Sunday, 13 October 2019

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 13/10/19; Just 20 Companies; Trump's Tell's; The US as our ally; An excuse to break the tariff dead line and then brag;

These giants have played an overwhelming role in the planet’s mounting climate crisis.

“Trump always has tells, right?” Joyce Vance told MSNBC's Ari Melber.

Between China and America, we chose the wrong friend

While the Australian Government panders to America's every whim, China continues to be a progressively dominant power in the Pacific.

 What next in the US-China trade fight?

 Trump puts himself in shit up to his bottom lip and sinking Impeachment, Obstruction, Giuliani, Taxes, Syria, and is in desperate need to of a positive move he can call a win and celebrate with his support base. At the moment he's going to hell in a handbasket.
 So he's had to use up a win he was saving for pre-election 2020. Given the news cycle is 24/7 what happened in 2018 has past and is quickly forgotten like, for example, starting the small trade war with China. Remember, Trump was the one who started it. Today he wriggled down and is now up to his chin in the faecal matter but has nevertheless declared himself a hero and winner.
 After all the Chinese neither broadcast in English nor does Fox broadcast in Chinese so when push comes to shove he can always use Fox to run point guard for him and declare him a winner even if China has really done nothing but stand and watch Trump shadow box for the past 18 months. Trump has declared himself a winner when at best, all we are seeing is Trump stepping back from something he originally started. He's doing a Kim Jong-un in reverse.  Kim generally gives an inch and then takes back a mile. Trump takes a mile and then gives back an inch. Your being conned America (ODT) 

US markets jumped on news of a US-China trade, but slipped back down on the detail
The "phase one" agreement is limited to agriculture, currency and intellectual property, well short of the comprehensive deal the US is seeking
It is expected to take 5 weeks to sign a deal, and while President Trump says it should be completed, he conceded it could still fall apart

 Trump hails the US-China trade 'lovefest', but the verbal agreement is a long way short of his ambitions - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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