Monday 21 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 21/11/16 This deserves a page of it's own; Andrew Bolt lowered the bar of Journalism below ground today in his Herald Sun Column;

Give Trump supporters "safe spaces"

 Can Trump supporters please have a “safe space”, too?  Can Trump's VP, Mike Pence, at least go to the theatre without  actors heckling from the stage? And could the ABC please issue "trigger warnings" before unleashing its anti-Trump bigotry?  
 Bolt'sColumn today  21 Nov Herald Sun

 Andrew Bolt's column today was total bullshit based on the word of his new hero president Elect Donald Trump's Tweets. All of which was total bullshit. It shows that Judge  Mordecai Bromberg was right when he convicted Andrew Bolt of not only vilifying, lying but also being loose  with facts producing commentary, opinion and journalism of absolutely no value of public interest. Basically Bolt  was not only charged under the RDA but was told he wasn't worthy of a pass in Journalism 101 after 40 years or more in the business.  So will he apologize now? I'm sure Trump won't

Mike Pence Comes Clean, Admits Trump Is LYING About What Happened At Hamilton Performance (VIDEO/TWEETS)


What bolt ignored was reality! "On Friday, the cast had given a respectful speech to Pence calling for unity and representation, but Trump twisted that all around and claimed that Pence had been harassed, demanding the cast apologize to his VP. Immediately after this incident went viral, Trump’s fans threatened to boycott the show (despite the fact that it’s completely sold out for quite a while), and some have even gone as far as to interrupt the show.
On Saturday, just a day after the Hamilton cast spoke to Pence, a Trump supporter disrupted the cast’s performance in Chicago. From the balcony, the Trump supporter screamed this during the number of “Dear Theodosia”:"

Trump Supporter Has Complete MELTDOWN, Disrupts ‘Hamilton’ Performance In Chicago (DETAILS)



Trump Promises To Protect America From Growing Threat Of Musical Theatre  – The Shovel

  Tall poppies |


"The gloating of right-wing commentators over the victory of The Donald is not only hypocritical and offensive, it is downright deluded. They are so exhilarated at the defeat of Hillary Clinton that they are not really worried about the election of a man who is just about as far away from them and their elitist concerns as it is possible to be. Trump is not a conservative – in most terms, he isn’t much of anything. But his natural interests are that of a leftist iconoclast – almost an anarchist."

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