowledge  of radical Islam is about as informed as Andrew Bolt's . Bolt cruises around his study mind bent on getting rid of these demons in his head discarding Abbott's message. "Live a normal life". That message 'live a normal life' is real because even Abbott doesn't want to relive the Cronulla riots fuelled by the Alan Jonses and Andrew Bolt's of our world.


Think survival, not succession

Bolt reads the Monthly and gets his inside information off Schwartz Media. There is rumbling in the coalition and Scott Morrison is the focus . Hockey was slapped down for sticking his head up too high and he's now off the radar. Julie Bishop is far more careful but if she's given too much attention she will get the treatment Turnbull got. News Corp will insure that Abbott is their man for the moment. Scott Morrison has riled the elders of the party for his seeming arrogance and rumoured naked ambition. He is paying the price at the moment and being told. If it was a matter of survival and the coalition were in the position of Napthine Abbott wouldn't be there. Politicians are not the most loyal people when their jobs are at stake.



The travelling job-killing show

You mean there are no right wing groups that try to spread their truth about mosques in Bendigo. No under cover opinionated writing slanted bullshit about Muslim Town. To be a legitimate protester one has to be a member of a corporation or an association of Bolt's choosing. No unions, No left wing parties, No protester they disturb Bolt's singular democracy an oxymoron. 

Didn't News Corp Fly in a hatchet man to do your headlines at the last election?...Sure did!


Column - Muslim audience does ABC no favors

Bolt is an idiot, a dog with an old bone. Brandis was allowed to get away with telling us that any journalist has to ask the government first if they have been handed information in the 'public interest' that hasn't been revealed before. The Attorney General is to be the final arbiter of free speech. It shows how unbiased the ABC are and how Australian the audience was. Bolt stands out to be the least Australian of us all.


Column - Why does Labor take cash from this dirty union?

Why do Liberals take cash from dirty developers there are bad eggs in unions it does not make the unions bad. Where ever there is a corrupt union official there are developers and business men paying them offering bribes to make even bigger profits. News Corp is noted for paying people to do the dirty work for them. 

The coalition hailed Jackson a hero they knew exactly who she was and paid her with promises. Whose dirtier. Repeat, there  are far more costs to Australia from white collar crime than any union official created. If the current government simply did something about corporate tax avoidance instead of just talking about it and then cutting 4,700 jobs from the ATO the very jobs trained to monitor it our deficit problem wouldn't exist. If Corman put back the money the CBA took illicitly from 400,000 accounts what sort of stimulus would the economy have?

Compared to corporate theft your cry the unions the unions is so penny pinching. Sure make 1mill underemployed line up for 140,000 jobs and refuse them the right of any association

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