Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/11/14, 2 Oxymorons and the ABC; Bolt in jackboots; Bolt's anti-Muslim distorted logic;Lambie and the movie Clock Work Green;ABC and voter power leaves Bolt without balls.

vs voters if he sees a group of any sort they must be collective &
therefore all leftist. He can't accept that 84% of the electorate
support the ABC if that's the case are they all unionists and rabid
socialists? The crowds are made up of varied voters. Q&A last week
the audience was 42% Lib, 38% ALP yet biased. Where are the radical 16%
that haven't declared their support for this leftist broadcaster? Do
they even exist? Are they only moderates or did they just get overlooked
by the poll?
Is the News Corp team the only Team anti- ABC.
Why weren't they in the crowd? Maybe they aren't all that committed to
bring the ABC to task. Imagine Bolt in a crowd with a megaphone in hand
you cant. You could if it was $$$
A Victorian endorsed
candidate was dropped recently because of his relationship with some
porn star. Had it been a labour candidate Bolt would have been all over
it declaring the labour party a party of pornographers. That it was an
example of labour culture. It's just the way this man thinks and travels
however it was the Libs and left alone.
The ABC has been
vetted countless times for fairness and balance by varied independent
committees and has always passed the test. That same can't be said of
our man Bolt or News Corp. Is it legal for 2 oxymorons to sell themselves as news providers?
The challenge is to the East West link Bolt just has no respect for citizen rights. His blog is about "if Mathew Guy wants to build a highway through my back yard I have no right to protest" disguised by his attempt at poor humour and laughing at the locals concerned. The man simply has no empathy just a heartless shadow with jack boots..
Politics in general has turned from community interest to self interest quite some time ago. Politicians generally have adopted politics as a career path rather than community interest or leadership. Any community will do and an array of anybodies applying. Given the parties are filled with like minded souls does any of them care.
Yesterday it was the image of a Virgin baggage handler blog. Bolt didn't bring down the whole of Virgin because of an aberrant handler. Today however he delivers his one trick to bring down an entire religion of Islam. 1.6 billion Muslims are violent because of some aberrant admittedly extreme radicals who also happen to be Muslim. These exceptions however prove the rule that Islam is a religion of peace as 1.6 billion Muslims are not up in arms. It also shows Bolt's blinkered vision and as I've said before he's just a one trick pony with this same flawed logic he uses in all his arguments.
Buddhists are killing Rohingya in Myanmar Bolt doesn't extrapolate and condemn the whole religion of Buddhism as violent yet his logic should if he's to be consistent.
What is Bolt's attraction for this woman that he seems to have wet dreams over? She is an elected member for Tasmania. Yet Bolt details the minutiae of her life. Is it her power he is so fascinated with? Why do liberals want her to stay in PUP? They don't like the thought of increased negotiations or do they see her as a 5th columnist in Palmer's party? They obviously don't give a shit about Lambie as a person do they. Peter Slipper and $900 comes to mind or their short term Joan of Arc Kathy Jackson. Abbott has a history of destroying people when he plays politics, goal in the case of Pauline Hanson. The Liberals quite often put on their steel capped Jack Boots. Clock Work Orange in Abbot's case Clock Work Green. Bolt wants to see more of that his advice from the bleachers.
I wonder if Bolt would show concern over a pay cut of 'just' 5% over 5 years.He'd do it for the team, team Murdoch.
Secondly it's not the ABC doing the protesting it is part of the 84% of it's voter supporter base yes 84% that's making the noise. It's that huge group politicians listen to.That leaves Bolt speaking for a part of not the whole of 16% of the electorate or speaking for a non voting interest an organization like News Corp. News Corp falsely tries to present itself as an information and news platform in the manner of the Bolt Report. The Bolt Report is poor copy of similar shows on Fox News however a poor replica. You'd actually think after all this time Bolt would have improved as a host commentator. Anyway back to the point Bolt is not speaking for any voting voice he's the voice of $$$$ that finds itself limp under the circumstance.
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