Column The Melbourne Museum is meant to be a temple of Western science and culture — a collector and protector of knowledge. So why has it banned you from seeing the bones of a Viking? Why has it has given in to Aboriginal superstition and removed those bones from an exhibition sent to us by Sweden?
Weltanschauung "a comprehensive conception or image of the universe and of humanity's relation to it." German for one's worldview and the Melbourne Museum accepts the scientific anthropological worldview that there are many such views and respects and Empathises with Indigenous beliefs and is entitled to pay them the respect they deserve. There is it seems no demands other than Bolt's heard claiming to be a victim of not being allowed to view the Viking Bones. Bolt's only doing this because he believes confiscated Indigenous skulls are the property of museums to do with what they will and make money if they wish.
However what we see is Bolt a 19th Century man using the term "Aboriginal" in the same way white men, slave owners once used the term "Nigga". The Indigenous and first peoples here certainly didn't refer to themselves as "aboriginals" or "boongs", a synonym Bolt could well have used, and neither did African slaves transported to the Americas as property.
Bolt has the Weltanschauung of a slave owner and slave trader who never considered his property as other than niggas. Indigenous peoples to have a worldview was at most considered little more than to have unwarranted "superstitions" Bolt's very language here and shows his 19thC colonial social psychology that of a racist. The worldview 21rstC science and anthropology have recognized Bolt's perspective for what it is and where it's coming from but have moved on as the Museum today is a Democratic, Scientific and Universal Institution unlike News Corp and Bolt's strictly moderated and guarded blog that blocks opposing comments. That alone shows his not so hidden hypocrisy in the question.
Empathy, Worldview, Weltanschauung, Democracy and Science Bolt are enough to see the unity in the diversity of multiculturalism on which settler nations pride themselves. Bolt and his son James, however, showed the reverse when they laughed at and insulted the South Sudanese Beauty Pageant held in Dandenong on that IPA podcast. 2 racists and a mike broadcasting too the world their bigoted humour son James like father how 19th Century of them. I wonder if the whole Bolt family were listening with pride?
Another banking black eye. Why didn't the bank warn customers their data was lost?: "Commonwealth Bank has lost historical account records for close to 20 million accounts after failing to track the hardware on which they were stored, but insists the customers’ data remains uncompromised."
Another banking black eye. Why didn't the bank warn customers their data was lost?: "Commonwealth Bank has lost historical account records for close to 20 million accounts after failing to track the hardware on which they were stored, but insists the customers’ data remains uncompromised."
More on banking culture. Queensland's Suncorp has a new ad showing a girl finding a $20 note someone lost in the street and immediately going on a shopping spree. But Queensland police warns: "If you find goods or money, you can’t keep them. In fact, police may charge you for keeping goods or money you’ve found if you don’t hand it in."
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