Mixed media: how Australia's newspapers became locked in a war of left versus right - Mumbrella

However, as Murdoch’s vehicle for exerting influence on policymakers, it became increasingly conservative. By 1975 it had become so biased to the right in its political coverage that its own journalists went on strike in protest.Murdoch makes no bones about his right to control what goes in his papers, and his editorial staff have to accommodate themselves to this – or exercise the privilege of resignation.At Fairfax, the internal culture has been entirely different. In 1988, journalists at The Age persuaded Fairfax management to sign a charter of editorial independence guaranteeing no improper interference in editorial decision-making. Over the following three or four years, the company’s other titles adopted this charter.
The politics of manufactured outrage allows the far right to direct attention away from real issues of inequality and social justice and drive narratives to the vacuous right of free speech on an unequal playing field being violated
"Trends of online discourse in 2017 showed that the far-right’s practice of using digital tools to affect change, exercise pressure, and punish perceived enemies is best understood as politics of manufactured outrage." The Bolt Blog is a perfect example of just that.
Media trolls like Bolt, Hadley, et al raise their profiles and try to gain relevance by criticizing what they saw as center progressive over-sensitivity, seeking to provoke and generate outrage by supporting the now behaviors of Trump when prior to his election they condemned him. Bolt certainly did. Simply because his war against “political correctness” became an essential part of their new ethos. Now they’re using their platforms to incite their followers to decry and condemn their critics over trivial social justice issues like black racism, the victimhood of heterosexuality and the persecution of Christianity.
How often have we seen Bolt the self-proclaimed champion of "Free Speech" manufacture outrage to get opponents fired from the ABC and other perceived opposition media, public, institutions and even his own News Corp for little more than opposing opinion?
Bolt targeted journalist Mike Carlton, Julia Baird Jonathon Green, Martin Hirst etc and campaigned to get them fired from their various places of employment by accusing them of doing little more than what he did but with more aplomb and serious professionalism on a far more enlightening level.
In a similar fashion, Bolt would attach himself to the likes of Milo Yianniopolous, not for any meaningful dialogue but just to manufacture outrage and rating attention when he couldn't find anything sufficient to rage about.
When he couldn’t find something to be outraged about, he simply created the opportunity planting a prank as a terrorist attack on himself for publicity and milking it as far as was respectable. However, the case of George Columbaris left Bolt in a position of having to water it down and avoid it becoming an issue of attempted GBH on his part. Right-wing trolls like Bolt gather attention by defending pro-pedophilia personalities like Milo that even radical conservatives drop.
Bolt even harangues his followers into more campaigns to appear to make other media outlets into doing their bidding. Calling the Christians piss weak for not having the conviction to fight like he did in Carlton or like the young brave Muslims did in Barcelona. Basically, Bolt like ISIS media is a recruiter for radicalizing the right wing and normalizing violence. He “dictates policy and personnel decisions via social shaming/news coverage.'" Bolt dismiss criticism of these harassment campaigns by the Right like True Blue and the now-defunct UPF, claiming that they're legitimate because “both sides” do it Trump's attempt to legitimize Charlottesville and turn it away from issues of social justice to simply one denying "free speech"
One only has to turn to the front pages of the Herald Sun to show how they so easily the conservatives forget the war between Melbourne Grammer and Scotch when kids were hospitalized or the hedge burners of Trinity or the Murder of a Xavior Boy in a Kew carpark. To suggest what's occurring in Tarneit is new and unique to immigrant refugees is a case of selective amnesia but more so media distortion to promote outrage for the sake of a $$.
The Strange, Shadowy and Contradictory World of “Counter-Terrorism Experts”
Remember when News Corp exclusively attacked and criticized the presence of Muslims in Australia and Abbott sent planes to bomb them in the Middle East. They changed and back off attacking Muslims and turned to Africans shining a light on their racism. They couldn't call the South Sudanese Muslims or the Pacific Islanders. As these groups were practicing Christians so they dropped religion altogether and began letting us know they were black Africans and colored Islanders and didn't belong. Our politicians, strangely enough, found it a little harder to justify bombing them.
However, it wasn't so difficult for Tony Abbott and News Corp-backed him to the hilt.
"Despite allegations of US-led western connivance being denied, the subsequent leaking by Qatar of an official US National Security Agency (NSA) document reference (TS/SI/NF) S2E332 in October, has confirmed the armed opposition in Syria 'was under the direct command of foreign governments from the earliest days of the conflict'. (2) Furthermore, the NSA document confirmed collusion and coordination between four countries to destabilise Syria.
The Syrian rebels also appear to have been well-financed and equipped with armaments provided by the US through contractors and their front companies in Eastern Europe. An estimated $2.2 billion Soviet-era weapons were actually made available by the Pentagon to rebel groups according to Scott Bennett, a former US Army Operations Officer. (4)"
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