Thursday, 25 January 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 25/1/18; According to Tony Abbott "All for the better good"; How do you think about that change moving forward?; Matthew Guy is a Donkey; Trump Child Abuser;

Trump slashes funding to most vulnerable Palestinians, children (UNRWA) | Informed Comment

Trump slashes funding to most vulnerable Palestinians, children (UNRWA)
Trump the Family Man Fantasy
Child Abuser the Reality.  " You have never interviewed an bigger child molester than me"

Australia Day: do you know what you’re celebrating? | First Dog on the Moon | Opinion | The Guardian

 26 January 1838 was the very first public holiday ever marked in Australia


Day to Day Politics: Are they all raving lunatics? Bloody conservative bullshit. - » The

 For me, the changes brought about by the advancement of science and technology have been astonishing. As a progressive, I crave change that is worthy and is advantageous for the betterment of society and the world that we inhabit.I believe that our lives should be subject to constant reflection, otherwise the way forward is locked into the constraints of today’s thoughts.You cannot change what happens. Particularly when you have no control over it. What you do have control over is the way in which you respond. John Lord

Australian Values? What Can I Say? - » The Australian Independent Media Network

 Australian Values:  It used to be Simpson and his donkey now it's Matthew Guy is the donkey

So, in Victoria, Matthew “The Family” Guy has announced that Victorian schools will be instructed to teach “Australian values” under a Liberal Government, as well as getting rid of all this trendy nonsense of teaching about sustainability, Asia and aboriginal history. Of course, Safe Schools goes because an Australian environment needs to be dangerous and there’s also going to be a greater concentration on “literacy, numeracy and writing.” Writing, of course, being a totally separate thing from literacy.

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