Idiotic and frenzied tagging by Bolt leaves little or no room for
analysis. The British TV media and other authorities didn't begin naming and
shaming Muslims for almost 24 hours and that was the most significant aspect of all the
reporting we saw. The exceptions however wher here in Australia were Pauline Hanson and
Andrew Bolt were and Bolt is now making out some UK media outlets reported "One eyewitness spoke of the men shouting “this is for Allah” as they stabbed indiscriminately." Mendick for The Telegraph. However this the only one he links.
more than strange is the Borough Market was packed crowded in fact with hundreds of people but according to Mendick
only "one witness heard" the above. Bolt's was on that like a dying man lost in the
desert in the need for a drop of water. What's the liklihood that drop was just a
mirage as only one unnamed witness heard it.Bolt's
whole argument seems to hang on that one witness an unverifiable one at
that. If it were the case the TV media would have hunted down that witness like a pack of wolves but nobody did. Bolt's witness story is about as convincing
as he
is...made up. The Herald Sun is little more than a cheap Tabloid repeating exactly what other Tabloids do sensationalizing and milking an event for what it's worth for a profit and celebrating fear is their attention grabber. Did anyone of them report the mass shootings when they occured in Mexico, Kabul or even the Philipines not on you life they aren't news providers just cheap tabloids. Any wonder bolt says he doesn't care about awards he'd never be nominated for one. Does Bolt ever report on just how lucky we Australians are? No he 's too busy yelling shut the doors and intern the barbarians. If his parents were investigated as he wishes immigrants to be investigated today he wouldn't be here because they came from the Netherlands most notorious town Aalsmeer. Fate dealt us an unlucky hand.
Here is a short anthology of those who
since the September 11 attacks have tried to play down the threat of
Islamic terrorism, or to turn blame or attention instead to the West and
those trying to protect us. Feel free to send more examples. UPDATE:
Peter FitzSimons wins.
FitzSimons wins
4 Jun
Police during the London terrorist attack
tweeted advice to the public: “Run. Hide. Tell.” As in, tell police
where the killers were. I’d add another: “Admit.” And I’d tweet that to
the apologists and sneerers who have tried to deny the danger of Islamic
terrorism and vilified those trying to defend us. Here's some of them.
Bolt lists his USEFULFOOLS OF ISLAMISTS as if Australian traitors. He has put Duncan Lewis the head of ASIO on that list because ASIO's intelligence report stated "I have absolutely no evidence to suggest there is a connection between refugees and terrorism. " Bolt began to disparage Lewis immediately a knee jerk reaction but quickly shut up why? Peter Dutton and the AFP also publicly supported the ASIO chief making Bolt look the USEFULFOOL OF ISLAMISTS.
He was strategically a greater fool because he was ridiculing the very Department Tony Abbott threw money at along with all other National Security bodies to keep us safe. Bolt couldn't be seen to be mocking Abbott by mocking a revitalized ASIO. So after a day or two of silence he turned on Dr Waleed Aly a Muslim his personal list of other Australians.
Bolt's noted for HIS lists stuffing them full like marshmallows in a money box. The money box his sole conclusion he wants us to be convinced of. The problem is he does that with events gathered from around the world and people he simply hates. They are all defined gathered listed by him in his demented way . Never mind that events like Orlando are publicly denied to be Islamist massacres by the worlds noted intelligent agencies it goes in his list. Never mind that Duncan Lewis is head of ASIO he's on Bolt's list. Bolt never mentions Anders Brevik and any non Muslim acts of terrorism while far more pervasive they never appear on the Bolt list.
Here at home Andrew Bolt isn't trying to be intelligent he's appealing to an audience of of the converted persons trying to not let them stray all in the hope for the return of Tony Abbott whose only political ploy previosly was the cry of the stranger danger invasion and that only conservatives can save us. Remember the cry 'stop the boats 'or ' the Muslim invasion'.
Bolt's list winner is Peter Fitzsimons for what he said after 9/11 "sorry". No mention here that the George Bush was with his freinds the Bin Laden's at the time of 9/11 or that 22 of the terrorists were all Saudis wanting to overthrow a despotic monarchy that the US was protecting for oil. Bolt truley is cirular isn't he Peter Ftzsimons is in his list and therefore guilty as charged. Dumb as dumb gets.
Last week 90 Muslims were killed in Kabul and 400 injured, even more were killed in Iraq an Australian among them. In sheer numbers alone Bolt ignores the fact that politics overrides religion in what is a war. These people who Bolt calls "Jihadists" might well be radicalized but they certainly aren't on any religious crusade or plane. They may be disenchanted and alienated in London but it's not the case in Afghanistan, Iraq Syria or Libya and they certainly aren't fighting for Islam but they are fighting among themselves and a political divide.
That has been Israel's plan since after the six days war. To destroy the Secular Arabic States that surrounded them co-opting the help of the energy hungry anti- Russian West lead by the USA. The invasion of Afghanistan the beginning and Iraq the proof of power. From the very beginning this has never just been a civil war but it has been a war that's spread and recruited the disenchanted youth of the West for revenge and protest.
ISIS is weak but is promoted to be something other than they are in the West by the likes of Andrew Bolt. He was the first to amplify advertize and promote this failing Middle Eastern organization as being strong a hydra simply because it says it is. He even claims the actions on their behalf before they do and what's more he's allowed to. If ISIS had a PR group public and visible as Bolt is in Melbourne would they be allowed to exist? If not why is Bolt allowed to pump them up? They are now largely weakened rabble recruiting radicalized youth on social media, within alienated communities. They aren't the the organized 22 Saudis who by the way Trump sold $350 bill of weapons that were able to fly planes and destroyed the Twin Towers in 9/11. These aren't high tech and organized they largely 15- 25 year olds manipulated, radicalized in any number of ways. They are kids who are easily getting the information of how to copy cat the methods that brought notoriety to others. Rebel youths have always existed whether against Vietnam or against the coalition bombing of Syria/Libya/Iraq/or the Yemen or just street gangs. Whether lone wolves or a group it's a protest and often the ultimate one it's not based on religious fervor Bolt claims it is but radicalized hatred not of a religion but the politics. It may not be reasoned but then war and rebellion often aren't.
The most disgusting aspect is the misused freedoms we in the West are allowed and which is politically abused by people like Andrew Bolt. He's been convicted before in our courts for lying and using a tone to vilify indigenous Australians for politics and hasn't changed. One Nation Hanson and Bolt were first to publicly politicize the stupidity and tradgedy of London well before anyone in the UK did . Bolt immediately imported it into Australia as if it was occurring in downtown Melb or Sydney. They certainly didn't do the same for Kabul which is a lot closer. His urgency tone and stranger danger immediacy were for political purpose not reasoned explanation. It's why he's declaring it a Civil War.
Evidence listen to Bolt the panic merchant here and ask his purpose "POLICE
during the London terrorist attack tweeted advice to the public: “Run.
Hide. Tell.” As in, tell police where the killers were.
I’d add a fourth word: “Shut.” As in shut the gates that through which such danger has been imported.
a fifth: “Admit.” And I’d tweet that to the apologists and sneerers who
have tried to deny the danger of Islamic terrorism and vilified those
trying to defend us.
" "The exception [that] proves the rule"
is a saying whose meaning has been interpreted or misinterpreted in
various ways. Its true, or at least original, meaning is that the
presence of an exception applying to a specific case establishes ("proves") that a general rule exists." Muslims are peaceful
Andrew Bolt can never really explain why the 3 million Muslims int the UK didn't all rise up at once only three did. Apparently they aren't real Muslims according to Bolt . Bolt puts so much energy into trying to convince us that Muslim violence is systemic and not just the actions of an isolated few non religious youth with a very very confused and violent agenda to push. Bolt demands to be treated as an individual but in the same breathe demands we should treat all Muslims with suspicion because they have been systematically socialized into being non individuals. So what's his proof an individual incident a look that explains all Muslims. Somebody once said the same thing about the Jews once and they were from the town Bolts parents came from. The mayor voted in and supported no doubt by Andrew's parents who socialized him into the same way of thinking. You know what they say show me the boy until he's 7 and I'll show you the man. Bolt claims he never knew what it felt like to be Australian until his 30's. Sorry to tell him but he still doesn't
I am astonished that the Press Council could be so blind - or so
nakedly biased: "The Australian Press Council is facing a growing
backlash from the industry as more leaders join calls demanding the
resignation of left-wing activist group GetUp! member Carla McGrath."
But it won't give in. Yet.
It's Monday and Bolt is repeating last weak's whinge.
Dr Carla McGrath has a greater CV than Bolt and is a consumate professional. She has been appointed to the board of the APC which has some 20 members News Corp persons among them. It's obviously vital that a variety of voices be heard on the APC and Bolt has always condemned it as a left wing organization no matter who is on it. What's new he does the same with the ABC even when Maurice Newman was Chairman. He does it with all our Institutions
So what makes Dr Carla McGrath unique? She's consulted and been appointed to over 20 boards in a consutative capacity. Bolt certainly can't put that on his CV. She has a Phd notice Bolt doesn't acknowledge or show any respect for that that. Yet he falsely declares he was educated at Adelaide Uni which seems a matter of importance to him but not as far as Carla McGrath is concerned.
He creates as usual a list of thos against and not for McGrath in order to say"The Press Council still won't admit that appointing a Leftist activist
to police the media is outrageous. Incredibly, it has the support of the
Left-leaning Fairfax." Bolt when Dr McGrath will not be acting in the capacity of an adjudicator of complaints at all.
Bolt might as well ad to the list those that declare her an activist because she's black and an Indigenous woman. Meritocracy and professionalism don't exist for Bolt unless your batting on his team. Who you know is far more important and Carla doesn't apparently know the right people. It's not the case of Bolt's son of course he got a job with the IPA simply on merit why because nobody complained. However wasn't his mother a pitbull when it was simply reported.
They call it "heart-warming". But this
viral video of a policeman dancing with children at the Ariana Grande
benefit concert for the victims of the Manchester terrorism strikes me
as disturbing. We want people like him to protect and hit back - not go
dancing and emoting.
Projected FEAR is the work of all our security forces 24/7. We are surrounded by stranger danger and that's the lesson we need to be passing on to the kids of today. Fuel the fire is what's necessary according to Bolt . He must have hated the song "Springtime for Hitler" he certainly hates being laughed at more than being abused that's for sure.
Greens leader Richard di Natale cried
crocodile tears for the 750 workers who lost their jobs when the giant
Hazelwood coal-fired power station closed: "No one can minimise the
suffering... They’ve been squarely let down." Yesterday he called for
more closures: "Shift coal-fired generation out of this system."
The fact is Wind and Solar energy employ more people than the total of the fossil fuel industries. The clean energy sector is the fastest growing sector globally. AGL is even advertzing that fact they getting out of coal as fast as possible. However Australia boasts that the reverse is the case here.
Waleed Aly after the Islamic State
slaughtered 130 people in Paris: "ISIL is weak." In three months the
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for three terrorist attacks in
Britain: the murder of four people outside Parliament, the murder of 22
people in Manchester and now the murder of seven people around London
Bridge. Please explain?
Bolt maintains "claiming responsibility" is all it takes to show strength. Tagging is winning the war. It doesn't matter that ISIL has lost over 2/3rds of captured territory and has members deserting in droves. Claiming is what real strength is about but then Bolt has to say that. He hides the The Bolt Report Ratings and claims he has a massive audience. When One Nation had a State wide vote of 5% in WA Bolt claimed it was 15% then 9%. When Waleed Aly discusses reality Bolt searches the globe for events to claim for ISIL. He is their biggest promoter in Australia. Waleed gets published by NYT Bolt get's quoted if lucky on UPF and Reclaim Australia leaflets. He might just be a media poster boy in the ISIS media coffee room.
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