Monday, 1 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real, 1/7/19; When lies flow from the top down; Bolt trying to upstage the Logie Awards with an Aussie Victim award; Roger Ailes changed media forever;$zoom_0.2687%2C$multiply_1%2C$ratio_1.776846%2C$width_1059%2C$x_92%2C$y_9/t_crop_custom/w_267/q_86%2Cf_auto/20dccb7c592f677ae69d8965512ba10fdc816c45

 Kerry O'Brien issues a fiery call to action in Logies Hall of Fame speech

Shaming Sky News. and why David Speers is leaving (ODT)

The first target for O'Brien, who worked for all the commercial networks but enjoyed his greatest fame with Four Corners and the 7.30 Report on the ABC, were successive rounds of budget cuts that have been delivered by Coalition governments to the national broadcaster since 2000.
These cuts, he said, had been "driven more by the desire to punish and by an ideological obsession than because the public broadcaster was inefficient. In my view, the day Jonathan Shier was appointed to run the ABC in the Howard years was the beginning of a dark time in that place."
His next target was his own profession, which had to "share responsibility for the great failures of our time", he said.
The first of those failings was on climate change. "We are still stuck in the mire of drab, dishonest arguments that will come at great cost to future generations," O'Brien said. "We, the journalists, have not cut through the fake news effectively. We have not properly held politicians to account."
He then moved on to what he described as the "one big glaring gap in this nation's otherwise great story … the failure to reconcile Indigenous and non-indigenous Australia".
When he began his career, he said, Indigenous Australians were not even counted in the national census. "On paper, they didn't exist."

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 Andy Ngo


I am stunned by a fresh example of how vicious the Left can be in attacking people they do not think are nice enough. Check this Antifa mob in Portland bashing photo-journalist Andy Ngo, throwing trash at him, and spraying him with quick-drying cement and milkshakes. All to show their superior  "compassion".


Since Trump's election, Portland has been a battleground between the extremes of right and left yet here we have a report that ignores that fact entirely and Andy Ngo a regular participant is being raised up as an innocent bystander Journalist in this event. When in fact he's not. He was entirely a participant who chose to walk the gauntlet and provoke. Having done that he was crowdfunded to the tune of $60K. Panahi and Dean didn't mention that, nor did Andrew Bolt.
 As for Andrew Bolt, he has no proof and never did have that he was pranked by Antifa in Melbourne. He certainly wasn't a victim of any regular event that Andy Ngo found himself in. However, Bolt the attention-grabbing leech he is has tried to cast himself as an Aussie Andy Ngo and a right-wing hero here as Ngo was in Portland USA. They are so dissimilar it beggars disbelief that he has personally been editorialising it as if Portland was Carlton
 In Bolt's case, he was the aggressor. Ngo invited it! After Bolt was "pranked", "glittered" by two unidentified jokers unlike Ngo, Bolt went ballistic, and we witnessed a reaction verging on GBH by Andrew Bolt. He wasn't defending himself but out for revenge and simply refused to let those two pranksters get away. Kicking and punching any single king hit if connected by Bolt could have resulted in grievous harm or even death. 
He claimed they were Antifa his evidence was an anonymous claim it was them.  For all, we know it could have been a Bolt supporter claiming to be Antifa to ensure Bolt wasn't arrested like George Columbaris. It certainly wasn't tested in court unlike the pussy cat shove George delivered to a soccer fan abusing his mother. Columbaris was found guilty, and Bolt never charged, which was very odd.
No analysis is offered by Bolt as to what actually occurred in the case of Ngo who marched through a mass of protesters provoking the reaction he got. All we have is Bolt's puffed "what about me" as if he'd been unfairly forgotten, left out by Sky. He even posted his own video to show just how, unlike the two events really were. Not a word offered, in explanation, as to what and why this event in  Portland or that the ultra-right Proud Boys were also there and busting for a fight. That all seems of little interest to Andrew Bolt's attention seeking.
 According to Ngo, his attacker stole his camera equipment. But video footage recorded by another journalist, The Oregonian's Jim Ryan, clearly shows an Antifa activist punching Ngo in the face. Others throw milkshakes at him: 
 Murdoch's Sky commentators Panahi, Dean and James? Others kept saying "they" when even Andy Ngo noted there was only "one" attacker the others just sprayed him. It's as if Ngo marched through the crowd for effect a paid performance. That's Sky News for you the least trusted in Australia. Only one person, according to Ngo really "attacked him" but bugger what he said Panahi wasn't going to stop her rant.
 As for Bolt's"facts," the ultra-right-wing group Proud Boy's involvement wasn't mentioned, nor even the purpose of the demonstration. What's interesting is Bolt doing what he's most creating factless opinion and in this case, putting himself in the centre of the narrative. Strange that Bolt doesn't mention that 1) more than 3 groups were involved 2) Nobody it seems was arrested 3) Any details of why the demonstrations took place. 4) Leaving Sky News to their factless and biased commentaries presented as News and Information. 5) Bolt and Panahi one might well ask "who let them in"?(ODT)

Several Injured As Antifa, Proud Boys Clash In Downtown Portland ...

At least three groups had planned rallies or demonstrations at different sites in the city, including members of the so-called Proud Boys and anti-fascist groups that include "Antifa," and the fights occurred when participants of the opposing groups met, according to The Oregonian/OregonLive

'Totalitarian, militant thugs' behind journalist Andy Ngo's bashing

5. The Portland Event Was Set Up by Far-Right Activist Haley Adams

Haley Adams Facebook page
Facebook/Haley Adam; Haley Adams pictured on her Facebook page.
The “Him Too” event was set up by activist Haley Adams, who goes by the monikers “Rebel Barbie” and “Divas4Trump” on Facebook. In a statement on her Facebook page regarding the June 29 events, Adams said that her event had been a “success” and that they had “a peaceful event.” Adams had earlier reposted Ngo’s photos showing his injuries. In the caption, Adams wrote, “Stand against domestic terrorism.”
Adams wrote that members of Antifa had “attacked our policemen, journalists and innocent citizens of Portland.” Adams then said that Portland’s mayor, Ted Wheeler, would “ignore the crisis.” On her Facebook bio, Adams says that she lives in the “cesspool of Portland, Oregon.”


The leftwing march evolved from an early afternoon rally in a downtown park organised as a counter-protest to two rightwing events. The rally organised by local group PopMob began as a vegan milkshake-themed rally and dance party, in response to rallies announced by the Proud Boys and by a group led by Haley Adams, a local rightwing figure. Adams’ event attracted around 25 people.
 With significant backing from rightwing media and political figures, by late Saturday a crowdfunding website for Ngo had raised more than $60,000.
 Notable by his absence on Saturday was the local rightwing figurehead Joey Gibson, who had announced that he would be leading a second amendment rights rally in Goldendale, Washington.
 After a violent incident at a Portland bar, Cider Riot, after May Day celebrations, Gibson was the subject of a million dollar lawsuit brought by the bar’s owners.
There are just so many things that don't get said by Sky News, mainly why people were actually present.

'A handshake means a lot': Trump meets Kim at the Korean demilitarised zone

This is the pinnacle of a Roger Ailes production piece because it certainly wasn't "spontaneous". Trump did absolutely nothing at the G-20 meeting other than lie and not inspire. "We have the cleanest water in the world" he was quoted as dumb to say when cities like Flint have never recovered, and the floods in the Pennsylvania coal fields have actually washed coal dust into their water supply. Trump has ensured that the scientists of the EPA Admin can't say, that's right can't publicly announce what they'd discovered. Yet, Fox News can and do broadcast, fabricate, and invent Trump News for little purpose other than ratings. Primarily domestic but even International news for a political purpose.
To believe Trump flew into South Korea and spontaneously called Kim Jon Un to act as if their security was as flexible as they made out beggars belief. Their reality is totally fake and meant to fool and confuse their peoples alike.

Another whinge bet Bolt is pouring out what he's been quietly grieving about all these months. The loss of his overpaid job on 2GB and attaching himself to AlanJones as if they were the station's only heroes. He even suggests it was Bolt rather than Stever Price that brought them their high rating. As if the management hadn't done any analysis or polling to arrive at their decision. Now back from a surprise holiday of 8 weeks in the past six months, Bolt's spitting the dummy and claiming victimhood yet again.
In a kneejerk reaction Bolt began his own PODCAST with his son Damian, who needless to say wasn't there to debate his dad. He was going to show 2GB, but it went down faster than the Titanic after some 5 attempts. The career of Andrew Bolt radio broadcaster was over.
News Corp turned Bolt's blog into a PAYWALL a billboard advertising their mastheads and Bolt's own program but effectively removing it as an attention and self-aggrandisement site for the self-labelled headliner Bolt. It seemed as Andrew Bolt had, had his day was gone had lost his backroom shine and value and was now little more than a bleeding heart who ran to the Socialist Netherlands to lick his wounds. When he got back even his friends, the Magpies had left him. 

Why Langton? Well, Marcia Langton was one of the crew of Indigenous Australians that had Andrew Bolt convicted of Racial vilification. Yet again we find Bolt with a personal interest in attacking Langton rather than a professional one.
The ACL and the Catholic Church are all fighting for what the NRL did in the case of Folau the right to discriminate on the grounds of religion. But not in the case of the NRL.

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