Eden-Monaro byelection Contest on knife-edge as strategists lean towards Labor win
In the age of coronavirus, 'live free or die' is now a real choice for Americans
No matter how hard Donald Trump tries to downplay the coronavirus, it refuses to obey and just keeps on infecting Americans at an ever-increasing rate. And experts are warning innocent summer gatherings could be partly to blame, writes Philip Williams.
Warnings JobKeeper payments could boost company profits and executive bonuses
Frydenberg improving the economy (ODT)
experts are warning investors to keep an eye out for companies using
the stimulus package to inflate profit figures and pad up executive
CDPP drops 42 charges against ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle, but he could still face life in prison
The charges against whistleblower Richard Boyle were dropped days after parliamentary report found the ATO had conducted a "superficial" investigation into his public interest disclosure, but 24 charges remainWhy does the Government get to decide if a journalist is prosecuted?
If Commonwealth lawyers decide to go ahead and prosecute an ABC journalist for publishing classified material, they'll have to get the tick of approval from the Attorney-General first.

He's fast become the Bauer Media Star at News Corpse. Taking on tabloid sensationalism to attract lost attention. Like Bauer, he's actively reducing the value of Murdoch's Australian asset. Can Murdoch's investment in Australia shrink further than it already has? Their only avenue of survival seems to be to getting rid of the ABC. Hardly an action of self-belief in what they do.
Murdoch doesn't like to hang on to losers suggesting Trump has seen his use-by date moved forward by increasingly less supportive PR by Fox while still of some use.
Bolt certainly isn't he doesn't have the ear of our PM like Carlson, Hannity and others do Trump. Gone are the days when he was boosted by Abbott. Now he's just a reminder of someone who desperately buys others on his show to do the talking for him. When he does open his mouth he's ever so predictably repetitious. He's become a one-trick pony in the world of media. Discarded by Fairfax's 2GB where he thought he was an essential and dumped by his own effort at podcasting. He's now reduced to this to attract an audience. Where is MILO?? (ODT)
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