Saturday, 6 January 2018

Andrew Bolt's Bolg,6/1/18 Why Andrew Bolt is such an ugly Australian; Fire & Fury;

'We’re not a gang': the unfair stereotyping of African-Australians | Australia news | The Guardian

"Each new report of apparent African gang crime brings forth a wave of social media commentary calling for suspected gang members and their families to be deported, dealt with by vigilante groups, or even lynched.
“Anytime that I choose to speak, every time that I want to say something publicly, I have to decide whether I am ready to deal with the bigoted and the racist backlash,” Nyuon says. “It is stifling.”
 A simple fact distorted by media "“I go to St Kilda beach and when I go there, I don’t know every African person that I see,” he says. “So we’re not a gang. We just say ‘hi’ to them and shake their hand because that’s our culture … if I see a group of white people sitting together, I don’t assume they all know each other. I don’t assume that’s a gang.”

Andrew Bolt is a first responder when it comes to the media and he defines the South Sudanese as he does the Indigenous of Australia and even you and me and claims he's entitled to his narrative and he is. However, his elite position in the media with FakeNews Corp tears away the equal playing field Bolt maintains exists and is available to all.
Bolt holds his position as an amplifier of singular opinion on a daily basis the South Sudanese voice or narrative is lucky if it gets a hearing once a year and if and when it does because it hasn't the advantage of the repetition  given Bolt and his ilk it simply doesn't get heard or get a foothold. That is what Bolt claims to be the legitimate structure of debate and the nature of free speech in our social market. He denies any attempt that attempt to redress his privilege and that inequality within the system, in particular, the ABC or any other Institutional public authority or voice of reason that simply questions what he has to say and points out his vigilante bias, , particularly those he is talking about. Is there any wonder he's an enabler of frustration. It's what makes this article so rarely seen important.
Important Truth 
" Media reports about crimes committed by “African gangs” have led to increased scrutiny of the community. Ever since the brawl at the Moomba festival in March 2016, the club leadership says, they have been stopped more frequently by police and accused by people of being gang members.
Even the team has been profiled, facing racial taunts on and off the field. One player received a five-year ban and a $5,000 fine during a previous season for kicking a bin as he walked off the field during half-time after players from the opposing team made racist remarks. There have also been times when they have received up to $10,000 in fines for similar low-level infractions. With no government funding or corporate sponsorship, the club is one big penalty away from folding.
Yet it is providing exactly the kind of activity that police and the Victorian government say is needed to keep young men of Sudanese background off the streets and engaged in the community."
"You are black, you are violent, you are a thief,” one player says.
“When we are doing something good, we are Australian,” Reath adds. “When we are doing something bad, we are Sudanese.”
" How long do we have to be here to be considered Australian?” he says. “30 years? 40? If our kids are born here, are they still Sudanese?”
Bolt declares himself Australian as he was "born here" but not so Africans or Muslims. So South Sudanese Australians are entitled to ask how many years does it take to be recognized by anything other than their color? When this question arises we hear Bolt calling out "black racism". Did anyone hear Bolt mocking the Sudanese Beauty Pageant on his son's IPA podcast? They showed themselves for who they really are White Supremacists and totally the ugliest of Australians that Australian Sudanese have to put up with

 African youth crime: 'How can you respect someone who doesn't respect you?'

Martha Ojulo holds a photo of her son, Liep Gony.
The question Andrew Bolt doesn't address and we saw how he approached the issue when pranked in Carlton he revealed what he calls the justifiable violence of a white man he denies those that are black. He called the right wing to war and war with clenched fists which he denies unwanted African Australians. Bolt has been enabling and encouraging violence throughout 2017 and it will get worse in 2018 an election year in Victoria.
 A reasoned comment from the linked article:
 Meanwhile, he fears being attacked. It has almost been forgotten that, 10 years ago, a Sudanese teenager who also had his troubles with police, Liep Gony, was beaten to death by a pair of men, one of whom had earlier yelled he was going to "take my anger out on some niggers".
"How are we supposed to assimilate if we keep being told how different we are?" Sebit asks.

 It is often noted during outrage about youth crime gangs of a certain ethnicity that this panic has been seen before: fears about white kids, Middle-Eastern kids, Vietnamese kids, stretching back to the 1950s.
 But none of those kids stood out like D does. None of them was tall and black.
"There's good police, but there's a lot of bad ones, too.
"How can you respect someone who doesn't respect you?"
The same submission spells out that youth offending is decreasing, but a smaller group of offenders are committing more crimes, and that those aged 10-17 who were born overseas averaged more offenses than those born in Australia.

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