Friday, 5 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog 5/8/16; Why is this picture so obviously not Cuba,Malaysia? Bolt is about to pretend he's not a god botherer; Bolt's Insanity; Bolt's society;


Not fit to to be Prime Minister


Coming from IPA man Abbott's personal advisor Maurice Newman who also believes renewable and clean energy sources are uglier than coal fired power stations. Can we expect anything new from Newman not at all. A personality attack on Turnbull which amount's to "I don't like him mum" is coupled with the last man standing world position that Climate Change is bunkum and stop taxing the 1% who are the only sector in the Australian community that have got wealthier and have never been independant given all the concessions available to them since birth. They are not doing anything productive other than passing their wealth on to their unproductive progeny as it was passed to them to only collect interest and watch their Capital gain.

 You'd get more value out of them  if they were declared royalty and that's what Abbott wanted to do and and maybe parade them around accordingly to tourists. However  since Pauline Hanson has arrived back and along with Andrew Bolt who have both emphatically declared "we aren't Asian so fuck off". That's kyboshed the tourist, education and investment economies hasn't it. Why would you want to go where your not welcome? After all Bolt was complaining last year he had to take his family to Bali last year in order fo him to go to Europe. No doubt they were both "for" Brexit in the hope it would drive the wealthy Brits here  to  the booming  Asian market who they have loudly told  to bugger off. They really do reflect the new Delusional Conservative path to economic recovery don't they, down.




The one newspaper in which Trump is still winning

Murdoch and News Corp have taken over Israel


Polling Data

 All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

RCP Average

Clinton +6.8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl

Clinton +9

Clinton +15
FOX News

Clinton +10

Clinton +4

Clinton +3
LA Times/USC

Clinton +1
CBS News

Clinton +6

Clinton +9

Clinton +5


  turnbull aeroplane cartoon


What we see here is a case of institutional power the picture raises Bolt's question "yes/but" where is the context. Whitewash the image and the same could be found throughout today's White Australia too where there are more police and child protection workers working. This picture raises the questions yes but what's the context Bolt that's the question you asked and never answered. Why does this picture raise so many questions on so many levels?

 no this is it


 On The Bolt Report tonight - an agnostic tells Christians how to save their faith


As I've said Bolt believes he's  Nietzsche's superman which is a bit of a contradiction because he lays claim to being an agnostic and not an atheist. He also says he's a humanist who however believes in an absolute moral hierarchy that's ordained and needs to be maintained at all cost and not reinterpreted. But then so did others and it always resulted in mobilizing force and asking the question that Donald Trump asked. "We have the bomb why can't we use it?" Bolt has no qualms about the necessity of force either. He's called for it's escalation on numerous times.Widespread media coverage ‘contributing to rise in mass shootings’

A much close to the truth and why Bolt should be charged for inciting terror




Rudd’s revenge: how Turnbull double-crossed him


Bolt believes in himself first then in the voice of ISIS over and above any views to the contrary by experts who might say ISIS is not involved here. In contrast, an attack in San Bernardino, California, in December 2015 and another in Orlando in June 2016 - two attacks both claimed by the Islamic State that killed a total of 63 people - were conducted by  people who had not been to the Middle East to fight and had no links to the Islamic State or tenuous ones  at best. In both of these shootings, the firearms used were bought legally. They weren't radicals. Yet Andrew Bolt ignoring all expert evidence declared his faith in the truth of ISIS simply because they said so, signalling Bolt's OCD  Psychiatric disorder 

 Bolt believes in Kevin Rudd over and above any other views expressed by Cabinet as to how a decision was arrived at not to support . He ruminates on these things with such intensity and insistence that he expects to find an alternative outcome to hold up as proof of his infallibility. He does it with his denial of Climate Change as well as  well as his imaginary notion of 'free speech' and as a consequence  is simply the living proof of Einsteins definition of insanity. Meanwhile we and the rest of the world are getting on with life and it's realities.



Enemies of free speach: dumb, vicious and allergic to the truth

Bolt's model of civilized society


Talk about missing the point has Bolt yet to tell us the model of 'free speech" he's advocating or even what it's based on? Is there a Nation on this planet currently or in history that has ever applied the Bolt  model of 'free speech '. I don't think so. It seems nobody understand what Bolt is talking about let alone Bolt himself he doesn't define it.. No country or culture throughout time has ever had a policy of any speech goes. So Bolt's above banner is the banner of a social idiot a loner who has no recognition for anyone other than himself. He is a classic solipsist. It sits with his other cloud cuckoo land statements like 'I'm more indigenous than anyone born after me. Given that, which is something Bolt insists is a given truth there is no Christian or Western Culture that we share or at least existed before he was born. So all Bolt is asking is that we all be allowed to survive in cloud cuckoo land and compete may the most powerful win. That's his definition of a civilized world. See the above picture

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