Friday, 20 May 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 20/5/16; Whose banging the Bolt drum Andrew Bolt; Egyptian Air is the Existential Threat; Bolt steals the Steve Price Show again; Bolt warned us again; Bolt saved Credlin and he reminded us again;


 Bolt's book out in July is a Lazy Susan of old ideas filched from others  don't bother to buy it. No charities are involved other than Bolt himself.




What is the NBN trying to hide?

NBN Co the result of Tony Abbott's refusal to accept Labor's state of the art  system has driven us to be 60th in the world and Andrew Bolt is celebrating because it's his opportunity to handball the blame to Mal. " Before the last election, the Coalition promised 25Mbps minimum speeds for all Australians by 2016. It broke this election commitment in December 2013." Now the promise is 2018 50 Mbps and its cost $56 billion and going up. Why is Andrew Bolt stealing the words from Bill Shorten's mouth without any acknowledgement?Prime Minister Tony Abbott makes NBN speed promise his ...



Treasury and Finance warn Turnbull Government it’s dreaming


 “That assumption is consistent with international practice but it is benign,”. Treasury


The word "dreaming "doesn't seem to be in any of their statements only Andrew Bolt's.




No man who hits a woman should be Prime Minister. Unless he’s of the Left, of course

Bolt's evidence an assault a video, a video that shows nothing.

 It's as if  at the MCG on  Grand Final day Trudeau in a crowd  stepped on a woman's foot and didn't notice but was later made to apologize by all of her friends. Who like Bolt saw advantage and now want to turn it into a case of deliberate assault. Tomorrow Bolt with a bit more thought wants to escallate it to a case  of attempted rape and  then the day after attempted murder.  Let go Bolt it's Hyperbole.









The anti-historian Bolt who in the same breath claims to be a traditionalist makes no effort to tell us that Tony Abbott had a list of lies and broken promises that brought us to where we are today. So all his regret of negativity and anger is little more than a sham that treats his readers with total disrespect. He is really talking down to his audience which is always a sign of a bullshit artist.

Fear is the conservative formula to win. Conservatives have used fear as the formula for their success for as long as I can remember whereas Labor has called for progress and change. Whitlam, Hawke, and even Keating dragged  this country forward without the need of a Chinese boom and Rudd Gillard and Swan saved us from the pain the rest of the world felt. We all felt the world darken when Abbott became opposition leader and it became a burden when he formed government. People for the first time in this country learnt the meaning of hate. What a relief when he was dethroned. Nothing absolutely nothing the conservatives like Bolt could do to wipe the smiles off our faces.

So hear we have Bolt doing what we know he does naturally try to scare the crap out of women, children babies and anybody who dares read his Steven King story of Australia's future " It's not ever going to get better". Is Bolt believable the man with the "me " attitude talking about "we" as if he's one of us. This scare campaign isn't directed at the Inner Eastern or South Eastern suburbs that's for sure.

Bolt and Credlin will perform a Shakespearean play tonight  to boost Bolt's failing ratings. They will both be playing the role of witches trying to drag us into their anti-Liberal world. Neither of them want a Turnbull landslide they need revenge to go on with. To do that they need the Turnbull government to be seen  to lose even if they win.




The Left in denial: terror, refugees and other challenges to our values are actually central


 And to underline how important these issues are - and how ever-present in voters’ minds, check the news from just this week:  Apparently to Andrew Bolt who believes ( Herald Sun ) reflects the minds of Australians. How is it what they print isn't fact.

- terror raids in Melbourne.  (Police raid)
- terror arrest in Sydney       (Police arrest)
- men refusing to stand for a magistrate in a Melbourne court on the grounds that Allah forbids them to submit ( men refused to obey court protocols )
- debate over the huge cost of importing illiterate refugees ( media has no facts either of cost or illiteracy.)
- and an Egyptian plane crashes, almost certainly the target of a terrorist attack:(media speculation)
Media = News Corp
Bolt is the least trusted media person who works for the least trusted media organization in the country News Corp. 

"Truth to tell, the Murdoch press is just a giant, relentless threshing machine, without remorse, subtlety, nuance or insight, from the smallest to the largest moments, and the only answer lies in what you buy at the newsagency. Or fail to subscribe to, when the great paywall comes down ...

Meanwhile, if you're at one with Mark Day, please feel free to believe that Rupert Murdoch is the guardian of righteous media in Australia.

Maybe it was so back in the day when the Melbourne Truth set Rupert on the path to News of the World, and Day saw sex as the way forward for Truthers?" Loon Pond

Yet again the conservatives like Bolt return to the dog whistle politics started by Pauline Hanson and Howard with the Tampa in 2001 demonizing refugees. Roll it out whenever you  have poll-insecurity.   and your back on a winner.  Once again Bolt turns to Thatcherite advice  to use  existential threat  for political advantage" These issues are actually important, even critical, and not distractions to voters but of essential interest and deep concern." When conservatives have  no legitimate policies and feel weak create a division of fear and throw fuel on that fire. Even the Egyptian plane crash will do. A threat on our door step ready to happen to you if you don't vote for us. The consevatives know the Liberals have a real problem and not just the Delcons. As Mark Textor said the Delcons are of no consequence when push comes to shove in this election.

Breaking the Dog Whistle







Laughing at David Feeney and Richard di Natale

People in Glass houses.  Andrew Bolt guest on the Steve Price Show was heard to say" As I said on our radio show last night,"Bolt who has also been known to say  in the past "On  My and Steve Price's Show" shouldn't be so quick to call politicians hypocrites . Bolt is the biggest self absorbed drum beater in the business. However I'm not defending politicians here either. Should Bolt be treating Steve Price so badly after all he's vertically challenged and only up to Bolt's belt line.



Hi folks,
I wanted to respond to the disappointing beat up about my family’s farm and au pairs we have hired in the past.
I want to start by saying really clearly - the media beat up is just wrong.
I have a little farm as some of you would know, and from the moment I took office the farm was declared. Because it’s a small working farm I declared it under my interests as a business interest and under Lucy’s name as well.
One of the reasons the register of interests exists is to ensure there is transparency around what politicians own and that there is no conflict of interest in the course of our work as pollies. Lucy and I have a small farm, we have a house in Melbourne that we bought when you could still afford to buy in the city, and we have a mortgage.
I believe it’s important to know what assets Members of Parliament own. People should know if you have fifty properties and they are negatively geared because you might have a conflict of interest if you are making policy decisions regarding negative gearing, for example.
The accusations regarding au pairs who were living and working in our home are also untrue.
Lucy and I live out on the farm so child care options are pretty limited. When we had our two boys, Lucy decided she wanted to get back into the workforce and so we needed some help with the kids for about 25 hours a week when Lucy was at work.
We went to a specialist employment agency to get some advice on pay rates and based on that advice we offered a package of close to $500 for 25 hours a week including rent, meals and sundries.
What the newspaper did, was fail to take into account accommodation, meals and sundries. We had a really positive experience with au pairs, and were rigorous in making sure that we did the right thing by them. That’s why this story is so disappointing.
Today I’m looking forward to announcing a massive boost to science and research funding. I’m going to be in Melbourne with Adam talking about our $64 billion investment in science and innovation right through to the end of the decade. Watch out for that.
Thanks for your support,
Bolt's link Oops. Richard di Natale on declaring interests and paying wages: 
 Oops not found!! How can anybody trust this prick?

 Gosh The Monthly mentioned Bolt's son James works for the IPA no mention of favors and Bolt and his wife went  ape shit. The Bolt's can hand it out but when they are on the receiving end of even a feather duster comment they scream foul.







Why these raids now? What’s the crime in showing Turnbull’s NBN is struggling?

" As I said on our radio show last night," Bolt  referencing Andrew Bolt of course and not on the "Steve Price Show" but on " Our Radio Show" 2GB advertise 8pm with Steve Price no mention of & Andrew Bolt just Steve Price.


When is Turnbull's NBN really Abbott's NBN

When the Abbott government rejected the Alps offer to build a brand new state of the art NBN Tony Abbott cried 'too expensive for a just a toy to download movies" Abbott said I can build one for half the price and we already have parts in place" Abbott built a patchwork Frankenstinian monster for more than Labor's for longer than Labor's and have now placed us 60th in the world when we were once 30th in the quality of this technology. The Abbott NBN is "two-thirds short of its benchmark construction timetable. Connection costs to each house or business are also blowing out...."

Bolt is with the eagerness of  Abbott's boot licker deflecting the blame onto Turnbull who was Abbott's appointee to a job they knew was an impossible task and just a political ploy to prevent the Labor proposal going ahead. "And doesn’t the public deserve to know what these leaked documents show about a bungled and hugely expensive government project? What’s the crime in being told? "

Another pretend scoop  by Bolt announced by Bolt


No, Credlin was not wrong at all



" I pointed out this mistake at the time,"Bolt

When a Bolt Blog is really not about the topic on hand but about self absorption


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