Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Andrew Bolt's Bolg,19/12/17; Behind the suit and the geniality lies a true believer; A smart choice by a smart President a Trumpster;

Inside Australia’s own fractious alt-right


Just because Andrew Bolt works for Rupert Murdoch, wears a suit, is on TV, on Radio and is found in News Corp's print media nationally and denies he's a member of any group it doesn't make him less a member in the spirit of Australia's extreme far alt-right. Reading this article in The Australian shows just how spiritually aligned with the extreme right he in fact is. To say he does it for money or fame is far too simplistic. News Corp may do it for money and power but Andrew Bolt is a true believer and has often been seen dancing with Adolf. Like the Cotteral and Erikson, he'd deny it and immediately show he's pro-Israel for all the wrong reasons however he is a white nationalist supremacist and underneath it all, not even a patriotic Australian. Whatever little Aussie is in him it's there for his kids all of whom like Bolt retain dual citizenship where possible.
A diverse band of brothers

Nationalist Alternative

 Alt-Right Australia - Reddit

 alt-right-Australia - Page 1 - The Dingoes

Alt-Right Australia (@altright1788) | Twitter

How 'alt-right' ideology leaked into mainstream Australian politics ...


Bolt is a Trump booster as are all currently outspoken alt- right spokespersons. Milo Yanniaopoulos ex- Breitbart editor is a recent example who Bolt thoroughly admires.

Matthew Petersen during confirmation hearing 

Trump's judicial pick: You've probably never had an interview quite this bad - Donald Trump's America - ABC News

Trump judicial nominee who struggled to answer legal questions drops out

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