Monday 26 October 2020

Fighting Fake News with REAL 26/10/20; Humour; Is the Pope a Catholic? Do bears shit in the forest?;






Victoria’s lockdown has provoked a self-styled rebellion that postures as defending freedom against the state premier, “Dictator” Dan Andrews. But once you scratch the plebian surface, the “movement” is led by right-wing activists and funded by Liberal Party money.

The Australian Right Is Trying To Import Trump-Style Reactionary Populism

 Rudy Giuliani caught in embarrassing bedroom scene in new Borat movie

Rudy Giuliani Releases Video Of Himself Masturbating To Show What It Would Actually Look Like

Pope Francis supports same-sex unions, cardinals ask ‘Is the Pope a Catholic?’

 Pope Francis has surprised and shocked many with his statement backing same-sex unions. Alan Austin assesses its significance.





Just as I predicted on last night's show. Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani was mocked by the mainstream media for - they winked - being filmed masturbating in another Borat sting by Sacha Baron Cohen. But all that the media relied on was one carefully leaked still from the movie. And sure enough, today we see actual video, but will the media apologize? 

Andrew Bolt exposes himself to prove Giuliani is innocent. Apparently he's been caught in similar circumstances himself.and knows what it feels like to be deemed guilty when innocent. However we know both will do anything to grab attention because attention is their currencey.



COLUMN Something smells in Victoria. Investigators in three countries are checking whether Vatican officials sent bribes to Victoria to frame Cardinal George Pell for child sex abuse. Only Victoria’s police refuses to investigate. How odd. Some might say “convenient”. 

Alone in a corner the world around him is amass with the media shrill of Covid Corruption the US election and Bolt's still playing with George. It's as if it's the only story that Andrew Bolt believes is his and his alone and his legacy to journalism never to be forgotten. Pell turns 80 soon and yes the Vatican will put him out to pasture without reinstating him to any position of importance let alone influence.

Bolt almost cuts a Rudy Giuliani figure raising a rumor as fact and demanding it be investigated. This could be an opportunity for the Bolt novel movie and TV series to prove these past 40 years weren't a waste.

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