Right-wing media’s outrageous coverage of Muslims in 2017
Anti-Muslim hate crimes increased for the second consecutive year in 2016, according to the latest FBI numbers. During this climate of bigotry, the right-wing media figures used their platforms to blatantly spread fear and misinformation, demonizing Muslims all over the world. Some explicitly called for American Muslims to be put in internment camps, while others denied the existence of Islamophobia in our schools (Islamophobia actually increased in 2016), and claimed that Muslim immigration means more terrorism (there's no connection
Here is a glimpse of some of the most absurd things the right-wing media figures said about Muslims in 201

Breitbart editor suggests there is a "correlation between Islam and mental health"
Beneath the master class: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South
Historian Keri Leigh Merritt examines the lives and labor of landless Whites in the Antebellum Deep South - as an impoverished underclass situated outside the immediate bounds of chattel slavery, but under a brutal, stratified, undemocratic regime with the violence and exploitation of slavery at its heart and in everything it touched.
Journalist Jess Bruder explores the migratory low-wage labor of senior nomads - as the middle class collapses under the weight of economic precarity, older Americans find themselves traveling in RVs from warehouse to warehouse, living off short-term manual labor and facing a road the rest of the country is already on.
Jess is author of "Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century" from W.W. Norton:
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