Monday, 11 July 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,11/7/16; Bolt reveals he's a racist through and through. Does he carry a gun? Turnbull is as tugh as Bolt; Tip Bolt is milking his fans; Liberated Conservatives; The suppository of gender wisdom;


Column - End this racist war on whites



A single gunman becomes a racist war by Blacks in the US. The racist war has been fought since the first slave trade landed in the America's it was meant to end with abolition.   However in true Klansman spirit Andrew Bolt declares " the Left’s hate campaign against whites is deadly dangerous." Even his language describing the deaths is racist. "all white and Latino police officers." in that wants to say "some whites" but that would kill his argument. The shootings were a reaction to the shootings of 2 black suspects that's the point all blacks are suspects. in 2015 1,134 were including women and children. 2% of the population and 5x more likely to be shot if between 18-34 and less likely to be carrying a weapon than a white person. That's the war against whites.

Here Bolt's argument of lies

1 "First, Johnson hated whites before the two shootings that are said to have inspired his rampage. " Micah Johnson was a decorated war veteran who completed a tour of duty in Afghanistan and fought for his country the USA. Hardly evidence of a long time white hater Bolt. However reading this he'd sure hate you.

2 "Second, police in the US actually kill more whites than blacks." As African Americans are 2% of the population and the number of deaths are 15% of the total that translates to the fact that blacks are 5 times more likely of being shot. A lie Bolt

3 "if there really is a race war, it is not of racist whites attacking blacks. It is blacks attacking whites." Firstly Bolt drifts talking about Micah Johnson one man to plural turning a single event into a rampage across America. Secondly if people react to a history of having a boot on their necks they aren't being racist but demanding equality that's not racism. The boot wearer is the racist as is the country that allows or silently demands people of color be treated that way.

This is why Andrew Bolt apologist for man's inhumane treatment of his own kind deserves all the threats he receives his words aren't just opinions they are actions as much as they would be if constantly played to you in your work place. They are an harassment illegal in a cafeteria elevator or on public transport  but legal in public why?

Bolt's comedic hero  Milo says you have to come with facts it's something you avoid like public places. Milo Yannopoulous Bolt's new pin up boy bye bye Tim Wilson your not funny or gay enough

  Race war: protesters against police violence attack more police


" a licence to be as violent as they imagine their enemies: " Imaginary is the fact of  1134 black Americans dead and 5 times more likely to be killed even though your less likely to be carrying a concealed weapon and Bolt calls that "imaginary". It 's his imaginary Reverse Racism that gives a right to kill.  Simply because people unite to protest and say enough is enough stop killing us because we are black. Bolt saw the video of Castille being shot it's on youtube and it's not as fake as Bolt who says "There are reports that Castille was in fact an armed robbery suspect when pulled over."  He was pulled over for a broken tail light. Of course there are "reports" now that  the man is dead and has no right of reply that's the way it is and why you are 5 times more likely to be killed if black. So all's much safer in white-land. 

 Of the 8000 deaths by cop in America as Bolt dumbly points out most are white but  more to the point a greater % of those whites shot were found to be carrying guns but less likely to be shot when stopped. Nor will they be seen as having to kow tow to police when stopped. The police are in a job that suggests they too are more likely to be shot at than the general public and they aren't always all white. However Bolt reveals his racism. Due to the protests he does what racists whites automatically do  selects evidence of police shootings when and where no color is even mentioned trying to make an ASS out of YOU and ME and ASSUME something that's not self evident.4 'Reverse Racism' Myths That Need To Stop - Huffington Post


I’n not sure this deters the Apex gang

Bolt can pick the unwanted


" Who let them in? Who protects the citizens from the consequences?"Bolt

Imagine if Bolt's logic was applied to every recidivist  teenager he'd be asking the same question of a very multiracial group of kids even kids from his own pristine white conservative tribe. Neville Wran's daughter springs to mind as does Bob Hawkes. What about the private school kids who have committed murder and all those that burnt hedges. I can think od a multimillionaire's son who was a king pin eastern suburbs drug dealer whose activities resulted in the deaths of people he sold to. Crime in a multiracial society Andrew Bolt is surprise surprise multiracial multi-ethnic multicultural it cuts across all social groups. But then I forgot Bolt's not tribal and Bolt doesn't distinguish or stereotype "them" and  he's more indigenous than Australians younger than him. "who let him in?"



Treat women as talented, not as victims

 Bolt's much admired liberated  conservativeLeaders


" One side has quotas for women, treating them as victims. The other side does not, insisting only on talent."Bolt

One side actually recognizes talent  that  that side  is blind to the statistics which   simply says it's bullshit. Let alone the fantasy that Australian companies are the world's best. German companies regulated by law in their structures and far out perform Australian ones. Ask Bolt just how many German products he has in his house compared to Australian ones. Not more than 60% of any gender is allowed to sit on their boards nor less than 50% of workers representatives. I'm sure Bolt's hypocrite when choosing the products he prefers. Yes Bolt is yet again just attempting to polish the conservative turd which has also a proud 25 year history of child molesters and the hirers of rent boys. But then Bolt silence on these matters suggests he sees that as a traditional and liberated activity. Liberated so well over the years by  conservatives in particular.

Labor must help the Liberals to save us

The suppository of gender wisdom


Conservatives cry for Labour's help because they have never learnt the art of negotiation. The facts prove it Mr nope nope nope couldn't negotiate his way through a maze without a GPS and Gillard did blindfolded. She passed 100 more Bills than Abbott in the same period of time. Should he come back he'd only be trying to beat John Gorton's 48 year record of less. He'd be a shoo-in.

 If the income-gap keeps widening as it has done in America and as it is here even Rupert Murdoch had the wisdom to declare it's America's biggest immediate problem that needs to be resolved. The income gap needs to be reduced unless they want to see unionism thrive along with desperation . However Bolt hasn't Murdoch's intelligence and thinks he's doing him a favor by calling for the reduction of Welfare instead. "half of all Australian voters receive more in government payments than they shell out in tax." If they fall below the poverty line so they should. Abbott was the one who called for government assistance to woman earning over $150,000 dollars not young journalists or social workers Here is Bolt blaming others for Coalition failures. I thought that blaming others was the sole province of Malcolm Turnbull?







Is Turnbull’s heart in this fight to come?

Abbott needs rehab

 Image result for Images of bad smells

" About a million conservatives rejected the Coalition last weekend." Switzer. 20% of the electorate are uniformly conservatives according to Switzer . The liberal primary vote would normally be 66% but they rejected Turnbull. Someone lives in cloud cuckoo land. It doesn't take anything to be a commentator does it. Speaking of Abbott Switzer says what all  of Abbott's publicists at News Corp say "the former prime minister has not got bitter or harboured enmities." No he doesn't need to as he has others do it for him and he has a whole media department called News. He does  however openly declare he is the leader the conservatives. Bolt even clearly states that a war is in progress"Nor can I see Turnbull prosecuting a culture war in a way to please conservatives. His heart would not be in it.".  MT stands in the way of it but  "the time is still needed for the rehabilitation of Abbott." whose standing in the polls shows he is still as welcome as a fart in a crowded taxi.  

Turnbull has reached out to two conservatives. It just goes to show just how divided a rabble the conservatives are. The two  offered ministries aren't good enough. Obviously only faux conservatives and not to be trusted.





Tips for Monday, July 11

Milking you for all your worth trying to create a herd of Bolt cows a dairy. The book $29.99 is the $17.50 and is just  a lure for the Bulletin whose subs will no doubt come later come later. Be warned.



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