Wednesday 23 September 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 23/9/20; Cartoon, Morrison's Tax Cuts, Fake News, China,


Justice prevails

A useful recap of the Luddite stupidity of the Liberals on the NBN over the years. At the behest of the Murdochracy, of course.
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The Coalition has spent the past decade denigrating Kevin Rudd's plan for faster internet. Today, they're enacting it... so it’s worth having a look at what the Liberals have said about fibre to the home over the years. (NO PAYWALL)

Coalition tax cuts blasted by former Reserve Bank boss in new ad campaign

Coalition tax cuts blasted by former Reserve Bank boss in new ad campaign

Critics of Morrison’s tax cuts, including a Nobel laureate, have come out swinging with a new TV ad
Meanwhile, the progressive think tank, the Australia Institute, is funding the new advertising campaign declaring that tax cuts won’t create jobs or pump prime the economy. The campaign is endorsed by former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser, former Liberal leader John Hewson, Nobel laureate Peter Doherty, the chief executive of the Australian Council of Social Service, Cassandra Goldie, and a number of academic economists and former officials
In statements endorsing the campaign, Fraser said: “The unfolding Covid pandemic is a stark reminder to all policymakers of two fundamental truths: that while many of us work and spend in economies, we all live and die in communities; and, secondly, the most vulnerable groups in those communities are always hit the hardest in major crises like this pandemic.”
Hewson said the government “naively” hoped that tax cuts are good politics, “but they won’t be as they increase inequality and fail to ensure job security and increasing wages with our economy still struggling to exit recession”.
Guardian Australia understands the government has already signed off on the big-ticket items for the looming budget, including tax cuts and infrastructure spending.


 In the first seven months of this year over 500,000 rural Tibetan labourers have been pushed into military-style training centres.

China forces 500,000 Tibetans into labour camps

China is pushing hundreds of thousands of Tibetans into forced labour camps to to reform 'backward thinking'.

One might ask is this something that has just begun happening?  Did the media just discover this new Chinese perversion and did satellites not see the buildings going up? Why have they been so silent all this time and is Hastie's press release regarded as investigative reporting on the part of The AGE. It seems a discovery of political convenience in a world in which very little is a secret.

What's odd is tourists have been going to Tibet for quite some years overland from India and absolutely no mention of this has filtered through until now. Why would that be as they aren't prevented talking to Tibetans in Lhasa?
The technology spying on China is the world's most sophisticated.

Hastie we know has an agenda against what he regards as the godless nation and he's turned to a Dr Adrian Zenz a lecturer at an Evangelical Theological Institution and a senior fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation for his information not mentioned by The Age's not so investigative journalists.. 
The Fulang Gong once a cause for people like Hastie have turned out to be a false one as they were found to be a cult worse than the CCP when it came to "brainwashing". Strange isn't it how they are presenting the very clever Chinese as being very dumb. Particularly when Andrew Hastie MP supports our very brutal Asylum centres that have detained people for up to 11 years and who have been deprived of any communication devices with the outside world.  Let's not forget Hastie even denied NZ taking our detainees on human rights grounds.

Australian Liberal MP Andrew Hastie and Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching, co-chairs of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said Dr Zenz's findings on the situation in Tibet were just as alarming as the treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang.
"Just as the international community was rightly outraged by the details presented in the Xinjiang papers, and the treatment of the Uighur people, they will be just as troubled by this report on forced labour camps in the Tibet Autonomous Region," Hastie and Kitching said in a joint statement.



Craig Ruddy, finalist in the Archibald Prize, is just the latest artist or photographer to face this dilemma. They look at Bruce Pascoe and see a white man. But they - and their clients and audiences - really, really want him to seem Aboriginal instead. So how to show this "Aboriginal author" in the best light? Here's how they did it.
36m ago 
 You know the difference when a lazy commentator has little or nothing to comment about. He returns to a topic that has become his obsession and Bolt has a few, Bruce Pascoe being just one. So much so that Bolt conflates his hatred of Pascoe and directs it on 2004 Archibald Prize winner Craig Ruddy's finalist painting this year. To Racist Bolt the art is a political statement an insult rather than a piece of art and as such, no doubt should never have been chosen.   How topical of Bolt given the Packing Room prize this year also went to an Aboriginal artist as well whose self-portrait could be deemed interpretative as well. Bolt doesn't comment on his unrealist portrayal.
What a nightmare for Bolt who lives eats and dreams of the death of Bruce and those that support him. What he doesn't do is refer to all the current historians discovering more and more  about the true history of Australia so detrimental to the mythology we have been presented with for so many years

Archibald 2020: 'The most refreshing exhibition I can remember'

Soo Aleman



Something very strange is happening in Europe: there is a huge second wave of infections - but almost no second wave of deaths. Has the virus mutated into something safer? Even stranger: Swedish infectious diseases expert Soo Aleman says research suggests up to 30 per cent of people are already immune, perhaps through having had a cold. Watch.
2h ago 
 Repetition weeks of it is lazy reporting seriously lazy reporting. Bolt mentions Sweden as a success with it's 6000 deaths compared with Denmark's 200 and Norway's 600. They had lockdowns Sweden didn't for the equivalent economic cost. Sweden has now so much politically invested in proving their death rate was a benefit rather than a cost that Bolt has developed Trump's "herd mentality". Meanwhile, since that study cases seem to have been surging again elsewhere and that's not speculation. Bolt for over a week has been hanging on to an unpeer-reviewed study from Sweden dated 18/8/20 which must have been carried out when death rates were obviously falling. A study that seems to only have an "if" attached to it's conclusions not accounting for the current surge. Never the less Bolt is selling as Trump is in America, a definitive success..

Less deaths Bolt cries proved by a study over a month old with data collected 2 months ago when curves were flattening everywhere. We are at the beginnings of second-wave  no mention by Bolt of the UK's current panic and fines of $18,000 for not complying to new bans in place. Bolt's prepared to say he's been right all along But he did that for 20 years telling us the planet was cooling hanging on to the results of a single study as well.
  Now with the death lag to follow the increasing cases nothing is conclusive but past experience. We do know that every country now is better prepared for a second wave so death may be minimised. What we don't know however is the outcome of a journey in it's beginnings which Bolt an idiot is calling safe. We also know had stricter measures been maintained as Dan Andrews has put in place this second wave would most likely be contained far more than what's currently happening. The fact that Bolt and his ilk are rushing to call it a victory shows they or he has no respect for the risk to others. However comfortable that they don't have to take it.
Bolts like a bus driver couldn't give a shit where his passengers want to go he's going where he wants.

Coalition tax cuts blasted by former Reserve Bank boss in new ad campaign

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