Democracy tells us the government works for all Australians yet the LNP believes in working only for those that vote for it. Meanwhile Morrison spits in the face face of those that don't vote for him openly declaring they voted for the wrong party. That reason alone tells us to get rid of him.
The Yarra River has become a dividing line between the Labor and Liberal parties. It is also a dividing line between which seats get grants and those that don’t. A special breakdown of more than 19,000 federal grants over the past three years reveals the nine Liberal electorates east of the Yarra have shared in more than $86 million while over the same period, nine Labor-held seats west of the river have shared just $14 million.Four Labor seats including Maribyrnong, held by former opposition leader Bill Shorten, each received less than $1 million while three Liberal seats, including the vulnerable marginal electorate of La Trobe, received more than $15 million each.
Tapping the pork barrel: How the Yarra divides millions in grants
History of the LNP for the past 8 years shows and increased Income Gap, Increased Wealth Gap, and a slide in every social metric when compared with any other OECD country. Under Labor Australia had lower taxes and during the GFC we were the world's best economy. Listen to the boy from Harvard and Kooyong spin that it's not their fault but the Pandemic's that we face difficult times. The truth however is different and history, and data shows downward slide began in 2013, not in 2019.
Under the the LNP we are going to hear of a record rate of improvement in our economy the one the LNP tanked. Frydenberg will suggest they are the heroes having seen us dive like bungee jump and bounce to recover so quickly from the bottom. No mention that the immediate recovery will never reach the heights of pre-pandemic days and when it does our debt will be mind blowing with the money flowing to the already wealthy being wealthier than never before except they only represent 1% of us
The LNP have broken more promises and done nothing in 8 years than any progressive bills passed remember Abbott's "No Cuts" to the ABC, Health, Education and real jobs. Jobs that allowed you to plan for the future and banks saying Yes,Yes to you!! Remember when we traded with China and cost of living fell. Remember when housing was affordable, and we had a functioning Public not Private Service. Remember when the unemployed had livable Welfare that allowed them to retrain and look for work and those on NDIS weren't scared shitless their support was going to be stopped by a number cruncher. Remember when welfare wasn't simply corporate and going to companies by way of JobKeeper and Maker they weren't issued with cashless credit cards. Remember when the MSM wasn't sustained by a government " cash for comment system". But politicians had to front and be questioned by the ABC as to what they were doing and not just softballed and broadcast on 2GB and Sky.
It's time for a change a change and not just because of one mistake like Labor's "pink bats". Morrison's " vaccine strollout", "aged -care" caused more deaths and the LNP has made us the singular most nuclear target in the Pacific "to keep us safe". Yes, by creating an increased US presance all of which we have to pay for with our money before ever seeing a sub and by increased threat. Yes, "it's change time again" Wake up Australia! Your about to be hit by a barrage of bullshit again. A load false promises to do nothing like the 2 water tanker jets Morrison promised to fight fires with. This government works for 1% of Australians but worse for multi-nationals who don't pay tax and whose profits go to share holders in tax havens not here. History holds the data of false promises made.
Thursday’s budget update will include new Treasury forecasts which upgrade wage growth for every year of the next four years.
Federal government promises a million jobs will be created over next four years
Morrison admits he doesn’t “govern” for all Australians when he says the LNP are” better represented”. 50% of Australia didn’t vote for him their “needs ” obviously have little or nothing to do with the grants given out politics does. So, he agrees he’s pork-barrelling but that’s quite ok. Birmingham claims the LNP supports disability and only regional areas. When in fact we know their current program is to cut the NDIS.Data is data and neither Morrison or Birmingham put up a convincing argument that bribing electorates is Democratic and they are working for all Australians. When will these pricks stop gaslighting us? The biggest welfare has been Corporate, and shit, given the increased income and wealth gaps these past 8 years we know how well that worked.
Senator Birmingham also pointed to other grant programs that provided strong support to Labor electorates, such as disability support.Prime Minister Scott Morrison put the discrepancies between Labor and Liberal electorates – including Defence Minister Peter Dutton’s inner Brisbane seat receiving almost 50 times more than its Labor-held neighbour – to Coalition seats having good local members.
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