Monday, 13 July 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL,13/7/20; Murdoch pays no tax; Bolt pays no heed and gets paid for DISTRACTION

Australian Unions

Who will be footing the bill for COVID

17 hrs
One in three of Australia's biggest companies don't pay any tax.
Newscorp’s revenue for 2018 was $9.02 billion - yet they paid no tax 🤔



Kazimierz Brandys could have been writing of now: "You can hear the West’s faint-hearted recognition of its own biological weakness; they know their fatigue, the exhaustion of an old race that has to preserve carefully what strength it has. They don’t want to perish. They see no values in the world worth dedicating their lives to …"
44m ago 

 White victimhood raised high. An old race I don't think so next to Indigenous Australia's 60,000 years of continuous existence that's bullshit. Biologically weak the social metrics offer an entirely different story as does fatigue and exhaustion not found in the Bolt's holiday home overseas getaways. Let alone the high wages for no productive effort.

 The West does definitely preserve its strength where it can with America's 150 plus military bases around the world along with the sanctions handed out to that don't obey and where they aren't welcomed. They only see a world dedicated to one value privatised wealth already accumulated protected increased and monopolised. So much so they are eating themselves. 

Here we have a case of mythologising reverse victimhood Look up above at Rupert Murdoch and ask whether you see the West dying of exhaustion?


COLUMN Where have all the strong people gone? Why are the hurt and bleeding now our new heroes? Once we admired people who kept a stiff upper lip. Now we demand they show us their wounds, and we ooh over their bandaged stumps and shattered feelings. Here are some examples from just yesterday’s papers.
4m ago 

Bolt's "strong people" Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump. Whose Bills do they pay not even their own!(ODT)



COLUMN Last month I said something terrible – “sack him!” cried the mob – about Victoria’s second wave of coronavirus. I said it “exposes the stupidity of that multicultural slogan ‘diversity makes us stronger’”. Now look. The worst virus hot spots have been housing commission towers (145 cases), Al-Taqwa College (134) and the Cedar Meats abattoir (111).
17m ago 

Hospitals and Abbatoirs are Hot Spots according to Andrew Bolt these are the COVID Hot Spots because they are multicultural zones. Not because he and his tribe won't work there because the conditions are congested because migrants have invaded these areas. Fill them with middle-class whites and the Coronavirus will simply vanish. 

There is a minimal virus in China and Minimal diversity but you won't see Bolt go there as that's promoting China and lack of diversity. America leads the world because of multiculturalism not Trump's stupidity in leadership. Darwin and the NT must be the proof of Bolt's theory it has the least cases. How is it possible Darwin is more multicultural than Melbourne.

So much for Bolt's empathy his Richmond hero Bachar Houli's mother has COVID and here is Bolt blaming her and her kind for having it she simply shouldn't be here.


The barbarians aren't just at the gates. They are now being paid with your money to defecate on our civilisation: "David Finnigan, who wrote the daintily-titled play Kill Climate Deniers, is adding more lustre to the arts scene with his self-styled “romantic comedy”, titled 44 Sex Acts in One Week. It involves 'endurance stunt f***ing'." Read on.
23m ago 

Paul Barry was right Bolt does use the word "savages liberally" Bolt's right people are being paid to defecate on our civilisation and being paid with our money. You will see them at News Corp and on Sky being paid by an organisation that pays no tax. David Finnigan does. Fleecing Australia: Tax Office data dump shows the usual large culprits paying no tax


Another victim of the cancel culture - Jean Raspail, author of the scathing and prescient satire The Camp of the Saints, in which he imagined (in 1973) the shock of the arrival of a million poor refugees in France. Raspail was aswarded the  Jean Walter Prize for the whole of his work but Amazon now thinks he must not be read.
32m ago 
Andrew Bolt stands shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump declaring the left have taken over education and have filled the minds of children with books that shouldn't be read. There is no space for Safe Schools in this country. They need to be taught.


"Racism" is just abuse, Andrew Giles. The last resort of feeble and lazy minds, and I'm now impervious to it.  What does still work with me is reason. Try instead showing just why I am "wrong". Argue your point. Otherwise I must conclude you are just playing to the mob, while secretly suspecting I am right.
1h ago 
Bullying is just abuse. The last resort of the feeble and lazy minds and I'm now impervious to it. What does still work with me is reason. Try instead of showing just why I'm wrong. Argue your point. Otherwise, I must conclude you are just playing to the mob while secretly suspecting I am right. 
This statement is This challenge is Andrew Bolt's idea of reason it's simply the bully's escape and in this case one that happens to be a racist whose logic is totally flawed. 
Bolt took his logic and reason to court and had the most expensive lawyers in the country argue his case yet he was found guilty of Racial vilification. He expected his team would appeal but even they chose not to. The only person suspecting he was right was Bolt how amusing. Here he is demanding his chance again to be proven a loser. Who the fuck would be bothered.
Why doesn't Bolt sue Andrew Giles it's not a case of Parliamentary privilege. The logic Aborigines aren't the victims of their circumstance they are creators is the same Bolt is now applying to migrants it's perverse bigoted and in many cases racial and Islamophobic. The only question that needs to be asked is why isn't back in court and I'm sure it's because his legal team ensures he doesn't push the legal envelope over the edge again.
Bolt's not an accidental racist and vilifier of Australians he's a full-blown one who if attacked is the first to cry reverse racism reverse vilification and victimhood. 

Communities fighting the coronavirus shouldn’t have to fight racism too. Andrew Bolt’s comments today are awful, divisive, inflammatory and wrong. Melbourne stands together, in solidary, against the virus and against racism.

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