Wednesday 29 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog 29/6/16; Israel admits to supporting ISIS in Syria: Bolt calls Lucy Turnbull a "cost"; Nobody laughs at God ina hospital Bolt does;



Tips for Thursday, June 30


Why is Bolt so narrow minded more Muslims have been killed by Muslims than Christians have primarily for political reasons. More Muslims are being killed by Jews than Jews are being killed again for political reasons. More Muslims are being killed  by Hindus and Buddhists than the reverse also for political reasons however these are facts totally ignored by Andrew Bolt the great supporter of the state of Israel. The fact is Israel has declared it supports Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria rather than Assad. However Bolt  won't tell you this let alone acknowledge it. Simply his anti- Islam hate and pig headedness is a tool and he is a tool to garner political advantage here in Australia for the ultra extreme political class lead by Tony Abbott. This is a total betrayal of our country..Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria

" Al Nusra is Al Qaeda, and closely affiliated with ISIS.  And remember, there have NEVER been any “moderate Syrian rebels” … only Islamic Sunni jihadis."




David Cameron has learned what Malcolm Turnbull will: the base will have its revenge

What we have here is the homophobic threat by Bolt who claims he's a defender of homosexuality as long as they aren't equal. Safe schools programs aren't viable in a white male heterosexual society where marriage is only  between  a man and a woman no matter if social scientific research has proved otherwise.. What Bolt calls the conservative base is in fact an inverted pyramid the most unstable political construct known. I challenge Bolt to name one that's been a success anywhere for any length of time without force other than Nth Korea. David Cameron was ousted by political opportunists the media and a very uninformed public the was simply lied to. Brexit is one more example of the older generation financially bankrupting the young | Voices | The Independent

 Brexit loophole? MPs must still vote in order for Britain to leave the EU, say top lawyers | UK Politics | News | The Independent





Lucy Turnbull cost Liberal supporters $40,000

Liberal Supporters discussing insider Rip offs


Tony Abbott would have cost the Liberal Party the election if we are in the business of talking costs. They make a lot of mistakes does the Liberal Party remember when they invited  Heydon Dyson Royal Commissioner to one of their fundraisers as special speaker. He was meant to be apolitical too. They don't seem to be good money managers either Sinodinos not knowing anything sounded like Sgt Schultz  from Hogan's Heroes. So did Abetz when  fraud occurred in Tas and Vic by someone he refereed.  There was the case of taking a young 21year old to task hoping for her to jailed for revealing an untendered $60,000 scholarship newly created for Tony Abbott's daughter. There seem to be a lot of people that have caused the IPA to lose money investing in the Liberal Party.


The none-of-the-above movement could get Oakeshott elected

Bolt the True Blue Liberal as Loyal as Tony Abbott dancing to John Stone's tune


Nobody laughs at God in a hospital. But Bolt is pleasuring himself as a loyal Del Con would at Rob Oakshot's comeback. Revenge is sweet when apparently Abbott's loyalty makes him want to gag. Where is Abbott on the hustings with Sophie?

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