Friday 19 February 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog,19/2/16; Bolt the cyclops wants to interview Mal; When there's nothing to say blow a rasberry; There are no good Aboriginals; Hysteria is better than revenge served cold; The cyclops at work on the ALP;




This political Pope attacks Trump as a non-Christian

" So Christians who don’t agree with the Pope’s politics aren’t Christians? They aren’t Christians if they don’t agree with his own hypocritical and deadly border policies?"

No Bolt you really don't seem to understand what religious  faith is. I'm an athiest yet I accept the Pope is right

So Bolt if a principle tenet of Christianity faith is

  1.  We believe the Holy Bible consists of the Old and New Testaments, that it is the divinely inspired Word of God and is the only final, perfect rule of our faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16.)

and the bible says

10.  We will hold all people as equals in our heart. We will not be prejudiced in the discharge of our personal witness and ministry (James 2:1, 8-9).

and if you don't believe in  this central  ethical tenet  your not a Christian. If your a Jew, Muslim or Christian and don't believe in one god your zip not any of them no matter how much you pretend to be otherwise wriggle scream and pretend you are. All the rest you have to offer has nothing to do with faith. 

How pathetic is your update an ad for the Spectator a very un- Christian publication. Conservatives and mad men like Trump only see access and equality as an existential threat the loss of social superiority and the accompanied  belief in their historical god given right.  

If you are an agnostic what sort are you one who believes in Exceptionalism of course, your own. A Brahmin of the Western world no doubt One thing we can agree on "that Donald Trump, Christian or not, is an asshole" and Andrew Bolt is beginning to support him which is a turn around.



Pell defended, and not by a conservative

" This is about justice and about the madness of crowds. Here are the principles we must defend from the mob: a man is innocent until proven guilty; an innocent man must not be destroyed for the sins of others; and lies, falsehoods and half-truths are not proofs."Bolt 

The man's not on trial Bolt he has been requested to continue giving evidence to a Royal Commission. Your hysteria has placed him on some sort of trial. In the meantime all you seem to be doing is freaking out because he has been given the tall poppy treatment which is a characteristic of this country. But then Bolt prefers the America where tall poppies are given the heroes welcome. There's nothing to the hysterics Bolt turns on he is often a leader of lynch mobs. He urges on Reclaim Australia calling them true patriots. He tried to get his "white Aborigines" lynched but fell foul of the law. Minchin's song ridiculing Pell was more about aloofness than anything to do with innocence or guilt. Bolt knows it because he applauds Bevis  Tim Blair when he attempts to do it. 

As for Jack the Insider in News Corps Australian he could well be Eric Abetz and be left of Andrew Bolt.


There was a good precedent set by the last Pope. He said he was too sick and retired.





Desperate: Scott Morrison tells untruth to blame Tony Abbott for his own tax debacle

Remember the days of Team Australia next to Tony Abbott Scott Morrison stood an equal  praised for being a team player a stalwart of the Liberal Party and likely next PM. Bolt was besotted. However there was no Team even back then.  It was Team Tony only. According to Andrew Bolt the majority of the Liberal party in fact should never have been given a say because it was the the Abbott lead despotic party owned by Tony Abbott his office and Rupert Murdoch.

Who should know better than Scott Morrison whether or not work of any kind had begun last September or just spin released? An announcement does not constitute work. Abbott made plenty of announcements that turned out to be broken promises a reason we grew sick of him. He became a Charley Chaplinesque figure in front of his 12 flags a little dictator missing a uniform and his party disowned him. Bolt tries to sell "The key compromise is an agreement between the government and the Greens to hold a review of retirement incomes policy — including superannuation tax concessions — as part of the white paper on tax reform." this was an announcement of a review not work done.

From hereon-in  Bolt merely does what he usually does throws shit at the wall in the hope that something will stick. It's why the blog is so long and tedious but all one needs to do is remind onself of the stuff up Abbott and Hockey made of the economy and the lack of brilliance shown after. It forced Hockey's departure. All Bolt is doing is trying to polish the turd as he oft does convincing nobody of Abbott's economic credentials. 


This political Pope attacks Trump as a non-Christian

Christianity is not an arbitrary belief system as Bolt prefers.

 So Bolt if a principle tenet of Christianity is

  1.  We believe the Holy Bible consists of the Old and New Testaments, that it is the divinely inspired Word of God and is the only final, perfect rule of our faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16.)

and the bible says

10.  We will hold all people as equals in our heart. We will not be prejudiced in the discharge of our personal witness and ministry (James 2:1, 8-9).

James 2:1, 8-9 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. 8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you do well; 9 but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors. 

The Pope is right Christianity is not an arbitrary belief system

  However according to Bolt 2 days ago George Pell was the most senior person in the Catholic Church and according to Bolt he was beyond reproach. Now Pell Attributes these qualities to the Pope something Andrew Bolt doesn't do. So I guess  Bolt considers  Pell a mug as he does the Pope.  Soe there is no reason why he shouldn't be questioned " So Christians who don’t agree with the Pope’s politics aren’t Christians?  No Bolt Christians who don't believe in the tenets of the faith aren't Christians and it appears Trump and his wall prove that. 

So does Bolt know what he's talking about? All Christians don't follow the Pope only Catholics do but they do adhere to the basic tenets of the faith. Bolt seems more than confused and is showing his lack of knowledge about not only the Catholic Church but Christianity and the meaning of a faith. Does that surprise anybody?

The Pope is entitled like any other man is to speak about Christianity he's given his life to it and it's acknowledged among Catholics nevertheless the basic tenets of the Christian Faith that are the same. If Donald Trump doesn't adhere to those tenets he's not Christian. All faiths have clear and basic tenets if not adhered to then one stands outside that faith. Without those tenets there is no faith.  Bolt seems to disagree which simply shows he doesn't understand the notion of Christianity.He says he read Philosophy once, he must have failed.

" When will clerics learn that the minute they become political that they’ve lost half their audience and most of their authority?"

 Isn't that a double bind when politicians become too religious they too loose half their audience and authority, but not only that but also their ability to problem solve for their diverse electorates.  Tony Abbott certainly used his religion and wound up with problems. The Republican Party Candidates totally use religious beliefs to justify policies like no others and as such look a rabble. Rabbis in Israel justify the genocide  of non Jews and encourage Jewish terrorists as do Israeli politicians also claim religious justification. It seems Bolt is simply throwing a lot of dead moggies simply to justify his apartheid attitudes to Immigration and  Border Policies. He preaches all men are created equal. He preaches it adnauseum but demands it not be acted on. In other words equality only exists if your a Bolt like clown no that's clone.



The Left leaves the Turnbull camp

Given Tony Abbott's wholesale ban on any Liberals being on the ABC Malcolm Turnbull is truly Liberal. He hasn't banned any of his Cabinet from being on 2GB or anything that Bolt is involved with. However if reading Bolt  and I doubt he does he knows his  time would be wasted. Is Bolt trying to say he's a Turnbull defender against the forces of evil in the real media? Is this meant to be an example of that style of defense? Is Peter the troll is doing it for Bolt because he hasn't the stomach to do it himself, be nice that is? No!!

 Isn't it refreshing to see there is a media out there that can provide news be critical and analytic on mutiple levels as the case may arise rather than on a single opinionated level that Andrew Bolt provides like a rat in a wheel. It's great that journalists still exist even in News Corp where people like Niki Savva are thin on the ground. Soon I believe we'll see a cut in these skilled reporters there as well. All that will remain will be the cyclops Andrew Bolt and his faithful trolls doing the work for him. 




The great Green network

 Bolt blowing a Rasberry at the ABC is little more than a Bolt deflection.   Andrew Bolt never mentions the shellacking Mark Steyn gave Abbott over what he described as his gutless immigration detention policy or that NZ is offering to take 37 children.



Must Aboriginal children die to preserve the Left’s story?

" Here are some more: Aboriginal children are five times more likely to be hospitalised after an assault, and at last four times more likely to be the victims of sexual abuse. They are nearly 10 times more likely to need removal from their dangerous homes.  Aboriginal children are twice more likely to wag school."

If white kids are removed from intolerable situation of danger are they transferred to indigenous institutions or aboriginal foster homes? Bolt's statistics are dreadful nobody denies that. But what he is saying is there aren't any responsible indigenous  institutions or people to care for them and that's right not for the want of trying. Any effort any attempt to address this he calls "activists"

Bolt seems more concerned about promoting himself than analyzing the problem as far as he's concerned

" Price is not alone in raising such fears about the “Stolen Generations”. As I wrote last year:"

" Activists will undoubtedly soon use our oppressive laws against free speech to suppress it. With, of course, the help of an activist judge."

As far as Bolt is concerned a conspiracy against him exists  it becomes the "woe is me " whinge we are so used to from him. Aborigines are more than scumbag activists that's something you don't take into account. That's your racism. Is it so strange that the boarding schools on the TIWI islands run by the indigenous people themselves are turning out VCE graduates?




Do not vote for Bronwyn Bishop

Revenge is a dish best served cold: But Bolt doesn't believe that and goes for it in his usual free wheeling hysterical style.  It's funny isn't when he appears on telly he's the model of the man out of Peter Jackson's window  rehearsed dressed as if in control. In reality he's  a screaming frightbat whose chucked poise out the window he hates her:

"Bishop has not the faintest hope of ever getting a position of authority in this or any other government.

Bishop is a figure of mockery in the media and in the public after her Choppergate scandal and absurd sense of entitlement.

Bishop is not trusted even by her own Right faction after her spiteful betrayal of Tony Abbott, voting against him after he finally urged her to resign as Speaker over Choppergate - and after Abbott had paid a high price in the polls for showing her loyalty for far too long.

Bishop has made no positive contribution to public policy for a long time, as far as I can tell from a scan of news items.Bishop attracts almost uniformly negative publicity for the Liberals.

Bishop, if preselected, could lose the Liberals this safe seat at the election to Dick Smith, who wants to run against her as an Independent.

The Liberals members voting in this pre-selection should consider very carefully if voting for Bishop is good for their electorate, their party, their government or their country. In what way would voting for her advance the contest the contest of ideas?"



Skip the middle man and vote Greens

" Just when Bill Shorten is looking better," 

When might that have been Andrew Bolt? This sounds little more than a set up by Bolt to make your point. It's little more than the old build them up to shoot them down trick originators use to fill space. However this blog overlooks the build them up phase and just goes feral with complaints.

 1) An ex Greens person apparently has moved to Labour which according Bolt is Verboten in his Democracy. It seems because she's black proud and an indigenous lawyer who is beating a social injustice drum.

2) He quotes his mate Michael Costa who simply has a point to make about the priorities given to policies not the failure of policies Costa prefers economic policies over social in justice ones

3) Costa also has some disagreement of opinion with Sam Dastyari 

Is Bolt promoting his mate Michael? Is he saying the ALP as a party shouldn't be allowed diverse opinions? Or is he saying these opinions are inconsistent with the Labor movement? It's hard to say. I do believe he's using Costa just to blow a rasberry. " Just when Bill Shorten is looking better" A meaningless line in the context. Yawn

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