Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 3/2/16; Bolt slams the media for what he's failed to do; Bolt is updating Abbott's leadership qualities; Polar bears and wild speculation; Bolt's blogs firewall News Corp mastheads but give fairfax away for free spot the contradiction; Ch10 Trash a News Corp investment; Bolt economics don't tax the poor rich; Attacking the Australian of the year now thst' dignity; Our children can walk anywhere said the gorilla; Close your eyes and listen to Uber Fuhrer Bolt; "Je suise Hypocris" Has Bolt ever belly laughed? Bolt on economics;







 How has it come to this? | The Monthly






Why is a Bangladeshi claiming to be a refugee?

Bolt's knowledge or want to discover why is hidden by blaming his fellow media men for their ignorance rather than admitting his own. "Why have no journalists explored why it is that we allegedly owe this woman sanctuary here? Surely these details need to be established first. "Bolt . Maybe he as much as anyone in the News Corp Organization should have taken the time to find out. But no it's the great conductor of all that's media Andrew Bolt who is entitled to act above them all. "The Bangladeshi woman – known as M68 in court document and the lead plaintiff in the case for the 267 asylum seekers – was on a boat intercepted by Australian officers in October 2013 and was detained on Nauru from January 2014 until August 2014, when she was brought to Australia for medical treatment and subsequently gave birth to a child." He doesn't mention the fact that all the secrecy was put in place by the Abbott government. He praised the non transparent policies put in place by Scott Morrison.

Christians suffer violent persecution in Bangladesh

As a Muslim hater it's surprising Bolt hasn't screamed about the bigotry within that country         The deliberate religious genocide of non-Muslim minorities

Christians Burned Alive: Muslim Persecution of Christians .




Keating warns: spending is too high. UPDATE: Turnbull talks Liberals into trouble


How on earth does Bolt expect the public to have forgotten Tony Abbott the chicken little disaster crier  immediately before and after the 2013 election. The leader that promised "no tax cuts" and then immediately going back on his word with a catastrophic budget rejected by one and all. 

Have we forgotten how Hockey let it slip in NZ that in fact there was no financial disaster no sky falling in at all in Australia. We were ready and open for business. Not soon after that announcement was made these two geniuses said  had fixed the economic problem and the disaster was over. The  lie went from going from no disaster having  existed to one that did but now fixed . This  Bolt insists is leadership trying to fool the citizens, the world and and only creating confusion and ridicule. Abbott did this while promoting the greatest state of fear since the cold war that took us to Vietnam and divided the country then to today splitting his own party in two. Well done Abbott to add more confusion to the mix he's in the USA Abbott Meets With Obama To Ensure Warringah Electorate Gets Better Transport Links




Emaciated Polar Bear Shows What’s Wrong With OUR World. What can be gleaned if anything from a single case? Can we do an Andrew Bolt? No!!

" Attributing a single incident to climate change can be controversial, but it is certainly the latest bit of evidence of the impact of climate change. Climate change, and the loss of sea ice habitat, is the greatest threat to polar bears followed by oil exploration, toxic pollution and overhunting."


Five minutes of Aly’s prime-time attention

Bolt is such a pedantic unlike Waly Aly because he is simply  playing the man. That's the difference between the two Aly is far more reasoned and imaginative with substantive ideas.  Where as Bolt is little more than a child like debator who needs to stick to his script. However Bolt's source  link doesn't work let alone make much  sense. But yes I spot the contrdiction.

 Stealing  and publishing free reports from The Age is the opposite of his firewall approach when it comes to linking to News Corp articles they are not given away for free. Is that the contradiction Bolt's referring to? No but this is Abbott Meets With Obama To Ensure Warringah Electorate Gets Better Transport Links


Dignity is out of here

News Corp

You can guess whose Channel this trash plays on. Yes the Andrew Bolt trash Channel 10. It's promoted by News Corp's Daily Telgraph and all other mastheads.  This bunch of media thrive on trash. Thank god for the ABC



Social justice isn’t real justice. Meet a victim of David Morrison’s crusade

 You break eggs when baking a fresh cake. Over half of Andrew Bolt's blogs are written by somebody else. His trolls write a significant number and Bolt is glad. Bolt's attacking windmills again but not heroically.



Advice to Germans on dealing with immigrants harassing their daughters: “Don’t provoke them”

TIM BLAIR We are going to be entertained by someone Andrew Bolt finds hilarious

"“It’s technically not necessary for the girls to walk near the refugee shelters, there are alternative routes,” mayor Jens Muller continued, amid rising fury."

How outrageous it's advice parents give their kids daily. If you see a pack of hoons be they asylum seekers or local boys behaving badly cross the road. It's advice given to kids at any major event held in Australia. Sorry Blair isn't funny but stupid.

Story 1 Australia had an intake 220,000 immigrants last year I don't have the nationality break up besides as I'm not a bigot and am a son of migrants I don't really have alarms ringing. Some may be proven to have been a bad choice but that's an individual matter not one of a whole class group or category. My neighbour might be a crook and English.

Story 2 With any large and unusual intake of people demographics are bound to change in the short term. It's as logical as Archimedes principle  water rises when you get into a bath and finds a new but stable and balanced level

What incite have we been provided with here?  Masked Neo-Nazi Mob Storms Train Station, Beats Children 

 Masked Neo-Nazi Mob Storms Train Station, Beats Children



The questions the ABC did not ask: which pedophiles raped these children? Are they boat people, too?

Spot the contradiction

The intention here is not to help but to blame, victimize and presume guilty those who have called out for help. If you have been beaten black and blue raped , victimized and even a child you have to prove it because  you just might be lying and therefore by pure logic if that's the case  you are all  possibly guilty of lying.

 Close your eyes for a minute. Don't you recognize the justification the voice of  an SS guard justifying his necessary treatment of Jews, Pol Pot justifying why educated people might be dangerous and must go to the killing fields. General Pinochet explaining why he needs to throw you out of an aeroplane because you might be suspected of lying.

Bolt actually lists the reasons why we must treat asylum seekers the way we do because you just might be @#$%#@ (pull any reason out of a hat) and how would we know?

Here are the words coming directly from Uber  Gruppen Fuhrer Andrew Bolt

- Who raped these children? Are the alleged rapists and pedophiles other detainees?

What guarantees do we have that they will never, never come to Australia?

- Does the high level of alleged sexual attacks on children apparently by detainees reflect different cultural attitudes, and what implications does that have for refugee policy?

- Why haven’t the children or their parents ended their detention simply by going back home?  How many are genuinely in fear of their lives if they return, and how many are economic refugees?

- Under what circumstances were the art works by the children produced? Are they authentic expressions of distress or were the children coached to produce them to increase pressure on the government to let in the detainees? Why did the handwriting on some of the childish pictures look adult?

- What would be the consequences of letting in the children? Would that encourage more parents to load their children onto boats to Australia, and how many would drown?

- What ages were the “children” interviewed last night? What effort was made to check the circumstances under which they came?
  You can open your eyes now  and make your own judgement.The faces of the babies Australia wants to send back to ‘hell’ on Nauru

  The faces of the babies Australia wants to send back to 'hell' on Nauru


Why has the ABC given a national platform to PMsabump1umb3r?

Here is Bolt the a professional  spreader of misinformation and nonsense back again dictating how the ABC should edit it's tweets. On how many past occasions has Bolt sworn he doesn't selectively edit the comments on his blog? Bolt a quote "Je suis Hypocrisy"



Cleese warns: identity politics kills the laughs

The Catallaxy Files or the IPA

Has anybody got a laugh from Andrew Bolt? Has anybody ever seen him genuinely belly laugh? This self acclaimed warrior of free speech in fact attacks any and everything funny because as far as he's concerned it's all from the left and disrespectful of authority. He does find jokes about the indigenous funny whether they like the Irish are or aren't laughing along as well.  Tell us a joke please Andrew Bolt. Maybe I have missed the point you are the joke. Here is a joke.

Hillary Clinton "Won" Her Iowa Lead by Coin Toss



 Keating warns: spending is too high and hiking the GST is not the way to fix it

 Bolt gives the Age away for "free" but asks you to pay for Murdoch's  Australian. Is this some sort of theft by News Corp? 

The Governors of both California Jerry Brown and that of Minnesota actually brought their states back into surplus very quickly. They taxed the rich and created new jobs well above those of their predecessors. Businesses and the rich didn't flee their states as some predicted they spent more. Businesses wont flee Australia as Bolt threatens. Business operators know in hard times it's often better to spend money to make money but they haven't been. They have kept their hands in their pockets.  Abbott has even encouraged industries to close by withdrawing subsidies at the bottom of a cycle instead of at the top. He publicly divested from the Motor Industry at the worst possible time.McDonald's halves its tax bill

 However if surplus is not regarded as the be all and end all to good housekeeping but bringing spending back to a reasonable level and not the 25.9% ratio to GDP that Tony Abott has taken it to in 2 years but back to the affordable 24% at least that the ALP were handed by Howard  during  the GFC then the problem isn't as dire as Bolt makes out. Remember the days before Abbott was PM and he and Hockey were running about like chicken little yelling the sky was falling in when it wasn't. Remember when Abbott on TV pre election declared he could fix the disaster without raising taxes. Remember when he lied. Remember the first Abbott Hockey budget that freaked Australia out. Remember when they immediately said the financial disaster was fixed. Like illusionists there was no longer a financial problem simply because Abbott and Hockey said there wasn't one.

Keating is simply saying the same 'And worse, to spend it reducing the company tax rate and the top marginal rate. We would be taxing the people at the bottom heavily – really heavily – to cut the company tax rate from 30 per cent to 25 per cent. A terrible proposition...." Simply giving more to the government by raising the GST is also asking the ordinary people who can least afford it  to pay. Costello isn't asking that he wants spending back to 24%  where John Howard took it  and where Swan was handed it. Abbott and Hockey took it to 25.9%. All Bolt has done is returned back to the chicken little scenario of "divest"" divest" and not "invest" "invest"

Yes there is s global problem the rich now own all the worlds wealth they practice the art of tax minimization to the extreme and are not investing their increased wealth. Their income is not coming from their entrepreneurial skills or capacity. It's distributed through inheritance interest, rent and capital gains all non productive activities. They are grinding the market to a standstill. The largest investments being made today is  War, Defense and Security.   It's  that needs changing and destimulating it's that redistribution that's necessary as the rest of the world is made up of people merely living from day to day on less and less already. It's that Bolt wants to have pay more  and more. Half a days world war budget woulf feed half the worlds population for a year. But that sort of economics is of no use to Bolt he in fact approves of escalation. We will see  Western Warmongers Have All the Answers, and They’re All Wrong  Nevertheless this is and area Bolt will advocate increased spending because is race dog will.


How banks are using us to hedge their bets 

  Ross Gittins COMMENT Are you angry about the banks? A lot of Australians are. And with good cause.


NAB will be the first to use the credit card companies' new token vaults for mobile device payments.

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