Saturday, 5 May 2018

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 5/5/18; Government Deflection Selling us the Sydney Harbour Bridge; Racists rarely get it right it's why there were Stolen Children;

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Andrew Bolt may not be lost for words but he's lost the plot when he calls Big Business Marxists." Here is the power elite in a conspiracy against the workers on Marx's 200th birthday." Over recent times we have seen Bolt refer to the Pope now Big Business and of course the ACTU all Marxists is there anyone left in his mind's eye that isn't? However when groups, Bolt more often than not called allies, unite over the Immigration issue the light is switched on to see the cause of the real problem that Bolt repetitively shouts about " crowds our cities, chokes our roads, makes city housing too expensive and leaves Australians individually little richer, as Treasury admitted in a recent document."is actually the result of do nothing governments over the past two decades . The most do nothing of all being Tony Abbott's the infamous Mr Nope Nope Nope who in fact held Victoria to ransom to the tune of $3bill on infrastructure funds he wouldn't release unless they voted Liberal. Now Bolt wants to claw back the student intake into the country as well one of the country's largest exports. The ACTU isn't trying to hold them back nor is Big Business but Bolt is. As for the poor well, they don't suffer because of the migrants they have have been suffering despite the migrants unable to access jobs, education, health, or even welfare because conservative policies ensured the system kept them in place.
It seems Andrew Bolt really does have his back to the wall without many friends left when the "power elite" are the BCA a newly formed Marxist organization. Is this what he calls his kids when they disagree with him?

6AmImage result for Cartoon con selling the sydney harbour bridge

  Sisters arrested in $5.4 million day care fraud case free on bail

Art of political deflection or selling the Sydney Harbour Bridge
What a joke the government is congratulating itself for having paid out $5.4 mill in 2 weeks. That's like the banks saying "but it was only one mistake repeated 57,000 times and we have nipped it in the bud". Simon Birmingham shouldn't be sacked for not knowing but simply for "congratulating" his department and treating the Australian electorate like idiots. 
Maybe the reporter has it all wrong was that $5.4 0r $5.7 mill what's $300k in the confused news zone?  (Old Dog)

The group allegedly backdated the children's care by four months to a single day in March, claimed they were cared for up to 14 hours a day, five days a week, and received $5.7 million in government rebates and benefits over two weeks.
“The message today is that greed on this scale will not be tolerated by authorities," acting AFP commander Kate Ferry said after the arrests on Thursday.
On Friday, Education Minister Simon Birmingham congratulated officers in his department for their role in monitoring non-compliance.
"The Turnbull government continues to crack down on rorters, and actions like this should send a further message to people who try to rip off the child care system," MBirmingham said.



    Descendants of Indigenous Australians in Vanuatu in search for family members

    The White Australia Policy led to the mass deportation of thousands of Pacific Islanders, but some Indigenous Australians were also sent away. Now their descendants are trying to find their long lost families.
    Andrew Bolt insists these actions weren't the overzealous actions of Racists but simply errors made by a well-intentioned white administration. There were no stolen children or consequences for Indigenous Australians due to government policies.

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     "In a week where a White House lawyer confirmed the President had paid hush money to try and stop a porn star talking about their alleged affair, could the name Donald J Trump really be about to go down alongside Dr Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize?"ABC  John Barron

     You have to laugh don't you the front pages of the world's news is Trump's throwing Rudy Guilliani his lawyer under the bus after one day. Guilliani on Fox News let it out that Trump was lying about $130k payment to Stormy Daniels 1) He knew about it and paid it back to the lawyers. 2) That emails were panicking going back and forward saying it had to be done before the election.Michael Avenatti Drops Another Little Bomb About Daniels Payments 
      Avenatti smiled that cocky little smile and said there were "extensive communications" between Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson in 2016 "relating to the timing of this payment and the need for the payment to be made prior to the election. Extensive communications relating to the need for the payment to be made when it was made, and as it related to potential influence on the election." And he has those extensive communications. I'll bet Mueller does, too.

    So here's what the Stormy Daniels payoff did not have anything to do with: A caring husband trying to protect his wife's feelings. Stay tuned!.
    Here we have Bolt running guard down under throwing PowerLine distraction bombs to avoid yet another story that makes Trump look the idiot he is. That the payment made was a payment that's central purpose was the election.

    The lies here are with Bolt 1) Clean Coal Plants are far more expensive today than renewables
    2) The 600 plants on the world books, in fact, are a massive reduction of plants that once were on the books and now won't be built 3) Finkle isn't referring to Clean Coal but yes the obsolete plants that are in existence. 4) Why is Bolt in a time of transition not even wanting to progress towards a cheaper and cleaner source of energy when even the majority of the world's providers are divesting from coal in a "free market"? Why is Bolt sacrificing his principles?
    How is it Bolt's graphic actually shows wind and solar power is cheaper than Coal and the secondary costs of LCOEs such as health and restoration are never taken into account?

    Image result for Cartoons of nepotism
    The last time Bolt was on these three gave you a true taste of Australian Racist Marx brothers.  The three of them were mocking and deriding the South Sudanese community's Beauty Pageant held in Dandenong. Race baiting at it's worst and all at the behest of the IPA which should be ashamed. Today it's Dad James and Pete in a fishbowl podcast having a rollicking time wallowing in ignorance and bullying the dead.
    Apparently, Christianity gave us and the choice of poverty and spirituality it seems Bolt knows nothing of Buddhist monks or Hindu Sanyasins and the fact that Christ was suspected of spending time in India. All this to prove economic materialism isn't the driving force. Have a look at Bolt's study and you will find not a spartan bone in the man. See if he gives anything away. Of course, Socialist posters cover the walls of our universities which leave students wallowing in debt and not the promise of gold at the end of the rainbow. The Socialists offer a critique to the myth that the campuses are meritocratic arenas where the cream rises to the top. That myth abounds on and off campus and doesn't require the advertising to think differently. All these twits can do is laugh and not even bother to consider why. Punching down never attracts a thinking audience just one of the bullies and smart arses.

    Nepotism in the media is rarely been seen and obvious at the expense of meritocracy. Bolt struck gold on the social ladder via marriage and James because dad knows who to schmooze.  and that is what Karl Marx demonstrated in his analysis of the mechanisms of Social Change in  Industrial UK. This podcast is an example of the cultural resistance the fog to resist the inevitable pace of historic progress. Not by Capitalists who own the means of production but their servants, well-trained monkeys who set out to tell us we have already arrived at the ideal social system apart from a few required tweaks. This isn't just a simply a case of a  dad boosting his son but is an example of how an ideology is passed down by a misguided father, a role model, via an apprenticeship with promised benefits. It's an example of Skinner's Behaviorist theories and the training of Pavlov's dog which in some circumstances actually works. There's little or no room needed for considered thought or debate in this form of child-rearing practice. Bolt just obviously rang the bell at the appropriate time and rewarded James who drools automatically know like a flea in a flea circus. It's Andrew frolicking with James he really doesn't give a shit about Pete whose also there. James too can be like dad because has the contacts and developed the schtick. A microcosm Marx's class theory is witnessed in this IPA podcast.
    Bolt and the boys could be laughing loudly at warts on Karl's face and rollicking in their derisive jokes without an ounce of enlightenment to what Marx actually said or attempted to do which was to develop a theory of Social Change from the data surrounding him and not a movement.  The very notion of a body count say in China of 30 million ignores the fact of transition. The body count didn't begin with the Long March it already existed and was precisely the reason for the need for change and the body count continued due to the resistance to what's recognized as the modern day miracle China, 1.4 billion people who are no longer in a pitiful state of starvation. The Nth Vietnamese didn't kill a million Vietnamese the Americans did and did it again in Iraq. Ho unified the country despite the resistance that had more bombs dropped on it by LBJ than all the wars ever fought. Liberation from oppression comes at a cost.

    Anyway, imagine where Australia would be today if it weren't for China's economic progress in the last 2 decades. We'd have been a Capitalist version of Cuba. We have witnessed what a 52-year US trade embargo has done to Cuba. These idiots seem to think Cuba's economic demise today is the result of a socialist government. No, it's America's resistance to a socialist government. Do these three stooges even give any consideration to the Nordic drift to Democratic Socialism and the benefits it has provided for individual freedoms of members of families communities and the benefits of long-term social planning and engineering for everyone, not in the least? That planning is what brought China to where it is today in less than 70 years and it's our inability today which is bringing us to our knees. The wealth and income gaps are widening in the US and Australia while closing in those countries where governments have taken over the rational control of universal needs with rational social planning.
     Why do the Marx brothers in the IPA podcast think there are so many Chinese tourists and students roaming the country far more than there are Americans?  Without a Marxist understanding of the contradictions of Capitalism and that it is merely a stage in a progress that will inevitably morph all you are left with is a wealthy class struggling to resist and not progress. We will continue to listen to the purely self-interested class mocking all that they see as "them" and will continue to put "me" before "we". When push comes to shove they will try to spend money to stop the flow and trickle some filthy lucre down if necessary, They will treat everybody are idiots except them and do what they do in podcasts like this. Like fat arsed public schoolboys they behave like upper-class twats when they aren't upper class but are veneered, wannabes  They actually live in a world where things are more meaningful than people it's why Andrew Bolt is far more critical of everyone and everything in Australia and prefers conversations like this in a fishbowl rather than debates with real people and comes up with the excuse " I'm really shy" rather than a snobbish prick knowing he just might be challenged in public.
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