Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 28/2/18; Racism continues; Holier than Thou the hypocrite

It doesn't really work when the king of slime tries to slime a lesser slimer. Cash would need to be worse than Bolt for it to be believable but she's not  This coming from Andrew Bolt is ridiculous "
Employment Minister Michaelia Cash took us to the foullest gutter today with a vile attack on innocent women. And her "apology" was worthless. " more so than even Abbott's dig at Cash. This lot truly deserve each other but Australia doesn't deserve them. Below we will be party to Bolt's Racial sliming of the First People of this Nation with a 2014 memo that is little more than an opinion from an unnamed source purpotedly from the NT DOC.

The Racism News Corp allows Andrew Bolt to freely apply it and it is the worst example of media vilification under the Act and I'm totally confused as to how he gets away with it? Yes children's sexual; molestation occurs in Australia and it occurs in every part of the nation's population no matter race color or creed, but there seems an eagerness on Andrew Bolt's part to isolate it to Australian Aboriginal Community in the NT  and to their Culture statistics not provided only an opinionated memo dated 2014 that was a guess.
" Sky News' Matt Cunningham has obtained a memo written in 2014 by the head of the NT Department of Children and Families clearly suggesting staff turned a blind eye to underaged Aboriginal children being sexually exploited:  "Bolt.  Further Bolt simplistically ignores the issue by saying it's just an abject failure of the Child Protection Services or the DCF in NT to police the matter by rigid intervention in remote Indigenous Communities and that it's due to Culture.
Nobody, especially the Aboriginal Community, denies that this is a problem and that it exists but it's a problem that exists across Australia and is denied and has been covered up.
 The memo simply yet again proves a narrow and racist focus. There is a "Blind Eye" alright and it is Cultural and ignored that infractions have been greater in the wider white community which Bolt inhabits and has gone unpoliced for years and ignored through history. It's Cultural, Institutional and Organized. Those aren't Aborigines taking the cheap flights to Asia on sex tours with underaged kids. Those aren't black girls only keeping silent after being raped by the drunk white kids and remaining silent. How many children are abused by the wider White Community and why don't we know about it?  With media, backs turned like Bolt's who cares?  Dealing with opinionated memos rather than statistical facts and not just the police records leaves scope for so much racist opportunity racism it's a joke. It simply becomes the opinionated tool of vilifiers. The memo held up as evidence is hardly proof of anything other than historic bias and racist in its nature.
Let it be repeated that Aborigines in remote communities don't deny deviance occurs the aren't hiding their problems as do whites in their communities and they do call for help. However not the kind of help dictated by Bolt over and over again the removal of children without consultation.
For Bolt, this 2014 Memo is not evidenced it remains opinion only and not necessarily informed!!
1) an exclusively Aboriginal and administrative problem
2)  For him, it justifies the removal of children from Indigenous families
3) and it provides evidence that when children are removed they aren't and never were stolen
4) The issue for Bolt is that it has been allowed to lapse
The racism self-evident in Bolt's approach is
1)  That it's exclusively an Aboriginal problem
2)   That Identity Politics has been allowed to prevent stricter intervention, policing and removal of children
3) That the problem in a Historic and Social context has been that children haven't been moved to places of safety and that the problem is Australia wide and not just Indigenous but very much one across all classes and organized as evidenced by the Royal Commission.
4) Children removed from identified abuse in the past have been transferred to institutions of greater abuse. Children have merely been transferred put in the exclusive management of other adults often greater abusers.
5) The Institutional abuse of children is as much a white problem allowed to go on unattended to for 100s of years as witnessed by the Royal Commission's inquiry into the sexual abuse of children 
6) When estimates of 70% of adult participation by organizations like the St John of God have been brought to light and 7- 10%  participation is estimated among just Catholic Orders the problem is far from just an Indigenous one.
7) When the media evidenced by Bolt defends elders like George Pell from what was common community knowledge and not just an urban myth then scant attention is seriously being given to the issue. Then the problem becomes buried and hidden in the blame foisted on less than 3% of Australia and the wider culture
8) The lapse is not just on the part of just the NT DCF or CPS around Australia either or just more policing.
9) It's the lack of the promotion of Safe Environments for kids such as Safe School Programs which Andrew Bolt is along with the ACL and other Christian godbotherers are front-line line against. 
10) Children are the first line of their own self-defence but Andrew Bolt hands that reality and responsibility over to third-party policing and attention. Ignoring the fact that he is a child molester's enabler and has been for over 100s of years ignoring the children themselves. People like Bolt promoted the stealing of children for their own perversions by not listening to them only putting them into management.
Bolt swings to and fro like a flag in a storm on this. He was defending Barnaby Joyce's privacy last week. Yesterday demanding the accusations of Mrs Marriot be revealed. He's defended Abbott's brutal destruction of Peter Slipper over $900 dollars while not admonishing or handing any penalties to others who did worse. This is little more than  BS  on the part of Bolt that gives him the opportunity to play hypocritically the role of "Holier than Thou"

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