Monday, 26 February 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,26/2/18; The unaknowledged profit of hate; Tax Cuts Warren Buffets' comment; New Racism??; Saving Tony Abbott; Apologists reply not Abbott's; Yes Bolt's a Liar;

Image result for Images of right-wing media complaining about refugees in Australia
Yes, crime does occur and especially among our disenfranchised youth.. However not to the extent and cost of the $50 million paid to Cambodia to resettle 4 refugees we decided to call illegals add the costs it took to keep them offshore and ask yourself just what it would have cost to have them on the mainland working and paying taxes.
The joke this program not mentioned by Bolt was a failure and only 1 refugee remains in Cambodia. If that $50 mill had been directed to services to integrate new arrivals with better services consider the benefits our refugee programs might just have. Andrew Bolt would have nothing or would need some other negative event to crow about. 


Remember Abbott's Chicken Little fanfare from 2009- 20014 that the sky was falling in and Bolt was on about Wayne Swan's deficit turning blue skies dark. That was against the ALP. Remember when Tony Abbott having embarrassed himself with his first budget that package of lies turned around snapped his fingers and said "I've fixed it" and no perceivable magic happened so he threw Hockey under the bus. Well, the same is about to start again but with some cause for alarm not because of Company tax cuts but Turnbull knows he needs to save his arse. The very thing that Abbott realized he had to do with his second budget.
The one thing to come of this announcement is Abbott and Bolt have jumped the gutter and are going to do their very best to have the ALP win government go back to Go and start again from 2009. Back to the Future their only hope.
Warren Buffet actually declared in disgust that Trump's Company Tax cuts benefited him by $29 billion dollars.

 What a perfect example of political "dog whistling" is the term "New Racism" the message put out by John Howard and practised by Tony Abbott to the White Nationalists and Hansonites that their privileges are under threat.
Andrew Bolt calls it the "new racism" to hide his otherwise erstwhile racism what then was "old racism"? There is no old racism there is just racism and it's white the colour Bolt wants his ideal of Australia to be. He says he doesn't approve of racism in any form but points to Australians he calls them out for being second rate and underclass of Aborigines, Muslims, Africans and poor English speakers. He praises our heroic defence force when shames us In Our Names: The West Has Slaughtered 329 People In The Orient Every Day For The Past 27 Years – New Matilda
Others don't disguise what Bolt has in the past called Black Racism or Reverse Racism Bolt calls it "New" somehow acknowledging Racism exists but that "New Racism " is just extreme Right-Wing White Supremecists like Bolt merely 'flipping' the argument and calling a pushback reaction to 229 years of systemic oppression 'new' as if he hadn't noticed it before. There is no such thing as Reverse Racism only prejudice returned and pushback;
Dog whistling is what Tony Abbott was doing when commenting on immigration facts set aside for a very Xenophobic message.
It appears Bolt is extremely desperate to excuse Abbott for his gormless remarks made the other day on Immigration. Trying to point out that Immigration has "some effect" on our urban issues is far from Abbott's all out declaration that it's the major cause of our woes and that a 50% cut will have to be made for any beneficial effect needed. Bolt in his PR desperation to placate the chorus of critics has chosen Jessica Irvine. The fact is Abbott's argument of 50% is what is called by any stretch of the imagination as overreach. Virtually denying something that's slightly true as just the black or white answer to a problem also overblown in Melbourne and Sydney still among the top 10 of the worlds most livable cities.
Bolt and Abbott put forward the argument that as Australia's immigration rate is at the top of the list of OECD countries and that shows it's bad not that those countries envy us. Strange that we should be the envy of those countries so much so we are regarded as the most livable or the very opposite of what these two knuckleheads are saying. 
97% of economists like 97% Climate Scientists agree on issues that Abbott opposes and Bolt regards Abbott as the Messiah. The argument no longer even needs debating for its exaggeration overreach and falsity and that's not what Bolt calls the fear and denial of debate. Why should Abbott be given the 50% media attention for a ludicrously old debate lost years ago? It's the Mony Python black knight and it's only a flesh wound skit back again. The equivalent of clean coal doesn't cause Climate change or cleaner cigarettes are good for you. 
The deniers of immigration are a minority of right-wing extremists and wackos who want to reinvent the historical and statistical context of the evolution and economic history of the success of settler nations for no other reason than political divide and emotional scaremongering. Hitler was a minority like that once that was given media attention more than 50%  in a time of stress and look what happened. Abbott hasn't an army of jackboots to support him just a Goebellian Bolt   It’s easier for Tony Abbott to attack migration than admit his own policies are to blame | Greg Jericho | Opinion | The Guardian
The ABS didn't "warn" us it reported a statistical fact. Which Abbott has grabbed hold of to do what he does best, scaremonger
"Think: At this rate, every city, town and bush camp in Australia will be twice its size in just 44 years. And you think the traffic is already bad enough? The house prices too high?Think of this, too: Most of that doubling of population will be new arrivals with no deep cultural ties to this place. Isn’t our social cohesion fraying already?"Abbott
" It’s frightening." Bolt
Our Economy our lifestyle our Immigration growth is the ENVY of the OECD who only now and in recent years have shown an economic turn around from the GFC in 2008. Australia remains envied and not the country Tony Abbott described and demanded to put the brakes on since 2009 and did in 2013 resulting if his disastrous 2013 budget and his Fake news in 2014 "I've fixed it" while throwing Hockey under a bus. The return of Abbott is the return of Mr Nope Nope Nope squandering billions on war and refugee programs that made us global pariahs currently like Israel and some other Eastern block countries like Hungary.


What's Bolt shown here is that even a 1%  like John Stone and Abbott are out of step with the IPA and Sinclair Davidson? Who is the crowd that follow Stone Abbott and Bolt?


The IPA, Business Council, Mining Lobby are all Associations of the Intelligent. Any association of Journalists is a UNION and therefore socialist and Marxist. It any wonder Andrew Bolt never got a degree and if he were 20 today would he even find a place in Journalism. He was better at selling flowers in the Netherlands but mother recalled him home to a country she didn't like.
Bolt doesn't wait for the fact he says it as if it has happened isn't that FAKE NEWS?
How desperate is Bolt to constantly repeat an old story and present it yet again as if it were new. This story is about as twisted as the one on No Go Zones in the UK and Europe proven false exaggerated and not quite the truth that it's made out to be. What Bolt doesn't actually highlight is that "The biggest investigation into child sexual exploitation needs 100 more officers to tackle the 'unprecedented scale of abuse' in" Religious and government Institutions. More than 1500 "potential" victims are to be found with far more than 110 suspects and it's not in Rotherham. This is in fact a global problem it seems that stretched as far as Bolt's hometown. Where 90% of the suspects have so far been found to be Christian organized and stretching back well well over 100 years. The victims were by and large also mainly white. Read more:
Bolt's problem it's from the Daily Mail,  it has led to only four individuals being convicted, 38 arrested, 18 charged, and two cautioned after 34 investigations and 10 Mill Pounds spent. A bigger and harder investigation no witch hunt is being called for. Look hard enough and you will find something. But don't look hard at MPs you just might find something worse.I see Bolt doesn't mention the white cultural practices closer to home, does he?Shocking college hazing rituals at prestigious Australian university revealed in report

Bolt's cause calibre is to prove to us that only boat people, refugees and Immigrants are criminals in this country or potential criminals. Socially historically contextually he relies on anecdotes to tell us they are in fact the best form of evidence to make wide generalizations from. Tony Abbott does the same when he says Immigration is the spring from which all our economic and social issues now derive. The only people that are right and were right on that account were Aborigines who came to that conclusion on Invasion Day.
Bolt encourages systemic error with his dog whistling errors such as this are tantamount to persecution. Bolt singling out the  Christian Sudanese the Lebanese, Africans and others for dragnet treatment. Our Immigration fare little better wanting to privatize Australian visas and make them available only to the highest bidders. The needy being erased from the picture altogether.
 World News

Better days: Turnbull toasts his saviour in the New England byelection


The crippled Turnbull Government is fighting for its life but has now benched its best two election campaigners. Last year, as Nationals leader, Barnaby Joyce saved the government from election defeat. Now he and Tony Abbott - who won the 2013 election - are more likely to destroy the government after being treated like dirt by Malcolm Turnbull. 

 Imagine if two of Richmond's best players were moved to the reserves and decided what Bolt is saying the course set that Abbott and Joyce are about to embark on. Would he be calling them Richmond's 2 besties? What a load of crap Bolt talks.

3h89 LINK


If only Team Turnbull hated Labor like it hates conservative Tony Abbott. Last week a Minister called Abbott "a dog-whistling piece of s..t".  And today the staff of Government whip Nola Marino calls him "the weird kid no-one likes". The fools. 

Does Andrew Bolt ever stop banging on about St Tony Abbott? After all, even he once said he didn't have a "dog" in the race when he was dumped. Well, it would his dog is a mongrel and not the kind that's a cute bitzer either. One that's snapped at its sister so even his best friends like Greg Sheridan no longer trust him to take home. Then to suggest Turnbull has been the one whose bee bad mouthing the bugger is plain bullshit. But we of the Left welcome everything of this nature that Bolt has to say about the broader politick and that encourages. Labor will win in a landslide according to Bolt and Abbott will disappear into a hiccup in recorded history.


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