Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog,27/3/18; Bolt's taken to the pulpit blaming us while flipping;

Image result for Image a hypocrite ducking for cover

For Australian cricket, arrogance rewarded just led to more arrogance 


 Like those models on the SCG on January 8, the Australian arrogance was all a facade and could as easily fall over in a strong gust. It may seem as if their fall happened overnight, but as with Icarus, the journey upwards took good time and the descent began at the apex of the flight. While Icarus flew solo, Steve Smith was accompanied by a Qantas jetload of players and officials, conspirators and enablers, united in arrogance, destined for the same landing. 

Remember when Andrew Bolt was caught cheating and found guilty of vilification lies and false facts. When Bolt was convicted of being loose with the truth for a purpose and a tone fully intending to cheat the game of News.  Judge Mordecai Bromberg was right.He didn't miss how Bolt was playing the game. What did Bolt do and what has he been doing ever since blaming the laws and the very game itself just as Abbott once did.
Here he is being holier than thou telling us that these cricketers are cheats but were encouraged by us.  That it's coming not just from the top down but from all of us and we are to blame. Well it wasn't in Bolt's case was it Fake News was encouraged from the top down and even the best lawyers couldn't disguise the cheating. Here is Bolt telling us that we are the bad guys that he like the cricketers were encouraged to be dishonest by us Australians one and all.  It's the way we play the game.
 That might be fine if Bolt weren't like the child molester priest in the pulpit the liar and defamer, the Murdoch puppet preaching to us as if he had the moral high ground. He might be talking about our cricketers but he could just as well be talking about himself and he's doing what he simply always does. He's "flipping" "do we really want our media to be louts setting the standard of News so low that the information is fake in a News free zone"?  Well, he's trying to say we do. Yes, he might be asking that of cricket and how we should play the game but he's certainly not asking the same standard to be applied to himself, News Corp or Sky News.  They are selling shares in little more than a Conservative Ponzi Scheme telling us to vote for them and get fake benefits and rewards. Rewards that really only go to the top few. Bolt's excusing the cricketers and himself and placating the nature of in his case was a crime. Abbott did the same when 10 NSW Liberals were caught and said they were innocent the law was at fault.

"The Australian Test cheating team. These guys knew how bad this cheating was and it was made even worse because the senior players thought up this idea together. Question: how long has this been going on, and who created this" Bolt
Is it any surprise? Bolt's fake posturing his masked astonishment at the twisting of the rules of cricket asking "who does this sort of thing" when Bolt does it himself in the practice of Media. The words, the brands News Corp, Sky News all heavily advertise themselves as primarily News teams when they are nothing of the sort. They are opinion advocates lobbyists for those willing to pay. They need to be in the spotlight in order to get the highest sponsorships and clients. Just like the cricketers, the team might employ people like Bolt but the players are independent self-employed and stardom becomes primary to the Game. There is a bank of lawyers paid to defend them as they operate on the edge. So "not getting caught" applies equally in which verifiable News was once the name of the game.  But that's now the least of its goals. Andrew Bolt is the living proof of cheating the system which gave rise to what we see in cricket today.
Bolt's "gosh how did this happen" is fake posturing he is among many who have promoted themselves as role models as successes which have turned our culture into a dominant "me" rather than a "we" culture. Individuals part of a team but not part of the ethics of what was once the game. We see it in Howard, Abbott, Dutton. So why is it such a surprise to Bolt?


“If you look at the actual impact that different religions have on the world it’s quite apparent that at present the most evil religion in the world has to be Islam,” he stated, contending that moderate Muslims suffer more at the hands of Islam and its teachings than anyone else.

Not so in America,  the Latin Americas and Africa. However, when you consider good Christians like Bolt reduce Science to another religion you realize he takes us back to the Dark Ages when all facts were dominated by what was religiously accepted. Given Islam is on the rise and Christianity is not Bolt's arguments fall flat. China will become the worlds largest Christian nation what meaning will that provide for the world. Socialist Christians to Bolt are an oxymoron.China is also becoming the worlds most scientifically rational nation as well.


Bolt is prepared to blame the whole of Australia when it comes to Cricket rules bein broken and the whole of Australia when it comes to his conviction. However not so the violence and rape perpetrated children for him it's the dysfunctional Aboriginal community, not the dysfunctional Australian community which is becoming increasingly poor homeless and drug disoriented. Bolt hardly ever mentions the sexual violence committed to children in Australia not behind a Christian church but in one. Violence by the way to Black kids. Bolt doesn't mention that the young and poor often prostitute themselves to his respectable white community to survive. Worst of all he fails to mention the $2 billion Federal funds that went missing before the last election. All he does is mock and tell us he's on the side of the righteous whites who distribute pornography both legal and illegal and normalizing the objectification of people of all ages for personal sexual gratification and he has the gall to say Indigenous Culture is dysfunctional and everything is well in his world of secrets.
As for those activists, they'd only be too happy to appear of the Bolt Report if only Bolt dared. After all, he's Indigenous so he says.

  Image result for Images of the Australian woman in the 1950s


Why is ABC reporter Anne Barker wearing an Islamic head covering?  Bandeh Aceh, run by Muslim hardliners, does insist Muslim women cover their hair, but that law does not apply to Chinese women and foreigners, as the Jakarta Post points out and as Facebook pictures from a local hotel confirm. So why this submission?

35m1 Link


"So why this submission by the ABC?" So why do you have to take your shoes off when you enter Bolt's home? Aretha Franklin sang it and did it well RESPECT. Only barbarians demand that they are entitled to do whatever they want in the homes of others. Bolt's the guy that enters a Balinese temple carrying a tinnie with his thongs on and board shorts and no top. Yes, the Australian other cultures hate not for their ignorance but their arrogance. His arrogance is that in going back to 1979 most Australian women in the 60's his mother included would never dare be seen out of the house without gloves a hat and their makeup on. Anyone not doing so was the centre of gossip trailer trash. Just as Bolt believes he's not just because he wears a suit.


Has anyone noticed the shortage of Bolt's posts the paucity of topics he raises? It's because his troll Peter from Bellvue Hills is MIA and has been for most of the year. Bolt is lost without him doing the work he doesn't and can't do.
Here he is dragging up something as old as he is.
"The most likely wife-bashers are Aboriginal men, with Aboriginal women at least 31 times more likely to be hospitalised." Bolt. Is he an idiot or is he an idiot he fails to say in his eagerness to tell us Baird is wrong that most Indigenous Australians, in fact, are Christians so Bolt is actually proving Baird is right
 However, it's not necessarily the case when if you consider the overall number of domestic violence cases committed in Australia and not just those "charged in the NT you will find the statistics aren't as Bolt makes out. Violence is predominantly white and committed by Christians. This simply because most Christians charged with violent offences tend to be those in the most policed population in Australia and in the NT to boot.What a self-defeating idiot Bolt is or should I say self -deceiving?

Bolt has weaselled his way out on opinion. Opinion is available to each and everyone to talk about. However, Bolt being Bolt is screaming victim. When facts of which here there are none is just an Ad for a program that's devoid of any. Simply look at what Julia Baird had to say in a report that's what 6 months old Bolt used above. Let me guess it's lead in to watch his editorial tonight ready and willing to denounce not Australia but justify it's globally recognized un reasoned Racism.
How about the obvious Abbott has every reason to destroy the Liberals for up to 2 or more terms just to return to Go on his own personable Monopoly Board. This time he declared an intention we already knew was planned. However, Murdoch won't be around. Bolt well I doubt given his ratings won't be around and opinion Media well might just have to swing to News to get an audience and not just be advocate lobbyists running political advertorial programs. The day Abbott was a dead weight sacked and vocationally toxic was the day Warringah had to re-evaluate what they did to this country.
" Another toddler allegedly raped: will activists finally talk about Aboriginal culture, not white racism?"Bolt
Hospital report declares the child was not physically harmed so what is Bolt doing here? If that is the truth Bolt will let it melt away he's planted the vilification seed first and as all media know say it first it lasts longer than even the facts.

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