Monday, 15 July 2019

Fighting Fake News with Real,15/7/19; This is all Murdoch Media's promotion of Fake News nothing real here but Distraction Deflection and Omission; How far will they stoop?;

How far will Murdoch Media stoop for attention, not news or information? Anything to have you subscribe to their rubbish and Andrew Bolt has been reduced to what paper boys once did beg people to buy.

Dangerous Liaisons: Fox News Teams up with Russian Agents to Undermine Democracy

With the revelation this week that Fox News helped Russian intelligence agents spread the vulgar conspiracy theory about Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich’s murder in 2016, we have entered a dark and dangerous place. We're at the point where a major American cable news channel teamed up with forces from a foreign adversary in order to damage a major political party in this country. What do we even call this? Treason? The fifth column inside the United States? We are so far beyond Fox News being a useful platform for Republicans to spread bits of partisan misinformation. We're talking about a huge, powerful media entity that essentially aligns itself with foreign agents to undermine American democracy from within. And no, that's not hyperbole. Those are the established facts, per a Yahoo News investigation.
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Rupert Murdoch - Flickr - Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer.jpg

 What Bolt will do for this man


There is a new axis of evil, of authoritarian nations. A startling example: Western nations including Australia protest against China's mass detention of Muslims, but China is backed by autocracies, many Muslim. "Russia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Egypt, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines and UAE, countered China’s criticism by the 22 western nations."  


It seems Murdoch needs a to counterpoint the 100s of thousands of people asylum seekers being arrested and put into concentration camps by Israel, The USA Australia and now supported by Western right-wing Governments. 
 The axis of hate in the West has been the voice of Murdoch media. It's gone much further than just complaints of China re-educating people.  Andrew Bolt has been calling to do just that in multicultural for years. He has been, defending the separation of children from Indigenous Australian families for years and denying they'd ever been stolen and put into schools for not just for re-education but hard labour. He's even called for increased imprisonment of indigenous children and been sympathetic to the conditions and treatment their guards had been put through. Even after a Royal Commission was held, he called it a stitch-up of welfare. Bolt's argued for the deportation of Sudanese, Lebanese and Muslims from Australia and been a loud supporter of the imprisonment of  children on Nauru, 
Having cheered Australia on as the model of how governments need to treat people he calls "illegals" he's now raising Cain about the Chinese for doing what he's always supported. Posturing against them if they have invented something "New" and exceptional. 
Andrew Bolt's own cultural origins his generational roots are Aalsmeer a town famous for separating its citizens in a worse way by sending them to death camps. The Dutch sent 80% of their Jewish citizens to death camps and hid the fact until the truth was revealed to the world in the 1980s. How much fake outrage can be shown by Andrew Bolt when his family knew the truth of Aalsmeer?
   Murdoch media believes taking attention away from the Trump ICE raids is good for the Trump Administration and therefore suitable for their bottom line, so China, not Nth Korea or Israel is the better focus.
If they came by boat seeking asylum they'd be on Manus/ Nauru/or Xmas islands. Australia wants the world to think we are "Humane".

As seen through fencing, migrants—including a young child—stand while being detained by Department of Homeland Security police after crossing to the U.S. side of the U.S.-Mexico border barrier, on June 27, 2019 in El Paso, Texas.

As ICE Raids Begin, Advocates Remind Immigrants That 'You Have Rights'

 The reason Andrew Bolt and the Herald Sun is highlighting China (ODT)

Long-feared ICE raids began quietly over the weekend as the agency moved slowly to lead off what's expected to be several days of actions targeting families as part of President Donald Trump's war on immigrants.  

Plans for the raids were made public on July 11. Reporting from The New York Times revealed the scope of the planned raids—targeting 10 cities and thousands of families—and President Donald Trump, in a tweet, confirmed the operation.

Bolt shows how easy it is to wists words and alter facts. The origins of the word Fascism is Right-Wing, and it was brought to the world's attention by Mussolini to describe something he dreamed of, but yet didn't exist. That was a single right-wing government run in partnership as a privatised Corporate State. Antifa is Left-wing and diametrically opposed to being fascists. In fact, they are what America regards as the extreme Liberal Left a counterpoint to the extreme Conservative Right. Statistics and official records in the USA show since 9/11 1) More violence, deaths and injuries have been caused by the Alt-Right in America than any extreme Left group. 2) That the Alt-Right has been given support and defended by media organisations like Murdoch's that have built a myth, lies and fake news about the left to deflect attention away from a current President that has a history of enabling extreme right groups and their violence. The myth that good and evil exist on both sides and therefore, violence is equal to both when the facts prove the opposite. 
Bolt has been known to praise  Islamic terrorists and complain that Christians ought to have the commitments suicide bombers have. He plainly did that after the Barcelona bombings. Now he's complaining about Antifa, what a hypocrite he is.

Yet another child a 6-year-old attempted suicide, and a young 19-year-old man died while in detention in Australia. Panahi and Andrew Bolt team together to distract the attention away from the death of people while in custody in this country and that nobody really cares. They do, and it's reflected in the lack of attention paid by the biggest Media group in this country and their avoidance to treat it as news.
They are the media group who recently steered attention away from the world's mass shootings of Palestinian women and children by Israeli snipers and the maiming of thousands more withholding of medical assistance for the wounded resulting in forced amputations never publicised. Why were thousands of people injured? It was never really asked or reported because it was more profitable not to broadcast the events to the English speaking world unless they were the voice of the Israel Lobby. Body count 1 to 20,000 Palestinians dead and injured.

This plot twist is not uncommon with Australia’s own “stolen generations”, which schoolchildren are taught was the theft by racist officials of up to 100,000 Aboriginal children.
 Andrew Bolt somehow wants us to believe that these were all a willing case of adoption, and it's what occurred to 100,000s of Indigenous children "willingly". That families voluntarily colluded with State Welfare and the Church to take their children from them. This has been Bolt's desperate myth pedalling Indigenous Australians are liars. That they were abused and molested never really raised by Bolt. That they were lied to and their whereabouts hidden from their families or that they weren't really children taken.
Bolt really doesn't delve into the industry created for profit on the backs of a people who were impoverished by this country's institutions and laws and who remain the worst people treated as a group even today. 
Which community group has access to broadcasting fake news, fake history more so than Andrew Bolt's a convicted vilifier defamer who remains in the employ of the largest media in the country? Meanwhile, real journalists are being threatened by the state for printing real news.

“Some (sceptics) even argue that their free speech is being curtailed because they don’t get equal airtime in debates on (global warming),” jeered Peter van Onselen.
“Never mind that 99 per cent of climate scientists say it’s a genuine phenomenon.”
According to Andrew Bolt, this statement is a lie. If so how is it the majority of time given on the Bolt Report and Sky after Dark is to "sceptics". So that's true. When Climate scientists were surveyed, 97 % were found to support the fact that Climate Change was a genuine phenomenon some 3% doubted it and less than that were deniers.
Those two facts alone should spell the truth.
Bolt declares Climate Science is not a science; it's a religion. Most of the sciences and scientists on the planet think otherwise. Why is it Andrew Bolt chooses non-Climate Scientists, a handful, a minority to run his Climate Change denial arguments for him? He can't find Climate Scientists that support his denialist views. Even Tony Abbot declared Climate Change to be real and Bolt never challenged him. Strange, isn't it? A failed university commentator puts himself up as an expert on a topic he really is incapable of arguing with any reason.
The defence force is even warning us about Climate Change, and Andrew Bolt is a great supporter of this Institution. They are currently advising we need to get involved and do something about Climate Change.  Like Abbott Bolt ignores their call.

Electricity prices on the rise despite reregulation of the market

Do something government has done nothing and is doing nothing

 The Federal Government's "landmark" reregulation of power prices has just come into effect, but will it be effective and who is offering the cheapest deals

Key points:

  • The new Default Market Offer reforms, intended to end the "loyalty tax" in the retail energy market, started on July 1
  • The new DMO operates more as price comparison, rather than a price cap as originally intended
  • Price discounting and competition has slowed recently, with retail power prices rising back to levels seen 12 months ago

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