What happened this week is not a shock, it is capitalism as intended | Greg Jericho | Business | The Guardian
One day perhaps this government will not treat voters like fools, but it seems we shall have to wait a bit longer. But the real problem for the government is not just that they look shifty, or that they are losing airtime in what should be a time when the talk is about their budget. The problem is that the past two weeks have provided ample evidence to show that their foundational belief about how the economy should operate is in complete tatters. Yes, it was a bad week for the government, but it was an even worse one for unfettered capitalism. What we have seen this past fortnight with the banking royal commission and the revelations about the live sheep trade is what happens when so-called free markets operate without, or with no fear of, regulatory control. There is no benevolent invisible hand leading companies to produce optimal outcomes for the economy – merely a hand that drives action towards higher profits at whatever cost.Capitalism is founded on corporations taking advantage of having more power and information than their workers and customers.
It underpins the fraudulent reasoning for the government’s proposed company tax cut for big businesses. Do you really think these businesses, which have consistently ripped off their own customers, will be using such a tax to reward their workers and customers, or will they use it to reward themselves?
Underpinning the Liberal party’s ethos is that governments need to get out of the way to let businesses thrive.
The problem is in this past two weeks we have seen how they like to thrive.
New special visa could help South African farmers
The Turnbull government is planning a special visa to address a shortfall of thousands of farmers.
If you consider the banks are scammers then LNP reintroduction of preferential visas for White South African Farmers is a return to our shameful racist past. If bankings financial advisors spread bullshit liberally Tony Abbott certainly did as much to spread Liberal Bullshi
Fact check: South African farmer homicides
It's Been 177 Days And Only 14 People Have Been Interviewed About The AWU Raid Leaks
What happened to Cash and Transparency
AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin told Senate Estimates in February that investigating the unauthorised disclosure of government information was not a priority, despite the offence carrying a maximum two-year jail term.
I spoke at a dinner last night for Liberal MP Kevin Andrews and whacked the Turnbull Government. Awkward, but then Andrews spoke: "We [won] government back ... by reflecting the concerns of the Australian people... Yet just a few years later, we have lost their confidence, and are seen as drifting without clear direction or purpose." Read on.
Green politics is destroying our cheap and reliable electricity system. And does a single voter think the Turnbull Government's National Energy Guarantee is the answer? Alan Moran warns of worse to come, and former Nationals Senator Ron Boswell attacks the Liberals who claim that getting a coal-fired power station built is "socialism".
However, nobody is too radical for Bolt if they want to spruik coal. The fact is 65% of our coal-fired plants will be gone, obsolete or out of business by the next decade. The experiment in Clean Coal has been a publicly announced a failure and a waste of $90 mill. So now the renewable energy target which was set by Tony Abbott is now being declared a millstone but not in his name but Turnbull's. It's somewhat like the MXT technology forced on us by Tony Abbott that is now obsolete before it's completion.
What we see is that LNP governments as far back as John Howard determined to do were privatize everything, as many government-owned utilities as possible on the premise that the free market would drive costs down they didn't and now Bolt is demanding a left turn and State forced buyback. Liddell was given away to AGL and are entitled to do what they want according to Conservative principles. It's a fundamental pillar of the Conservative thought which Bolt needs to now twist. AGL certainly sees a future for Liddel but it's not coal.
AGL bought Liddell for nothing – what will it cost Turnbull ...
The media claimed Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. Zero evidence, but the Democrats are now suing Trump's team. Michael Barone cuts loose: "Meanwhile, evidence builds of collusion by the Obama administration's law enforcement and intelligence personnel in trying to elect Hillary Clinton and ... delegitimize Donald Trump."
TV celebrity Lisa Wilkinson gave a talk in Melbourne this week for Business Chicks, which aims to give women "the tools, connections and experiences they need to ... be what they can see". Really? So why were women at the lunch given a gift pack with a condom, "Hello Sailor" false eyelashes and pretty Barbie Dolls dressed as executives?
It's not new, but I've only just been sent it by a woman who - I hope - now admits my reactions are not always so stupidly and unhelpfully insensitive.
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