PNG rejects Australian Government's move to deport Gus Kuster
Peter Dutton really is the dumbest cop and minister this country has produced.
An attempt by Australian authorities to deport a convicted criminal to Papua New Guinea fails when authorities in that country refuse the man entry and vow to send him back to Australia.
Australian officials had planned to leave Kuster in Port Moresby, where his family said he had no close relatives, with two weeks' paid accommodation and $250.

George Pell has lost his appeal. What did the court decide and what happens now? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Pell had already faced two juries, after his first trial in 2018 ended in a hung jury.
Following Wednesday's ruling Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison expressed sympathy for the victims.
He said the "courts had done their job" and indicated Pell would be stripped of his Order of Australia honour.
During Pell's trial under the court-ordered veil of secrecy, the Vatican gradually removed him from top Church bodies with little explanation.
Shortly after his conviction, Pell was removed from the so-called C9 Council of Cardinals that are effectively the pope's cabinet and inner circle of advisers.
The Vatican dropped him as the Church's finance chief and opened its own investigation into his actions after his conviction was made public in February.
Pell verdict
Convicted paedophile Pell set to lose Order of Australia
George Pell is likely to lose his Order of Australia medal, Scott Morrison said after the Cardinal's appeal was dismissed.
- The former choirboy sexually abused by Cardinal George Pell welcomes the dismissal of Pell's appeal and says he hopes the "stressful" court process has come to an end.
Victoria's Court of Appeal has rejected George Pell's appeal against his conviction for sexual abuse. Two of the three judges ruled against him, one for him because the verdict was unreasonable.
The Andrew Bolt response seems like that of a twisted churchmouse. The verdict was Two of three judges found the verdict REASONABLE one was not entirely convinced. The Victorian Court of Appeal didn't REJECT Pell's appeal they DISMISSED it according to the rules of law.
One truth Bolt admits to is "I'm not a Lawyer" He didn't attend much of the court hearings if any. "anyone who tries to second guess the process of the legal system is a fool" How true is that when it comes to Andrew Bolt.
One truth Bolt admits to is "I'm not a Lawyer" He didn't attend much of the court hearings if any. "anyone who tries to second guess the process of the legal system is a fool" How true is that when it comes to Andrew Bolt.
The Labor Environment Action Network is still in denial about why Labor lost the election: "Labor was unable to put a price on its climate change action plan... It couldn’t say how much it would cost... or what economic dividend it would deliver." No, it wasn't unable but unwilling to tell us the truth - the cost, too much; the benefit, none.
Andrew Bolt is as smart as a bag of rocks. Ideas thought worthwhile throughout history didn't come to a standstill because of the unknown cost of their pursuit or the guaranteed benefit. Venture Capitalists and governments lost billions chasing what they thought "good ideas" at the time without the exactness Bolt demands. If that weren't the case, the culture exploration and science of any kind wouldn't have been attempted. America wouldn't have been discovered, and man wouldn't have bothered going to the moon, Most of the research prolonging life would have been considered a waste of time.
We know the planet's warming even Bolt stopped telling us it was cooling because he realised it made him as thick as a plank. However, what we do know if we can't reverse the physical fact of man's contribution to warming the planet future generations will suffer more and unnecessarily than all the man-made wars throughout history. There is a global consensus that planet-warming is a problem. It will affect everyone in differing degrees all classes, and no one will escape it, and a global initiative is needed to prevent it.
We know the planet's warming even Bolt stopped telling us it was cooling because he realised it made him as thick as a plank. However, what we do know if we can't reverse the physical fact of man's contribution to warming the planet future generations will suffer more and unnecessarily than all the man-made wars throughout history. There is a global consensus that planet-warming is a problem. It will affect everyone in differing degrees all classes, and no one will escape it, and a global initiative is needed to prevent it.
So why does Bolt have the mega-platform that amplifies the madness of doing nothing rather than something about these damaging events which we know are occurring? Would he argue the same if we knew an asteroid was going to hit the earth in 500 years from now? Would he be advocating do nothing simply because we don't know how much it will cost Him? So Dutch proof a birth certificate doesn't make you an Australian. A cost he doesn't want to share but a pay packet he readily does.
The greatest pity is millions of dollars are being spent resisting action rather than doing something about it. 0.3% of the population of the world yet the 3rd biggest exporter of fossil fuels ant 14th largest emitter of Greenhouse gasses.
The greatest pity is millions of dollars are being spent resisting action rather than doing something about it. 0.3% of the population of the world yet the 3rd biggest exporter of fossil fuels ant 14th largest emitter of Greenhouse gasses.

The attack on women by Australian politicians, and Alan Jones - » The Australian Independent Media Network
Things have been just dandy for women in the last forty-eight hours, with broadcaster Alan Jones declaring that Prime Minister Scott Morrison should give New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern a few backhands to shut her up, and then stuff a sock down her throat.
Jones was supported by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, who mildly reprimanded him for his boy talk, before going on to declare that Jones is a “mainstay of our media.”
There is little more dangerous to women than a cabal of white, privileged, powerful men in politics and media who believe they have the right to control our bodies. What is needed is an equally powerful cabal of white, privileged, powerful men in politics and media who will vocally support us in our fight for bodily autonomy. So far, I hear very few men of influence doing that.
When the Treasurer of Australia describes a misogynist, violent scroat as a “media mainstay,” I have little hope.
Two public relations disasters are undermining the royal family. One involves Prince Andrew, implicated in the Epstein pedophile scandal. The other is the astonishing hypocrisy of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, lecturing commoners on global warming while using private jets to goof off on the Mediterranean. I talk to Brendan O'Neill of Spiked.
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